And Speaking of More Gun Laws Making The Streets Safe for All MA Citizens.......

Harry Christopher

NES Member
Jul 25, 2023
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By Ryan Trowbridge
Published: Jul. 9, 2024 at 1:24 PM EDT|Updated: 5 hours ago

(WGGB/WSHM) – Authorities claim that an alleged gun trafficking suspect was released on low bail because of his employment at a local school.
Jim Leydon, spokesperson for the Hampden District Attorney’s Office, said that 44-year-old Pablo Correa was arrested on July 2 at his Springfield home. It’s alleged that Correa was identified during an months-long investigation as a local gun trafficker, as well as having possession of a large amount of guns.

Correa was arraigned the next day, on July 3, on charges including six counts of possession of firearm without a license, five counts of possession of a large capacity weapon or feeding device, two counts of defacing a firearm serial number, and possession of ammunition without a license. During his hearing, prosecutors asked for $50,000 bail. However, bail was set at $10,000 by the court because Leydon explained that, according to court documents, “one of the reasons the judge set a lower bail than what was requested by the prosecution is the defendant’s employment record, which is currently as a security officer at the High School of Science and Technology in the City of Springfield.”

Correa posted bail and was released from the Hampden County House of Correction the same day.
Hampden District Attorney Anthony Gulluni said in a statement:

“It is as disheartening as it is frustrating to have criminal defendants who face serious firearms charges repeatedly sent back to the community. But, in this case, to understand that the judge’s rationale to release this person was to return him to his employment in a high school as a security officer, is unconscionable and astounding. We will not make progress on the epidemic of gun violence when we fail to hold accountable those who are supplying guns to those who intend to commit acts of violence in our streets. Minimizing the harm associated with the alleged possession and distribution of this kind of weaponry is detrimental to public safety and puts members of law enforcement in harm’s way.”
Anthony Gulluni, Hampden District Attorney

Gulluni also thanked Springfield Public Schools officials for “taking swift action when they learned of the defendant’s bail status.” Springfield Public Schools spokesperson Azell Cavaan said in a statement, “Upon learning of the arrest, the School Department promptly took action to ensure that all appropriate protocols were followed. We are committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for students and staff. His current status is paid administrative leave pending investigation.” She added that Correa was placed on leave on July 8.
Correa is due back in court on August 2.

Copyright 2024. Western Mass News (WGGB/WSHM). All rights reserved.
Pretty sure this was the same office that let out the person who ended up shooting the pregnant woman. That person was picked up on gun charges and was out awaiting a hearing when the shooting occurred.
I started typing a response a few times and decided it was too vulgar and graphic to post on what should be done to our state rulers for coddling real criminals. 🤬

The "coddling [of] real criminals" has unfortunately become the norm in the corridors of the Boston political establishment for quite a few years. There is no apparent consequence when the court system will not enforce the laws that are currently on the books.

The so called "progressive restorative justice" school of judicial practice my humble opinion.....been more responsible for the present state of anarchy on our streets than any lawful gun owner has ever been.

One could be forgiven for having arrived at the inescapable conclusion that as a society we have well and truly lost the plot as it were and the near future forecast does not look terribly encouraging pursuant to society as a whole realizing this state of affair much less trying to correct it.
Devils advocate….if this guys lived in NH he would not have any charges except for serial number defacement but I am not sure if NH has that as a state law of if that is federal.
Got to look on the bright side.
One of these days these guys are going to win a case that says they didn't break any laws.
Because the current laws are in violation of his constitutional rights.
He'll blame the 1968 gun control act as racist and that may open up the way for everyone.
Now if that was me and I was caught with a magazine that holds greater then 10 rounds manufactured after Sept. 13, 1994, the DA would asked for 50k bail and the judge would have to bump it 100k because my white privilege would make me a real threat and danger to the community and in the best intrest to society, it would be nessary to keep me off the streets. It would be nessary to make an example especially considering I don't have a job because I am retired and would have too much time on my hands.
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No spread of the spoils?? Weak sauce!! Let’s see his hi-points all spread out on the table!!!
Golluni needs to call out the judge by name. This kind of crap is always happening. It’s a revolving door and Hampden County HOC’s numbers are too damn low.
Got to look on the bright side.
One of these days these guys are going to win a case that says they didn't break any laws.
Because the current laws are in violation of his constitutional rights.
He'll blame the 1968 gun control act as racist and that may open up the way for everyone.
All gun control is racist tho
Massachusetts........proving day after day that their 'tough gun laws' are only designed to scare decent people off from gun ownership. But they don't want their laws challenged.

It would appear after a cursory review on the internet that there are approximately 61 notable gun laws.......the amount depends on how you count them........ presently in effect as of April 12, 2024 here in the People's Socialist Democratic Republic of Massachusetts.

The Republic is certainly not lacking for laws restricting both the legal ownership....... as well as the illegal employment of in our little piece of the country.......but despite these laws the citizens living therein are still subject to the ongoing threat of victimization of both themselves as well as their families on an ongoing basis as even a casual perusal of the daily media will unequivocally attest to.

I would submit that we do the gun control advocates constantly scream from the roof tops.......lack sufficient legislative edicts to address the question of unrestrained societal gun violence but rather what we most definitely are lacking is the basic enforcement of the current laws in effect whose specific intent and purpose is suppose to apply to individuals who have been convicted of violation of those very same laws.

Perhaps if the Beautiful People in Boston wrote a new law........said law saying that the Republic will enforce ALL the current laws in effect relating to gun violence.......then maybe.......just maybe.......the ongoing issue of gun violence could begin to be addressed in a manner that might just possibly start to show some sign of even a little movement in a positive direction.

The constant drum beat of Boston discussing even more new gun laws that won't be enforced at the street level leads a reasonable and prudent individual to wonder just how many legal dope dispensaries are there in the Boston area and how many legislators have parking permits issued for said emporiums of mind numbing ecstasy.........just asking for a friend.........
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