1. Asks if he gets special privileges as part of the kings guard
2. Refers to the "far right" when being faced with negative perception of police, of which he is one
3. Excuses lieing, SA, murder, taking away freedom, and ripping the constitution in two because bookeepers use the company card on vacation.
4. "HoW did YoU get An lTc" my brother in christ....
5. Braindead take on the karen read situation against a group of people that have watched every minute of every motion or hearing, but i'M a CoP sO I fUgGiN kNoW dOod
6. Flips out and responds to everyone, very clearly taking it personally
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I think i might ironically like this guy
1. Spell Check...is an option for you.
2. Didn't ask about special privileges' for me. Just asked a question.
3. Also, did not refer to the far right because of the negative perception of police..Could care less, I get paid a very good salary for doing my job. I actually like it. You should try working some day..because, if you clearly have time to watch all of the Karen Read debacle and listen to all the bullshit from both sides, then you need to get a life.
4. Also, unlike you and many others, I actually do have knowledge of the intricacies of the case, both public and private. The real shit that is being suppressed by the court. But, again my bad you know it all.
5. For one, never excused any illegal or immoral behavior on anyone's part.
6. And yes, again I'm questioning how some people actually get an LTC. But again, spelling and grammar is not a requirement, nor is being a nice person apparently.
7. Oh, not flipping out at all..actually, chuckling at all these asinine assertions and responses I'm getting for a question.
8. I'm just giving context to the statements that are clearly being made as an outright attack on me and my profession.
and for drgrant:
I'm sure you are watching the thread. Yes, I was formally a member of this group, same name actually and let it slip away. Could not remember my password. The reason I stopped posting and interacting was because of the same shit going on here. A pack of unreasonable ass wipes. Who think they are the cats shit when it comes to guns and rights and so forth, and will or cannot engage in debate, questioning, other valid points. So, this so called sock puppet completely understands why the 2nd Amd. is under attack from all sides. It's no friggin wonder. You folks all spew hatred.