I think there were all levels of dress code. Jim and Jon, I think, wore suits, as did the State Rep, and maybe a few others, like the lawyers..... I think most people were wearing whatever they would normally would for a night out at the Hilltop. I will be flying in directly from DC, so I will have whatever business clothes I have on. I didn't see any t-shirts or anyone dressed like a caveman though. (Opps, apologies to you cavemen (& women)) out there....I didn't know you still existed)
Last year, I think we had a cocktail hour, then ate, then during desert, there were a few speakers (Jim, Jon, etc.), a few awards to some of the really good supporters and long term members. Then Miss Massachusetts spoke for 5 minutes.
Longest time taken was on calling out the raffle tickets and then for the auction. This is when all the socializing can happen.
After the auction, it was pretty much over. So actually you could probably leave fairly early if you had to, (8-9pm??) if you didn't want to stay for the raffle or for the auction, or to to cut out a bit early. I can't remember exactly when the auction finished. I had won a few of the auctions, so I had to stick around and pay for my things.
Except for the few minutes of actual speakers/presentations, you can expect a lot of socializing with like-minded, and GREAT people.
OH-- At the beginning they did have a really good video/music tribute to our military (former, active and sacrificed) which was pretty moving for everyone.
Last year, I think we had a cocktail hour, then ate, then during desert, there were a few speakers (Jim, Jon, etc.), a few awards to some of the really good supporters and long term members. Then Miss Massachusetts spoke for 5 minutes.
![Smile [smile] [smile]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/001.gif)
After the auction, it was pretty much over. So actually you could probably leave fairly early if you had to, (8-9pm??) if you didn't want to stay for the raffle or for the auction, or to to cut out a bit early. I can't remember exactly when the auction finished. I had won a few of the auctions, so I had to stick around and pay for my things.
Except for the few minutes of actual speakers/presentations, you can expect a lot of socializing with like-minded, and GREAT people.
OH-- At the beginning they did have a really good video/music tribute to our military (former, active and sacrificed) which was pretty moving for everyone.