Anyone going to the GOAL Banquet on May 19th?

I think there were all levels of dress code. Jim and Jon, I think, wore suits, as did the State Rep, and maybe a few others, like the lawyers..... I think most people were wearing whatever they would normally would for a night out at the Hilltop. I will be flying in directly from DC, so I will have whatever business clothes I have on. I didn't see any t-shirts or anyone dressed like a caveman though. (Opps, apologies to you cavemen (& women)) out there....I didn't know you still existed)

Last year, I think we had a cocktail hour, then ate, then during desert, there were a few speakers (Jim, Jon, etc.), a few awards to some of the really good supporters and long term members. Then Miss Massachusetts spoke for 5 minutes. [smile] Longest time taken was on calling out the raffle tickets and then for the auction. This is when all the socializing can happen.

After the auction, it was pretty much over. So actually you could probably leave fairly early if you had to, (8-9pm??) if you didn't want to stay for the raffle or for the auction, or to to cut out a bit early. I can't remember exactly when the auction finished. I had won a few of the auctions, so I had to stick around and pay for my things.

Except for the few minutes of actual speakers/presentations, you can expect a lot of socializing with like-minded, and GREAT people.

OH-- At the beginning they did have a really good video/music tribute to our military (former, active and sacrificed) which was pretty moving for everyone.
traveler57 said:
I think there were all levels of dress code. Jim and Jon, I think, wore suits, as did the State Rep, and maybe a few others, like the lawyers..... I think most people were wearing whatever they would normally would for a night out at the Hilltop. I will be flying in directly from DC, so I will have whatever business clothes I have on. I didn't see any t-shirts or anyone dressed like a caveman though. (Opps, apologies to you cavemen (& women)) out there....I didn't know you still existed)

Last year, I think we had a cocktail hour, then ate, then during desert, there were a few speakers (Jim, Jon, etc.), a few awards to some of the really good supporters and long term members. Then Miss Massachusetts spoke for 5 minutes. [smile] Longest time taken was on calling out the raffle tickets and then for the auction. This is when all the socializing can happen.

After the auction, it was pretty much over. So actually you could probably leave fairly early if you had to, (8-9pm??) if you didn't want to stay for the raffle or for the auction, or to to cut out a bit early. I can't remember exactly when the auction finished. I had won a few of the auctions, so I had to stick around and pay for my things.

Except for the few minutes of actual speakers/presentations, you can expect a lot of socializing with like-minded, and GREAT people.

OH-- At the beginning they did have a really good video/music tribute to our military (former, active and sacrificed) which was pretty moving for everyone.

Thanks for the info. I'll go with dress shirt and (whimsical) tie, dress slacks and dress shoes then. Slightly more dressy than I usually do for Hilltop, but not overly dressy.

BTW: Take a look at these pictures -

I just checked the GOAL page, no word on whether they're going to postpone the banquet or not. I guess it depends on whether Route 1 is open again or not...
I suspect that the only problem real close to Hilltop is the Rte. 1 underpass where Rte. 1 drops below Rte. 129 (which heads to Lynn). That is flooded and thus Rte. 1 is closed. Hilltop is 5 miles South of that location, so there is "road impact" but I doubt that the restaurant itself was damaged.

I spoke with Jim Wallace yesterday and the plans for the banquet were still a "GO" as of then.

Dress code: VERY FEW wear ties/jackets. Most men wear open collar dress shirts and decent slacks. Business casual.
LenS said:
I suspect that the only problem real close to Hilltop is the Rte. 1 underpass where Rte. 1 drops below Rte. 129 (which heads to Lynn). That is flooded and thus Rte. 1 is closed. Hilltop is 5 miles South of that location, so there is "road impact" but I doubt that the restaurant itself was damaged.

I spoke with Jim Wallace yesterday and the plans for the banquet were still a "GO" as of then.

Dress code: VERY FEW wear ties/jackets. Most men wear open collar dress shirts and decent slacks. Business casual.

Thanks for the update, Len. I'm guessing (hoping) that Route 1 will be back to business as usual today if not sooner - businesses are shuttered and losing MILLION$$$, which means that the city is losing tax $$$$...

I'll toss on a whimsical tie (think I'll go for the Blues Brothers "We're on a mission from G-d") to go with my basic work dress clothes (don't have to wear a tie at work, thankfully).
After seeing the pictures that were posted of Rte. 1 in Saugus up that way, I may have to eat some crow on my pronouncement that all should be OK. I'd call either Hilltop or Saugus PD (non-emergency number) and find out if the roads leading to the place are open or not before venturing to the place.
LenS said:
After seeing the pictures that were posted of Rte. 1 in Saugus up that way, I may have to eat some crow on my pronouncement that all should be OK. I'd call either Hilltop or Saugus PD (non-emergency number) and find out if the roads leading to the place are open or not before venturing to the place.

From not one but two of my friends that live in Saugus, Route 1 South was open from 95 to HillTop as of yesterday. I would expect that come tomorrow it should be back to three lanes both ways.

See everyone tomorrow evening!!! [grin]
Jay G said:
From not one but two of my friends that live in Saugus, Route 1 South was open from 95 to HillTop as of yesterday. I would expect that come tomorrow it should be back to three lanes both ways.

See everyone tomorrow evening!!! [grin]

Woo hoo!
Jay G said:
From not one but two of my friends that live in Saugus, Route 1 South was open from 95 to HillTop as of yesterday. I would expect that come tomorrow it should be back to three lanes both ways.

See everyone tomorrow evening!!! [grin]

I would just like to publicly thank both Traveler and JayG for outbidding me not once, but twice on rifles at the dinner [frown]

And Dre- how are you enjoying your jerky spice?
SiameseRat said:
I would just like to publicly thank both Traveler and JayG for outbidding me not once, but twice on rifles at the dinner [frown]

And Dre- how are you enjoying your jerky spice?

And I'd like to turn around and thank SiameseRat for driving the price of my new Marlin up at LEAST $40... [angry]

At least it's for a good cause. [grin]

And I'd be happy to let you shoot it, I thought I said that last night... [wink]

In all seriousness, it was great meeting you, Patrick, and Perry. And also meeting traveler and Goose and seeing dreppucci again. A good time was had by all!

(And I didn't get into too much trouble over the gun...)
Cross-X said:
SiameseRat said:
I would just like to publicly thank both Traveler and JayG for outbidding me not once, but twice on rifles at the dinner [frown]
So, Madam SR, what were you bidding on? Which Marlin? What else?

I bid on a Marlin 60 SS, pretty grey laminate stock that JayG took home, a S&W 22A (that Traveler started bidding on way after I dropped out so it doesn't count) and a Henry lever action that Traveler jumped into bidding on right at the point that the auctioneer was seconds away from letting me go home with it [frown]

Damn you Traveler! You better take me shooting one of these days!

And yes JayG you did say we could go to the MRA last night. However I think you might have forgotten (conveniently) that the MRA was closed for de-leading [rolleyes] [laugh] [laugh]

But seriously, I had a great time. It was a lot of fun seeing everyone. And I still won that awesome clock! You can't take that away [wink] [laugh]
For all the NESers at the GOAL table. We were clearly THE table to be part of. I really enjoyed meeting everyone and I think we all had a good time.

Yes, I really, really tried not to buy anything, but... gee... all the peer pressure.....

My new shiny S&W 22A shoots great. And thanks to all the pushing me by D...007....(duh, he owns one too and loves it!) I gladly paid $400 for the gun, a really nice 4 gun Vanguard case, ears, and eyes. Not bad, plus all the money goes to GOAL which really was the point of last night.

And, yes, SR, first time we get a chance to be a the same range, all the ammo you want is on me, for the Henry 22. I do apologize, but I have really wanted to get a Henry for a long time, and this way all the money goes to GOAL..... I didn't take it to the NES shoot today, so you still have the chance to be first shooter.

Hey, last year I spent well over $1500 at the banquet, so this year I got out pretty cheap....[smile] [smile]

BTW, SR.... what time is it????
It was a pleasure to be at the COOLEST table (in the back corner of the room) at the GOAL Banquet last night!

Great to see you again Jay (and meet Mrs. G), and great to FINALLY meet Jen, and get to meet Dan, Steve, Patrick and Perry.

I resisted and didn't bid on any guns...better off anyways as I would've just been outbid! Somebody had to moderate and keep you kids under control! [wink]

We definitely need to do this again, but demand a table not stuffed in the back corner of the room!

It was also very nice to meet the famous Jim Conway (and oddly enough shoot with him today at the NES Shoot), and also very nice to meet Jon Green.

...and yes, we did notice on the program a special thanks to Darius! thanks Darius! Apparently I missed you by not too long this morning at Greg Derr's.

P.S...I have not tried the jerky spices yet, SR...In fact, I forsee that the spices will be used juuuuuuuuuust around the time you decide to try the jerky [wink]
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