Anyone have Tyler, BK or Robertson T-Grips on their revolvers?


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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I have a round butt S&W M19 and M66 with the original coke bottle medallion grips that I'd like to keep on the guns. But I do like having a little more to grab onto with these guns when shooting them. I'm considering adding Grip Adapters to them but not sure which one would work best. I've heard that Tyler is very slow in delivering, BK is in black only and Robertson is the fastest but not the best fit. Any experience with these manufacturers?

Also, the M19 is in Nickel. Anyone that has these grip adapters notice any marring of the finish by using them?

I have a pair, I think, for my vintage S&W Model 38. I don't shoot the 38 because it's a late-60's gun, in box, and is flawless. But got the Tyler's to make it cooler. The times I have put them on, it made a huge difference.

I might have had a set for my 1917 Smithy. But that gun is gone. Maybe for my 1917 Fitz'd Colt. I'd have to check to see if I do.
I have shot more with Tylers in the past than recently. I liked them so much I have purchased them throughout the years for revolvers I yet to have. [laugh]

@ChrisNH was able to get some I'd been looking for.

Best of luck. Matt
I've wanted to try one out but their ordering process is straight out of the pre-internet era and it sounds like it takes them 5+ months to ship. F that.
You'd think they would, like, make a whole bunch of them and ship them to Midway and Brownell's. LOL

I think I ordered my 1917 one from Numrich back in the day.
I have BK and Tylers. I like Tylers better.

WTB adds on the popular forums or keep on eye on the S&W Forum classifieds. Tylers always pop up. To me they are worth a little premium to have them without the wait if you need them now.

But if the guns are keepers sit back relax and wait for them to come.
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