Anyone know where to get Unicorn Droppings (primers) for non ass rape pricing?

Does anyone recall a place called Tom’s Handloading? It was somewhere on the North Shore I think…
I think it was in a strip mall on the right as you took the exit off I95 to drive towards Four Seasons.

A problem with a business like that is lack of dealer protection. You won't get near a true wholesale price list for most mass market consumer items, nor will you be able to buy online for wholesale plus epsilon. Try looking online for Levis - sure, you' fine them at dozens of suppliers for very close to the price at a local store. Try getting near a wholesale price list for this years brand name bicycles if you are not in the business - not gonna happen. Guns and accessory sales runs by different customs. It's also "different" in that you get better prices from the small independent shop that from a big box chain retailer like Bass Pro.

But, go the Valley and you'll fine reloading supplies for with a few points of what stocking dealers like Fours Seasons pays. You'll find the going rate for non-Dillon presses is about 50% or so of retail, and the Dillon wholesale to retail spread is only 15% last I checked.

With margins like that it's tough to make a significant amount of sales with sufficient margin to cover the overhead, even if you are a sole proprietor and don't have staff to pay.
Yes. He was in Bedford in the mid 80s. I remember buying some Eagle Target Grips for my Ruger MK II from him. I still have them.

His prices on reloading supplies were high. Back then it was cheaper to get primers, powder etc. at MVP, formerly Colemans, in Woburn or if you were up at KTP they were cheaper.
I found a box of primers with an orange price sticker that has his store name and the price…$12.99 for a thousand. Highway robbery I tell ya! [rofl]
just shows the real scale of the inflation that is happening.
Primers are a case where actual inflation is a minor component.

Shortages resulted in market pricing, then when the shortage was over, vendors were educated as to how much people were actually willing to pay for primers and corrected their pricing error, as it had been well below the profit maximizing level for many years.

As Michael Bane send year ago regarding emergence from the ammo shortage - we will come out of the shortage to a "new normal".
On Saturday afternoon I picked up 5K CCI SPP at Patriot Arms in Ipswich. They didn't have rifle primers but had (have?) a butt load of pistol primers all sorts. CCI, Winchester and Federal. I'm told these are from an estate and they are expecting more from this estate -lots of guns and lots more reloading stuff...
Kentucky has benchrest SRP and LRP too. $575 shipped
What’s REALLY strange to me is that the Remington bench rest SRP’s are $125 cheaper than the CCI’s.

I remember when I first started reloading and I would only use CCI primers for everything…but I don’t even know why? Maybe it was the more modern looking packaging or I recognized the brand for ammo from shooting (@Broc fudd) mini mags?

Then I started doing research when I took on different shooting disciplines and learned that Federal (oh, shut up about the f***ing boxes) are actually preferred in small pistol overwhelmingly by USPSA limited shooters due to being ‘harder’ and therefore more difficult to detonate with a lite strike, and high power small rifle competitors prefer the Remington 7 1/2’s due to consistency from batch to batch and group sizes when compared to others.

Now I have a shitload of 41’s, 34’s, 200’s, 400’s and even 5000 large rifle magnum primers I plan to use for plinking, but when I’m making ‘match loads’ I prefer to make them with my specified components.

I assume there are a lot of people out there that just prefer the ‘CCI for everything’ approach? I can’t say they’re wrong for doing so, but for the Remingtons to be $125 cheaper per case is just odd.
The fact I can store 4k CCI in the same space as 1k Federal is enough for me to never by Federal 🤣 And I'm not joking.
Is space THAT much of a premium where you are?

Are you confined to the boiler room of the basement like @mac1911 ?

Maybe you should consider Remington primers because their packages are even SMALLER than CCI’s. If all that matters to you is the size of the package, maybe you should just dump them all in a ziploc so you can store them easier?

You do you bro. I bought close to 20,000 Federal SPP’s for $30 a box, so I’ll be shooting them for a while. I have enough room in my basement to store as many as I could ever possibly afford (which currently is NONE with my tractor payment every month).
What’s REALLY strange to me is that the Remington bench rest SRP’s are $125 cheaper than the CCI’s.

I remember when I first started reloading and I would only use CCI primers for everything…but I don’t even know why? Maybe it was the more modern looking packaging or I recognized the brand for ammo from shooting (@Broc fudd) mini mags?

Then I started doing research when I took on different shooting disciplines and learned that Federal (oh, shut up about the f***ing boxes) are actually preferred in small pistol overwhelmingly by USPSA limited shooters due to being ‘harder’ and therefore more difficult to detonate with a lite strike, and high power small rifle competitors prefer the Remington 7 1/2’s due to consistency from batch to batch and group sizes when compared to others.

Now I have a shitload of 41’s, 34’s, 200’s, 400’s and even 5000 large rifle magnum primers I plan to use for plinking, but when I’m making ‘match loads’ I prefer to make them with my specified components.

I assume there are a lot of people out there that just prefer the ‘CCI for everything’ approach? I can’t say they’re wrong for doing so, but for the Remingtons to be $125 cheaper per case is just odd.
I had no clue which ones were better and went with cci because of those articles:


So far all SRP brass I have used #450 cci, LRP brass is on #200. It seems to work quite nicely and consistently.
Agreed, I get much of my reference data from those articles. Are they a scientific way to make load decisions? Not really but short of a professional analytical setup it’s the best source of data I’ve got.
ouch, we now in the used primers sale stage. awesome! situation is evolving for sure. soon it will be, like, an individual primer packaging sales.
I have an 20oz iced tea bottle about half full of used primers - I empty the catch cup on my 1050 into it. Available free to anyone who wants to try reloading them.
ouch, we now in the used primers sale stage. awesome! situation is evolving for sure. soon it will be, like, an individual primer packaging sales.
I heard it was an estate sale lot. Buddy of mine got 3000+ primers and 1k rounds of 22lr for $200 cash. Not bad. Even if he paid $200 for just the primers that would have been ~6.6 cents per primer. 9D08ED6A-FE00-47C4-9A9E-F7B03FA8EEA6.jpeg
I heard it was an estate sale lot. Buddy of mine got 3000+ primers and 1k rounds of 22lr for $200 cash. Not bad. Even if he paid $200 for just the primers that would have been ~6.6 cents per primer. View attachment 681741
I need to start hanging around the old folks home.
I'm not that far off. I'll blend right in.😉
RER has win LPP cases for $475 shipped. Also has wolf SPP, LPP, SRP. Haven’t seen those in awhile. Price ain’t anything special on those. Same as American made primers

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