Anyone know where to get Unicorn Droppings (primers) for non ass rape pricing?

Scored a case of win lpp.
5k should keep me going for a year.

And Lo, he toiled.
Traveling to and from far off distant lands websites, trying to locate whats needed, Winchester Large Pistol Primers.
And Yay, hope was dwindling
And he did curse, and he did yell, and he did cry out to the dark clouded skies, with the occasional african swallow (unladen) dropping its payload upon his brow.
"Why doth thou forsake me, oh many vendors of metalic cartridge ignition? Does thine not see mine struggle?"
And the thunder did rumble,
And the squirrels did laugh at his unfortune,
And the donkeys did bray in joy,
And somewhere a mountain troll left a giant steamer.


And just all but the last drop of sanity was about to fly away from the weary traveller, like that of an african swallow (unladen)
When the lightning did strike
And the thunder did crack
And the dark skies parted
And lo, a figure did descend
"Fear not , man of the trashcan, for I have seen what you seek, and thout shall knowith wherst to travel in the dark lands internets"
And the figure did point, and the bounty was found,
And weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!, he did rejoice, and there was much laughter,
And they did feast, upon the squirrels, and the donkeys, and some native mushrooms, and fried chicken, and week old halloween candy.
The weary traveler did ask, "What does thine call thyself, assuming thou doth not have any preferred pronouns?'
And the being did speak, and spake, and doth spoketh
"Know my name, not-so-handsome stranger, when in need, one just need prayeth private msg. St. @andrew1220 , patron saint of primers"

And somewhere, a mountain troll did have the runs.

What’s the word on Fiocchi primers? Seems like you have used a lot of them from previous posts
I haven’t used many of them yet. Only 300-400 or so. They all went bang. I’ve been holding off on using them until I burn through my CCI, win, and Rem stash lol
SA has Fiocchi LRP for $120 per 1500.
Code bfriday22 gets you free shipping
RER has win LPP cases for $475 shipped. Also has wolf SPP, LPP, SRP. Haven’t seen those in awhile. Price ain’t anything special on those. Same as American made primers

RER? SA? I know I haven't been paying attention, but these are new to me. I wish you would just open up your own store at this point, save me a lot of headaches.
MSS is dropping a bunch of primers. CCI SPP various Federal LPP SRP SPP, rem SRP. I’m sure more are going to dropping
They didn’t last too long. Just a few things left. Even at $85-$100 they are selling out quickly.

MSS has a ton of powders, so i can understand it gives people the ability to bundle for hazmat.
They didn’t last too long. Just a few things left. Even at $85-$100 they are selling out quickly.

MSS has a ton of powders, so i can understand it gives people the ability to bundle for hazmat.
Yup. Surprisingly the Fiocchi LRP LPP and magnum SPP are still in stock at SA. The regular SPP finally sold out I see. Price isn’t bad for today’s standards
What’s the word on Fiocchi primers? Seems like you have used a lot of them from previous posts
I’ve used plenty of them years ago…I think it was Cabelas that used to have them for really cheap and I bought a few thousand of LRP. I don’t have any left and they all went bang to my knowledge.
Got a email yesterday from a place south of here. Federal SPP for $89 per thousand. Ordered a case cause I don’t think it’s getting cheaper anytime soon. That will put my inventory back in the comfort zone.
I respectfully disagree. I think prices are finally going to start coming down soon. I haven’t said this since the beginning of the scamdemic, so take it for what it’s worth.

Inflation/holidays/less disposable income might equate to less demand finally.
Got a email yesterday from a place south of here. Federal SPP for $89 per thousand. Ordered a case cause I don’t think it’s getting cheaper anytime soon. That will put my inventory back in the comfort zone.
Should have snagged the Fiocchi SPP for 7 cents shipped. Finally sold out yesterday at some point but was in stock for a few days.
The SPP from targetsports are 10 cents after hazmat and tax
I respectfully disagree. I think prices are finally going to start coming down soon. I haven’t said this since the beginning of the scamdemic, so take it for what it’s worth.

Inflation/holidays/less disposable income might equate to less demand finally.
Agreed. Targetsports already dropped their primer prices over a month ago. Stuff is sticking around slightly longer but certainly not like pre-Rona.
Ammo prices are dropping and inventory is sitting so primer prices will have to fall I’d imagine. How much? I dunno.
Cabelas in Hudson has primers. Some CCI 450 for $90, Winchester SRP for $100 and some assorted Federal Match for $110. There are no SPP left, regular or magnum.

They also had some BR4 for $150 (or $160).

They had shelf tags for other stuff from CCI for $90 but it was all gone. I assume they got them on Friday and has been whittled down.
I respectfully disagree. I think prices are finally going to start coming down soon. I haven’t said this since the beginning of the scamdemic, so take it for what it’s worth.

Inflation/holidays/less disposable income might equate to less demand finally.

Agreed. Targetsports already dropped their primer prices over a month ago. Stuff is sticking around slightly longer but certainly not like pre-Rona.
Ammo prices are dropping and inventory is sitting so primer prices will have to fall I’d imagine. How much? I dunno.

Ammo's been hanging around a lot longer I've noticed.
The 1000 round cans and packs of 855 5.56are lingering and less than what it was last year.
When ammo hangs around longer, primers are more available. Or at least thats my theory.
Still the occasional dipshit selling $500 a brick 30 yr old primers or a $950 Del-ton a.r.
Shooting Supply in Westport has 209 shotshell primers 10,000 for $600. They are not what most of us are looking for but for anyone who is 6 cents each sounds pretty good.
Well THAT ought to drive prices down a little!!!

What the hell do you need 281 acres for though?!?!

I thought primers were made by Chinese slave children? I wouldn’t have bought so many if I knew they were made by consenting adults and machinery.
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