Anyone use a Boss System to tune your bullet to your barrel’s harmonics?


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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I was looking at a Winchester 70 yesterday and it had something called a Boss System on the end of the barrel. I’ve never seen it before but according to Google you can use it to tune the timing on your barrel so that it’s perfectly tuned for when a bullet leaves the barrel. Basically to help long range accuracy.

Again never heard of it but the internet has mixed reviews on it. Anyone actually use one? Worth having or useless?
I'd compare it to a PLEK machine for guitars: does it make the thing inherently more accurate? Sure.

Is that effect strong enough for you to notice it? That's a little more doubtful.

There are a dozen variables that go into making an accurate shot. I think this is probably going to optimize your barrel harmonics, but there might be a tradeoff somewhere else. And there are probably other variables, like hold or breathing, that matter a LOT more than barrel harmonics.
I had a Browning about 2001. It had the B.O.S.S. on it. I did play with it some, and found it to be very accurate. I never put the muzzle-brake part on - just the BOSS. (Ballistic Optimizing Shooting System).
I'd compare it to a PLEK machine for guitars: does it make the thing inherently more accurate? Sure.

Is that effect strong enough for you to notice it? That's a little more doubtful.

There are a dozen variables that go into making an accurate shot. I think this is probably going to optimize your barrel harmonics, but there might be a tradeoff somewhere else. And there are probably other variables, like hold or breathing, that matter a LOT more than barrel harmonics.
I would've agreed with you up until I shot my cabot. Which i think they do something similair to what the op is talking bout

I'm not sure what they do... but it wholly outclasses anything I've ever shot.

I'm not a good 1911 shooter by any measure

But the gun improved my accuracy 20% over my nighthawk which I shot side by side

The only way I can even really equate shooting a tuned gun like that is getting fitted for irons in golf.

Like when you hit that perfectly fitted iron for the first just go o thats what its supposed to feel like.

Idk maybe im just dumb lol thats also very possible
There are a dozen variables that go into making an accurate shot. I think this is probably going to optimize your barrel harmonics, but there might be a tradeoff somewhere else. And there are probably other variables, like hold or breathing, that matter a LOT more than barrel harmonics.
Yep, and if you have those variables under control and the BOSS could still make a difference, you're probably shooting benchrest using a remote shutter release as a trigger.
All this is is a weight on the end of the barrel that can be adjusted for length, changing the harmonic of the barrel in small increments. I saw guys doing this in rimfire bench shooting competition years ago by simply attaching a micrometer head with a bracket on the barrel. Some claimed a noticeable positive change with adjustments as small as .010", others said it made things worse and still others said they tried it and saw no difference at all.
Seems like it's sort of an alternative to tuning by altering the load, may have a place with factory loads, particularly with rimfire.
Could play around with it in principle by just adding/subtracting shims behind a muzzle device...
I was looking at a Winchester 70 yesterday and it had something called a Boss System on the end of the barrel. I’ve never seen it before but according to Google you can use it to tune the timing on your barrel so that it’s perfectly tuned for when a bullet leaves the barrel. Basically to help long range accuracy.

Again never heard of it but the internet has mixed reviews on it. Anyone actually use one? Worth having or useless?
For your use ... pretty useless.

A barrel tuner is usually one of the last things you will use after you have gotten a load to shoot as good as it can. Then you f*ck around with that stuff.

Even Cortina, he sells barrel tuners, will tell you that.

You are going to be using factory ammo, since you don't reload. I will GUESS, that due to variations in factory ammo, a barrel tuner will at best be useless, at worst make the gun shoot like sh*t.

The more you talk about this rifle in different threads, the more it sounds like it is the wrong rifle for your hunt.
I have a Browning varminter in 308. Yes the Boss works. But the rifle is very accurate to begin with. I set the boss at the factory recommendation and work up a load. I can then move the boss to see if it gets better or worse. You can see a difference, but if the load is shooting .7 in you might get it to .5 - not alot. I like my rifle alot, boss or not.

I should Add- I have the boss that is a muzzle break and it is loud.
Do tuners make a difference? Harmonics are real, and moving a weight back and forth will certainly affect them.

Does that make a difference in the precision of your rifle? I think there are too many other variables that have larger impacts than barrel harmonics.
If I recall correctly the Boss System was designed for tuning factory ammo. I think that was its main selling point. If you have a precision rifle you are probably reloading for it and tuning the load to the gun. As I said before, it may not help alot in that regard.
For your use ... pretty useless.

A barrel tuner is usually one of the last things you will use after you have gotten a load to shoot as good as it can. Then you f*ck around with that stuff.

Even Cortina, he sells barrel tuners, will tell you that.

You are going to be using factory ammo, since you don't reload. I will GUESS, that due to variations in factory ammo, a barrel tuner will at best be useless, at worst make the gun shoot like sh*t.

The more you talk about this rifle in different threads, the more it sounds like it is the wrong rifle for your hunt.
This. Talking fine precision rifle shooting which I know little of but a lot of it is ammo related.

Reloading and tuning your ammo to your gun's chamber length is your first step......then making those bullets at the correct distance off the lands.......if your not doing that and controlling your rounds length and bullet weights.....then I say tuning barrel dynamics is an afterthought. Factory ammo? Your getting what's in the box....sure...itll fit in the chamber, but its likely too short.

any barrel tuning would be as a later step AFTER you find your perfect ammo or make it and shoot the best groups with it. Then you could tune the barrel and see where the groups go.

The QC on factory ammo is shit compared to a careful quality reload. Measure some box worst batch of rounds are better than the best box variations. And that's just measuring length. Who knows about what tolerance of bullet weights or powder weight they get away with.
You need 1 at each end or it’s out of balance and will only shoot in Gflat.
Oh, is that how you find the G-Spot...
For your use ... pretty useless.

A barrel tuner is usually one of the last things you will use after you have gotten a load to shoot as good as it can. Then you f*ck around with that stuff.

Even Cortina, he sells barrel tuners, will tell you that.

You are going to be using factory ammo, since you don't reload. I will GUESS, that due to variations in factory ammo, a barrel tuner will at best be useless, at worst make the gun shoot like sh*t.

The more you talk about this rifle in different threads, the more it sounds like it is the wrong rifle for your hunt.
I only shot factory ammo when I had mine.
I have a Browning varminter in 308. Yes the Boss works. But the rifle is very accurate to begin with. I set the boss at the factory recommendation and work up a load. I can then move the boss to see if it gets better or worse. You can see a difference, but if the load is shooting .7 in you might get it to .5 - not alot. I like my rifle alot, boss or not.

I should Add- I have the boss that is a muzzle break and it is loud.
That was the model I had. Loved it! But, as I mentioned, mine only had the tuner on it and not the brake (10-11lb rifle with scope in .308 - didn't really need the brake.
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