AP Ammo

Oct 6, 2005
Wakefield, MA
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Ok all my reading on the Brady Campaign's witch-hunt of the FN Five SeveN this has lead me to be curious on what the current Mass (and other state's) laws on AP ammo are.

FYI: the Brady Campaign bought the ammo for the video I posted in VA, and the ammo was the SS192 round (wich is an aluminum core round).

I know I've bought AP ammo for my Mosin Nagant withoug even knowing it...so what are the laws?

-Weer'd Beard
This is a tricky one. First off, there is no Federal prohibition on AP RIFLE ammo. There are certain limitations on AP PISTOL ammo.

Some of the pistol calibers will be a shock to you.

7.62x39 and 308 are 2 of them.

SS109 and M855 Ball (223/5.56 NATO) is specifically exempt, as is .30 M2 Ball (30-06).

After a conversation with the BATFE last year, I found I may make all the 308 AP I want for myself, and only myself. I may not sell it.

WB, 7.62x54R ammo for your Mosin Nagant is 100% good to go by Federal Law.

Disclaimer - State Laws may prohibit AP ammo of any sort. Varies by state. My state is OK.
I have a large stock of AP 7.62 x 39 ammo myself. It really isn't THAT great, or not what we might think it is. Mass... ugh.. no idea. NH... you are allowed to possess it, but if used in a crime, that crime automatically becomes a felony, even if it was a misdermeanor offense.

Now.. the SS192, SS90 have both been BANNED from new sale unless you are a law enforcement officer. Yes, that's right. No more importation of that ammo for civilian use. The ammo that currently exists, you can still buy and sell. The SS195, you can still purchase.

Actually the store I visit up here has one of those Herstal Five-SeveN's for sale for $930.00
I mean, it holds 25 rounds!! She's next on my list of guns to get I think.

But as Nickle said: Varies by state... I have my high doubts MA lets you own it, but I have nothing to back that up.
Thanks for the Info.

Makes me think. One of the Dudes in the video was a LEO. I wonder if he used his badge to buy the ammo, then made it seem like any ol civvie could buy the stuff.


-Weer'd Beard
I know the video you are talking about... Maybe at the time it was made, it could be purchased off the shelf by any old civilian.

Again, it is an old video...

As this was almost a year ago, some of my facts were mangled. The ammo wasn't exactly "banned" FN voluntarily stopped exporting the said SS190 and SS192 here for civilian use. Some states DID pass specific legislation against that ammo, but I don't have a list

This was obviously done because of the bad Brady publicity. Hope that correction helps.


EDIT: Can still be purchased at a premium.. the SS192: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=44436810

About $1 a round...

EDIT 2: Found the SS190 here: http://www.calssportingarmory.com/FN57IOM.htm
But for LEO Agency purchase ONLY.

Upon further research, the SS190 looks as if it was NEVER available for civilian purchase as it has a steel core and would be classified as AP. The SS192 is a ball ammo, but fires at a high velocity, and was approved by the BATFE, though the SS192 could defeat Level 2 body armor, and hence the uproar and the stopping of the sale. But then again, so won't my rifle. But that's a story for another day.

More can be found on this over at the ATF site:
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