Arkansas Students to Begin Receiving in-School Gun Safety Training

When I was a kid, most people didn't own gun safes. Guns were pretty accessible since they were often in the closet or under the bed. Kids usually didn't shoot each other or go to school and shoot their classmates. They were taught that this was unacceptable behavior. Maybe this program will help.
Didn't read the article, but sounds like a good idea. When my dad was a kid he brought his rifle to school for show and tell. No formal training - I think the extent of it was 'don't be an idiot', which was probably good enough for most back then.
Got no problem with it.

"This is a gun, this is the busniess end, don't point it at people, don't pull the trigger, if you're at a party and someone's f***ing around don't find out what's going to happen"

We probably don't need to teach kids how to shoot in school, but like mixing bleach and ammonia in science class, it wouldn't hurt to give some kids ground rules and what to do. If they want to expand to a larger scoped course that's more "hands on", good for them and that'd go over well in Arkansas, but I wish they'd teach the extreme basics around here.
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