Jesus Christ what did I just walk into with this thread? Not really sure what the article is talking about in terms of problems recruiting. The Army is larger now than it was pre 9/11. Clearly people are joining and being retained. Troop for troop in all 4 major branches the US military is ~30,000 less than it was in 2000. Not really a big difference.
High calibre grunt? Is that such a thing? If I was a straight A student in high school - which I certainly was not, the last thing I would be doing is joining the US Army as an infantryman to go fight Haji and his friends in Iraq. It's the absolute last thing I would do. But since I was (still?) a dumb ass I went in as a combat engineer. Sure, my military career was pretty lackluster, relatively easy when compared to others and had a simple deployment. I hated almost every moment of it looking back. Even as a moron it was a tough sell. And by looking at my facebook friends of people I knew 15+ years ago who I joined with, very few people are still in. I think the reason for that is simple: the wars looked endless (and it turns out they are), the wars are completely useless and unrelated to actual US strategic security and many would argue the war has had draconian policy trickle down into civilians lives here in the states. F that.
The "war on terror" is still somehow going on. The men coming of age now have had nothing but war their entire lives. We've been in Afghanistan for over 17 years now. A 20 year old isnt going to remember much about that 1 year when he was 3 that the US wasnt fighting someone for some reason. When 9/11 broke out everyone was all hyped up. People took that as a direct insult and holy shit were a lot of people ready to go off and crack some skulls. But that was a long time ago. And kids today don't care much about it. It would be like asking me about the invasion of Panama or Grenada when I graduated HS, I would say who gives a shit?
There is no shortage of SF qualified candidates. What there is a shortage of is solid marketing, good leadership and people with half a brain who can identify true leaders, intelligent soldiers and soldiers who aren't being recognised by their leadership for their abilities in general. This has been a problem for every military throughout history.
Ur dealing with millelianals
Sarge I need somebody to wipe my ass
Just don't forget about all these people who needed their asses wiped who went over to Iraq and Afghanistan when the shit was real hot. 2003-2009 were the real hard years in Iraq for US deaths. Most of the deaths are low to mid ranking soldiers and a lot of those people were Millennials and young Gen X. Probably thousands.
Then we have Afghanistan. The worst years there were 2005-2013. These soldiers were born later and at a higher rate Millennials.
Millenials and Gen X have been at war for the past 17 years and the WoT is very much our war. Perhaps put that into perspective, look at the loss and sacrifice and think before you insult and entire generation of people.
I believe they dropped the hand grenade training from Basic and I don't think they mix flavors during hand to hand combat training, but other than that I see what you were getting at. At least better than the first reading!
I had to look into this since it was the 1st I've heard of it. Grenade training was somewhat a joke when I did it.
There is more to this story it looks like. The M67 is 14 ounces, 2.5 inches in diameter. A baseball is 5.25 ounces, 2.9 inches in diameter. A grenade is almost 3 times as heavy and is smaller. They are heavy for their size. Not to get all conspiracy theory on you guys, but someone told Dench at some point that Men may have significantly stronger upper bodies than people who aren't men. 100% completely unrelated to this, a small minority of people other than men are trying to join combat arms... for reasons. These people other than men have been jammed up by things that men excel at, specifically tasks relating to high upper body strength.
Also on an unrelated note, the Army is in the process of radically changing its PT test moving away from the gendered insane PT test of past and present. Now this is all a pure continuing coincidence but the minimum pass scores for the new PT test for a "heavy physical demand" PT test is jusstttttttttttt were an inshape person who's not a man lands at. This person who's not a man will be able to do on average 5% more weight than the test demands for deadlifts, for instance.
Pushups have entered into the Twilight zone. Now were doing release pushups. Half the challenge of the old PT test for PU's was actually being able to do 2 minutes straight without being DQ'd due to arm failure. Not many people could max out the pushup test. Not only did it take solid arm and chest strength, it also required a very strong core because you were not allowed to remove the tension of your upper body for the duration of the exercise. With these amazing crossfit ones everyone gets to sneak in a tiny rest of their core between reps - eliminating the one thing that screwed most people out of high PU scores. Definitely not another coincidence, the max quantity for the max score for these new PU's remain the same, yet the minimum for a "heavy mos" is now 30. it was 42 for the old test for males, 19 for people other than males. Also not an oddity every age and scoring bracket for max score for the old PU test for sex's other than males is over 30 until the age of 57.
The run you ask? Yes sir. Let's take a peak. The new minimum pass time is 18:00 minutes for 2 miles. How that is a thing only Jesus H. Christ himself knows. Back in Dench's day it was 15:54 or your loser ass failed. Not coincidentally at all the slowest time on the old PT test for people who definitely aren't males at 17-21 is 18:54.

R, the new PT test is specifically designed to allow most females who actually exercise to be able to pass a new standard and be allowed to enter a combat MOS while using the same standards as a male. Can you deadlift 160lbs? Welcome aboard. Dench can do 340? We're all the same here, right? Pushups? I did max this out when I was young with numbers into the 70's. A female? 30 and done, dont worry about it. The run? I mean seriously, why the f*** even bother with the run at this point. If you cant run 2 miles in 18:00 minutes and you are in the military you have really screwed up for a long period of time. Same goes with heavy round objects being thrown long distances. A lot of women have problems with it. Since the army can't think of a clever way to work around it they just remove the standard entirely. Throwing a hand grenade as a male is not difficult. Throwing one as a female is.
As for Army combatives, I had to look into it before I posted since I'm pretty out of touch. From the looks of it it's still same old. Basic grappling, basic pugil sticks, nothing special. The Army did drop the bayonet training a while ago, which is a mistake in my opinion much like a lot of other things they do such as allow cell phone use in basic - especially during the initial course prior to MOS school. I think that's pretty lame. One of the hardest parts of basic is being away from your family, friends and familiar environments. Having a smart phone with you definitely does not make you feel isolated.
In closing, don't blame the current generation. Just because you are 86 years old and think that an 18 year old today is a millennial doesn't mean it's that persons fault. The US Military suffers from a MAJOR SJW issue, and it has done so for quite a while nearly a decade now. When I was in minorities were targeted for recognition. Now we've moved onto trans people and women. Women physically do not have the body strength men do. And people hated the female PT test as it was a joke and simple to max out. So here we are. Everyone on an even playing ground and the bar set so low that you'd have to try to fail.
The leadership has failed the military for a long, long time. Anything over E8 is a political rank for all intents and purposes. These people are mouthpieces, empty suits, formally good people and now pieces of shit. if you need an example take a look at GEN Nicholson trying to make up excuses on why Afghanistan is Romper Room still 16+ years after we propped up the Afghan National Army. People like him are the problem. Not kids. Not 18 year olds. Not people in their 20's. If you want to pick a generation to take a giant shit on, look no further than GEN Nicholsons. His generation is the one driving this policy. Not the Millenials and not Gen Z.