ATF Agents Lose Their Government Issued Guns, Kids Find Them

I know, where are these full autos being left? Not that I would keep it if I found one...
Are we sure these guns were left places? We are talking about eric holder's boys (ATF), maybe they were sold rather than lost.
Happens in every government agency. For example, miles of beach are closed every year to protect the nests of Piping Plovers. Yet hardly a year goes by without a report of a government vehicle running over a nest.

Socialism is for us, not the socialists

Telepathically uploaded via Google implants.
ATF) i lost my gun

Gov) dont worry, someone will find it

ATF) oh i guess your right. Thats a relief

I dont think any one truly knows what is going on in the ATF departments, maby there is this untold inside policy, if you loose your gun, dont report it, becaues nobody here cares
If they lose their gun, not big deal. A private citizen loses their gun, they get charged with negligence and some try to go as far as making them an accomplice is the gun is used in a crime.
Actually I think the prosess at the ATF for a agent who lost his gun is, first don't notify anyone about it, second give agent a new gun and a promotion
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