ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

Thank you, since i never have filed one i always forget what its called.Big blue provided location and date.i'm going to try and get in it asap.i'll research form 20 and PM you guys if i have any questions.
I can send you a blank one if need be but they are pretty easy to find online. It's a pdf that you fill in then print out two copies and mail. I have the form 1 in front of me while I fill it out bc it has to be the same info. Form 20's can have multiple NFA items on them unlike a form 1.

For date range, put today until Dec 31 then in November fill out another form for all of 2016.
Pm sent...i want to bail on work and get these puppies engraved, i'm about ready to butcher it on there myself.
Having the sbr will be so nice for testing uppers without having to have my dias installed...
ok guise what the ****.

register for eforms, input firearm info, upload trust... sits and spins (luls) for a bit and then dumps me at the homepage without saving the form or letting me certify or pay.

tried in chrome and firefox. what the ****, over?

my posting history caught up to me already? guess i'll try lady atilla's mac as my vmware copy of IE8 doesn't work anymore.

edit: nope. safari doesn't ****ing work either. what are all you homos using? i'm spinning up a VM and trying IE8 haha...

Finally dug out xp discs and even that didn't ****ing work. **** this ****ing shit. **** you ATF.
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It's the ATF website: Sometimes it just happens. Ask Loki, we had to try a few times in a few browsers before his finally took.

No rhyme or reason to it.
It's not your browser. When their god awful Ajax written script / database is down in the back end, the front facing website can't accept any data.

You can log in, see your forms, and even fill out a Form-1 but when you try to save your documents and data it spits you back out to the front page. No warning, method, or reason. Just have to wait (guess?) when it's up and running again to make another attempt.
It's not your browser. When their god awful Ajax written script / database is down in the back end, the front facing website can't accept any data.

You can log in, see your forms, and even fill out a Form-1 but when you try to save your documents and data it spits you back out to the front page. No warning, method, or reason. Just have to wait (guess?) when it's up and running again to make another attempt.

That's not Ajax's fault necessarily... More likely horrific implementation and server support.
eForms Outage
The eForms system is unavailable at the present time. We anticipate this outage will be short lived and the system will be available soon. Please try to access again at a later time.

I'm getting antsy. I am a week away from the 4 month mark for my electronic form 1 for a trust SBR. I am hoping to have it soon.
Oh damn! That's not what I was hoping to hear. I was thinking it was closer to 3months. Have you checked the status online? (I assume you have)
Only once a day. I have checked and it looks like 4 months is around the normal. Very few people whose check was cashed around when mine was have received their stamps.
Check cashed? I thought you posted that you eform'd? You pay immediately via credit/debit card before you can electronically sign and submit it for approval.
For those that have experienced issues with the eForms system, how/where are you normally getting hung up? I’m trying to submit a Form1 and every time I get to the “Line Item” step, I am having problems. I successfully complete all the fields from the drop down menus to add the firearm, verify manufacturer etc., click finish and it’ll just sit there “Fetching data…”. I’vetried waiting, logging out/in, saving the draft then editing, deleting the from and starting fresh. I’ve done this all multiple times in several different sessions over the course of a week or so. I’ve read about the issues people have encountered with different browsers and whatnot, but everything seems to be working just fine up until that step. I’m thinking the error is on their end.
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There are two steps where most hang-ups occur:
-Attaching documents
-Getting to the payment pop-up

You can try it in different browsers but sometimes the ATF just has a bad day ... Or week.

I have even had it crash when trying to logout, now that takes some serious skill.
I was trying to submit my eform1 yesterday and it kept hanging up trying to load the documents. Then today like Bigblue said it hung up on the payment screen for a good five minutes before it finally went through.
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