ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

Just submitted my first ever NFA application, eform 1 SBR. "Pending Research" due to it being a .300BLK but the drop down for my rifle only had 5.56 so had to click off the "create new item" option. I'm very excited!

You can always just roll 5.56, it doesn't really matter what caliber you put down. Congrats on your first eForm 1!
This is giving me a lot of encouragement. I started the process on the ATF site for a 5.56 SBR and a 300BLK SBR. Hopefully I can still get approval within 4-6 weeks with all the Covid crap going on.
In a recent email from inside the ATF (different department, but probably still applies), they are all working from home, things are moving slowly but they are moving.
You will need to order the fingerprint cards through the ATF. Ask for 10, they are free and you'll need a few extra. Do a few and pick the best ones. You need to send in 2. Mine weren't perfect and they were accepted.

Also, look for an ink pad specific for fingerprints. I think I may have used a permanent pad because it took like 4 days to wear off.[slap]
You will need to order the fingerprint cards through the ATF. Ask for 10, they are free and you'll need a few extra. Do a few and pick the best ones. You need to send in 2. Mine weren't perfect and they were accepted.

Also, look for an ink pad specific for fingerprints. I think I may have used a permanent pad because it took like 4 days to wear off.[slap]

Same, I rolled my own. They looked like shit and ATF was cool.
Oh good. I already have the forms from the ATF - I just need to find them after rearranging my office. I’ll check Amazon for a pad or something to roll my prints with.
I went to the silencer shop kiosk in Manchester and every time I submit a form 1 I just call silencer shop to send me copy of my finger prints. I think I pay 10 or 15 shipped.
Just did my first eform 1 this past Saturday. It was for a SBS. I made a huge length calculation error that I only caught after I submitted. Don’t know what’s going to happen with that yet but it was successfully submitted. Do I send prints in now or wait for an email??? I did get the CLEO forms printed out and ready to send in. But didn’t see anything in regards to prints.
Just did my first eform 1 this past Saturday. It was for a SBS. I made a huge length calculation error that I only caught after I submitted. Don’t know what’s going to happen with that yet but it was successfully submitted. Do I send prints in now or wait for an email??? I did get the CLEO forms printed out and ready to send in. But didn’t see anything in regards to prints.

You should have received an email with a cover letter from the ATF to submit your fingerprints. You can’t send them until you get this email. You will not see the attachment on an iOS device. You have to get it from a web based app. As long as the length you submitted is an actual short barreled shotgun you will get approved. If the OAL you submitted is the current OAL use ask the experts to fix it.
You should have received an email with a cover letter from the ATF to submit your fingerprints. You can’t send them until you get this email. You will not see the attachment on an iOS device. You have to get it from a web based app. As long as the length you submitted is an actual short barreled shotgun you will get approved. If the OAL you submitted is the current OAL use ask the experts to fix it.
My calculations were way off. I am currently trying to get it sorted with ask the experts. I put 50.55 as my overall. It was supposed to be 34. I got the cover letter email with pretty much copies of the eforms. Nothing specifically asking for prints. How long if at all should I wait for print request? best guess is that police stations aren’t letting the public in to get fingerprints for an SBR application, are they? Generally speaking - of course every town may be different, even in this corona mess.
Why would u go to police for prints???? Just order the FBI cards and ink pad off amazon and do them yourself. That’s what I do.
My calculations were way off. I am currently trying to get it sorted with ask the experts. I put 50.55 as my overall. It was supposed to be 34. I got the cover letter email with pretty much copies of the eforms. Nothing specifically asking for prints. How long if at all should I wait for print request?

The email you received should have had two attachments. One is the CLEO copy and the other accompanies your prints to the ATF. You have to get the prints to the ATF within 10 days of submission or they will auto deny. The only reason you wouldn’t get the cover letter would be if your application is “pending research”. I’ve never seen this status on an SBR or SBS, only for form 1 suppressors. You can check by logging into the ATF portal, your submission should be labeled, “submitted, in process”.
The email you received should have had two attachments. One is the CLEO copy and the other accompanies your prints to the ATF. You have to get the prints to the ATF within 10 days of submission or they will auto deny. The only reason you wouldn’t get the cover letter would be if your application is “pending research”. I’ve never seen this status on an SBR or SBS, only for form 1 suppressors. You can check by logging into the ATF portal, your submission should be labeled, “submitted, in process”.
Just received a deny email. I then recieved another email saying the length was off to much and that I would need to resubmit. Refund for payment has been initiated. So I got to start over.oh well. Not a hard process now that I know.
Just received a deny email. I then recieved another email saying the length was off to much and that I would need to resubmit. Refund for payment has been initiated. So I got to start over.oh well. Not a hard process now that I know.

It’s always hard to tell with the ATF but that was probably them “helping” you based on your ask the experts inquiry.
It’s always hard to tell with the ATF but that was probably them “helping” you based on your ask the experts inquiry.
No, it was definitely them helping. He said the measurement was too far off and told me to resubmit with corrected info. I'll take it. It's only been 4 days since initial application so no time loss really.
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