ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

I want to re-file for my Form 1. I was disapproved because I forgot to include a copy of my LTC:A. In the notification email it states I do not need to re-notify the CLEO as long as there are no changes to the firearm information. Which there won’t be.

with the looming election BS, anyone think it’s still worth while re-submitting?
I want to re-file for my Form 1. I was disapproved because I forgot to include a copy of my LTC:A. In the notification email it states I do not need to re-notify the CLEO as long as there are no changes to the firearm information. Which there won’t be.

with the looming election BS, anyone think it’s still worth while re-submitting?

Approvals have been very quick lately, 14 days or less. You should absolutely resubmit. I’m not required in PA to upload my LTC but I suspect it’s on the additional supporting documents step.
Wonder why it’s taking so long for some. It seems like most are getting approved within a month or so
Form 1: eFile SBR
3x eForm 1s (2 pre-ban ARs and 1 SP5)

Submitted: 10/30/2020

Prints Received: 11/5/2020

Approved: 2 on 11/30/2020, 1 on 12/1/2020

Standardized wait: 31-32 days

Only 15-16 business days once the prints arrived. Trish Bartles is an eForm approving machine. From other people I’ve seen post online, she is approving them early in the morning and also after 6.
Form 1: eFile SBR
3x eForm 1s (2 pre-ban ARs and 1 SP5)

Submitted: 10/30/2020

Prints Received: 11/5/2020

Approved: 2 on 11/30/2020, 1 on 12/1/2020

Standardized wait: 31-32 days

Only 15-16 business days once the prints arrived. Trish Bartles is an eForm approving machine. From other people I’ve seen post online, she is approving them early in the morning and also after 6.

Congrats and its funny how many times Trish has been my signer, I often wonder if she real lol, love Trish!
Question for you guys. I submitted my eform this weekend but getting prints has been difficult. Lunenburg PD is closed as is Shirley. They wont do prints. Shirley is looking to see if they can give me a card from when I applied for my LTC. Any other ideas?

also I did receive an email acknowledging my submission but have not received the cover letter for the prints yet.....should I have received that already?

thanks in advance.
Question for you guys. I submitted my eform this weekend but getting prints has been difficult. Lunenburg PD is closed as is Shirley. They wont do prints. Shirley is looking to see if they can give me a card from when I applied for my LTC. Any other ideas?

also I did receive an email acknowledging my submission but have not received the cover letter for the prints yet.....should I have received that already?

thanks in advance.

You get two emails, a payment acknowledgment and the doc to return your prints and CLEO letter is attached. You need to check your email on a web based app, you can’t use a mobile app. The mobile app won’t show attachments from the ATF. Make sure when you log into the ATF site your eForm 1 says “in process” and not “pending research”. If you are pending research come back and that’s another whole path. You can order supplies from Amazon, ATF cards and an ink blotter for prints. There are You Tube videos on how to roll your own prints, I’ve done it since 41f. The ATF can be picky about using the approved form, it’s FD-258. You have 10 days to get them prints before they disapprove you but I hear that they are being lenient with mail delay issues.
Question for you guys. I submitted my eform this weekend but getting prints has been difficult. Lunenburg PD is closed as is Shirley. They wont do prints. Shirley is looking to see if they can give me a card from when I applied for my LTC. Any other ideas?

also I did receive an email acknowledging my submission but have not received the cover letter for the prints yet.....should I have received that already?

thanks in advance.

Rolling your own prints isn’t hard. Just make sure you fill it out the written fields correctly by following one of the several tutorials online.
Applied on November 6, 2020.
Paid on November 6.
Received Cover Letter November 6. Same day. "Submitted"
Prints sent next day by Priority Mail along with CLEO form to CLEO.
Approved December 7, 2020
2x Pre Healey 5.56 10.5in SBR

My post ban .22 was applied in July and has not been "Submitted" yet. Awaiting cover letter by email so I can send prints.
I think the hold up is because it's a .22LR which is unusual for an AR15 post ban lower.
Applied on November 6, 2020.
Paid on November 6.
Received Cover Letter November 6. Same day. "Submitted"
Prints sent next day by Priority Mail along with CLEO form to CLEO.
Approved December 7, 2020
2x Pre Healey 5.56 10.5in SBR

I think the hold up is because it's a .22LR which is unusual for an AR15 post ban lower.

Highly unlikely. Caliber has nothing to do with it
Applied on November 6, 2020.
Paid on November 6.
Received Cover Letter November 6. Same day. "Submitted"
Prints sent next day by Priority Mail along with CLEO form to CLEO.
Approved December 7, 2020
2x Pre Healey 5.56 10.5in SBR

My post ban .22 was applied in July and has not been "Submitted" yet. Awaiting cover letter by email so I can send prints.
I think the hold up is because it's a .22LR which is unusual for an AR15 post ban lower.

Like @Lxpony said caliber should not matter. Pending research on an SBR is very rare, you would only go to that if we’re the first to ever submit that lower. Pending research is taking over 90 days to clear according to the ATF.
Highly unlikely. Caliber has nothing to do with it
Good to know.
Like @Lxpony said caliber should not matter. Pending research on an SBR is very rare, you would only go to that if we’re the first to ever submit that lower. Pending research is taking over 90 days to clear according to the ATF.
The lower is a V Seven Weapons - EX Enlightened. Very rare. Some prior SBR's took 3 weeks to even say "Submitted" after their creation. So, I had to be on the lookout for emails to send the prints on time or I would miss the window. Others received "Submitted" right away which felt like a blessing. One said "Pending research" for weeks.

The latest one has been "created" but NOT "Submitted" and NOT "Pending research" either.

When I called up the lady said they were months behind. She also said that she had 1,800 "Ask the Expert" inquiries to answer.

All my SBR's were done identically besides serial number, model, and manufacturer. My supporting docs like LTC (front and back) and photo are properly included.

In one batch of SBR's one was not approved while they others were not despite being created and submitted at the same date.

I called up and they fixed it.

These folks are human and I noticed all sorts of weird quirks that have shown up - some of which are documented in this thread by me.
Yeah, that honestly sounds like it went to Retiles spam folder or there was a glitch in the system. For an eFile, pretty sure the cover letter email is automated.
Just in case I miss important emails, I login to the website to check on submissions.

So far this one SBR is MIA other than creation.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

If I didn't call up last time I'd still be waiting.

However, patience solves most of these annoyances and the NFA just takes time.

The lady told me that in the past few months they have been overwhelmed. No surprise considering gun sales and talk by Biden and Harris of forced registration for all AR's or confiscation if you don't.

This could be a golden opportunity to make a SBR before new laws are passed.

All I want is to have the tax stamps. I don't have the time or money or availability to build them up.

These lowers will soon be buried deep before the ground freezes and will be available as needed for the duration of my life. If I live to 80, I might stop building but I have a few decades to go.
I don't think there is a law that says you have to complete a build right away after a tax stamp. I just have to keep these lowers buried in state rather than other out of state caches because they can't be brought across state lines without notifying the ATF.
What are your thoughts/predictions on my current form 1 submission.

Submitted my eform1 the other day. Attached a photo of my LTC. My LTC expires tomorrow (15th) and I’ve yet to receive my new LTC from Haverhill yet. Haverhill cashed my check last week but I’m still waiting (since august)

Do you think I’ll be denied for an expired LTC? Im guessing I will.
What are your thoughts/predictions on my current form 1 submission.

Submitted my eform1 the other day. Attached a photo of my LTC. My LTC expires tomorrow (15th) and I’ve yet to receive my new LTC from Haverhill yet. Haverhill cashed my check last week but I’m still waiting (since august)

Do you think I’ll be denied for an expired LTC? Im guessing I will.

I had a form1 approved back in 2016 on an expired LTC. You might be ok. Worse case they will contact you to request a valid copy. They probably won't summarily deny it.
I'm in PENDING RESEARCH since September:

The make and model showed up in the ATF dropdown menu.
It's for a V SEVEN.
All I can think of is that the caliber I selected is ".22". Maybe I should have put "22". Some people on this thread think the caliber should not matter. These lowers are normally .223 or 5.56 so maybe there is no such plans to make a .22.

If you are using a Mac - don't use Safari. Use Firefox. Safari has tons of bugs on the ATF application.

I also notice a problem on my page where there are attachments. My photo - of my face - was submitted onto that. It was 0 bytes. Meaning it did not go through all these months. I re uploaded the photo and now is shows how much space it is. However, on the application - my photo was in fact there. So, it apparently went through the 1st time.

There is a yellow triangle warning symbol on the application page for this SBR.

At the end of the application it has this warning message...

Here is my error message...

The model or manufacturer you have indicated is either “unknown” or is not listed in the ATF reference tables. ATF will have to validate the information you provided prior to rendering a decision on your application. This may extend the average processing time for this application. Please attach copies of any additional information that you feel will assist us with this validation.

I left a message with ATF to follow up but I think it's just going to take time.
Sucks....I've been lucky in all 23 I've submitted:cool::cool::cool:
I have great news!!!

I left a message yesterday with NFA.

Coincidentally (or not), I'm out of pending research today.

It's been submitted!

I got my cover letter and my prints have been waiting to go.

I'm all set.

I have the USPS Priority envelopes and I'm all ready to mail to ATF and CLEO.

It wont be long now.

What a relief!!!


I have to admit something here...

My troubled application was done using Safari.

I resubmitted the existing application using Firefox on the ATF website.

Right after I resubmitted, I got "Pending Research".

A day later, I got "Submitted" and the OK to send in the prints with the included cover letter.

The problem with this latest submission was caused my an incomplete application.

A month ago I called up and they just said they were behind.
She never looked at my application which would have indicated my error.

So, I kept waiting.

But now I'm all set and it's just a matter of time before it gets approved.
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