ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

Just want to update to say that I was able to submit the application with no problems this morning and received the Application Submission Notification email as well. I guess the site was just on the fritz last night. Now the wait begins ☺️
Congrats, now get those prints in the mail!
Will be sending them and the cover letter out on Monday via overnight/signature required Priority Express. 👍

That seems a bit unnecessary on the postage, the signature of some ATF bot really isn't needed. We have sent ours Priority Mail with no issues and the included tracking was enough to let us know they got there.

But you do you certainly.

Just got DISAPPROVED. My birthday was yesterday and my LTC rolled over. I renewed 3 months ago and have had the new one in hand for over a month so it was off my radar. f***ers didn’t call, they just rejected. f***.
Was told that if you file as an individual you have to have the chief of police sign off on the build. I was looking at the efile so how can you have them sign if it's online? Everything else I have read doesn't mention signatures, only that you must provide the CLEO a copy of your application. Can anyone clarify? Thanks
Was told that if you file as an individual you have to have the chief of police sign off on the build. I was looking at the efile so how can you have them sign if it's online? Everything else I have read doesn't mention signatures, only that you must provide the CLEO a copy of your application. Can anyone clarify? Thanks
No matter how you file, individual or as an entity (trust), CLEO notification is required. It's simply a notification, not a "sign-off." When you get finish your application, one copy will say "CLEO Copy" at the bottom of the form. You send it to the CLEO you identified in Block 10 on the Form.

No matter how you file, individual or as an entity (trust), CLEO notification is required. It's simply a notification, not a "sign-off." When you get finish your application, one copy will say "CLEO Copy" at the bottom of the form. You send it to the CLEO you identified in Block 10 on the Form.

View attachment 447756
Thanks a bunch! I thought I had gotten some bad info but doesn’t hurt to ask when dealing with the ATF
Has anybody had to use the “ask an expert” function?

I spoke on the phone to a representative about my “approved” form 1. She said it was approved but I was accidentally sent the wrong email saying my form 1 was submitted (again). I never received my stamp.

she told me to use the “ask an expert” email and explain my situation and they will send the right approval email. It’s been a couple weeks and still haven’t heard. Anybody have luck with the email correspondence?
Has anybody had to use the “ask an expert” function?

I spoke on the phone to a representative about my “approved” form 1. She said it was approved but I was accidentally sent the wrong email saying my form 1 was submitted (again). I never received my stamp.

she told me to use the “ask an expert” email and explain my situation and they will send the right approval email. It’s been a couple weeks and still haven’t heard. Anybody have luck with the email correspondence?
Have you tried logging into the ATF site and grabbing it yourself?
Has anybody had to use the “ask an expert” function?

I spoke on the phone to a representative about my “approved” form 1. She said it was approved but I was accidentally sent the wrong email saying my form 1 was submitted (again). I never received my stamp.

she told me to use the “ask an expert” email and explain my situation and they will send the right approval email. It’s been a couple weeks and still haven’t heard. Anybody have luck with the email correspondence?
I have tried the ask an expert 3 times. Never heard back once.
When was your submitted date?

submitted 12/13. Got my “submitted email” then got a “submitted email” on 1/12. The rep said it was approved and was supposed to be an “approved” email with my stamp

Have you tried logging into the ATF site and grabbing it yourself?

I did. It still has the word “submitted” over my form. Not approved. However the rep said it’s approved in the system, and form is located under approved forms in my online portal.
Anyone file recently for an AR? A year or two ago I know they were still asking for proof of pre-Healey status. Wondering if that's still the case.
Trying to fill out this form 1 and I feel like an idiot. Anyone have suggestions on “why I intend to make fire arm”. Also it asks for the information of the police chief in my town. Do I need to notify before I send it in?
Trying to fill out this form 1 and I feel like an idiot. Anyone have suggestions on “why I intend to make fire arm”. Also it asks for the information of the police chief in my town. Do I need to notify before I send it in?

All lawful purposes

Notify the chief after you submit.
All lawful purposes

Notify the chief after you submit.
Great thank you! Also it was asking for “name and address of original manufacturer”. This is being built on an old Essential Arms lower. Should I put in their current address or do I use mine since I am building it?
Trying to fill out this form 1 and I feel like an idiot. Anyone have suggestions on “why I intend to make fire arm”. Also it asks for the information of the police chief in my town. Do I need to notify before I send it in?
Not to be pendantic, but it doesn't ask for the information of the police chief in your town. It asks for the information for the CLEO, which it specifically defines as "...the Chief of Police; the Sheriff; the Head of the State Police; or a State or local district attorney or prosecutor." If you don't want your local COP to know what's sitting in your safe, you can send it somewhere "upstream," where they will probably look at the form like a monkey looking at a wristwatch, and then shitcann it. All of mine go to the Chief of the NH State Police.
Great thank you! Also it was asking for “name and address of original manufacturer”. This is being built on an old Essential Arms lower. Should I put in their current address or do I use mine since I am building it?
The address of the original manufacturer. You are the maker of the SBR not the original.
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