ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

Was able to get away and have my lower(s) engraved today. I can't say enough good things about Tony @ 2AEngraving. Did both lowers as I waited, and it took like no time at all.


It mad a really cool sci-fi sound too....
That's nothing. I about died of email anxiety yesterday since I've been waiting on my stamp AND we had a offer in on a house. Didn't get the house, so I'm hoping the ATF sees fit to send the stamp soon. I'm in need of some stress relief.
Honestly, they could bring in a ton of revenue if they processed Form 4s in a timely manner.

Yeah, I am pretty happy with my silencer collection. I can kind of cover all my bases, but if I knew I could buy the can and get it in 30 days or less, I def would be buying more.
Yeah, I am pretty happy with my silencer collection. I can kind of cover all my bases, but if I knew I could buy the can and get it in 30 days or less, I def would be buying more.

If Mass wasn't so retarded about such things, I'd be buying them all day long! There was a cop at the range last weekend with a .30 cal can shooting subsonic. What a treat that was to experience!
If Mass wasn't so retarded about such things, I'd be buying them all day long! There was a cop at the range last weekend with a .30 cal can shooting subsonic. What a treat that was to experience!

Get yourself a friend in NH and do a trust. You fund the purchases and your friend holds on to the cans. Join a range near the friend and shoot away. If you're in the trust as a RP you can posses the suppressors in all 42 suppressor legal states in the country. This applies to SBR, SBS and machine guns. F Mass.
I know the ATF can not change what's within the realm of the NFA registry, however change has to start someplace.

“While DOJ and ATF have historically not supported removal of items from the NFA, the change in public acceptance of silencers arguably indicates that the reason for their inclusion in the NFA is archaic and historical reluctance to removing them from the NFA should be reevaluated. ATF’s experience with the criminal use of silencers also supports reassessing their inclusion in the NFA.”

– 2017 ATF White Paper⁣
I know the ATF can not change what's within the realm of the NFA registry, however change has to start someplace.

“While DOJ and ATF have historically not supported removal of items from the NFA, the change in public acceptance of silencers arguably indicates that the reason for their inclusion in the NFA is archaic and historical reluctance to removing them from the NFA should be reevaluated. ATF’s experience with the criminal use of silencers also supports reassessing their inclusion in the NFA.”

– 2017 ATF White Paper⁣

Nothing would make me happier. Don't care at all about my wasted tax stamp money.
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