ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

So, I’m waiting for an email telling me where to send my fingerprint cards, right? I submitted the eForm-1 on 4Aug, got my prints at the PD on 6Aug and it’s 15Aug. The website just indicates in processing. Nothing in email spam. Should I “Ask the Experts" or hang tight?
Did you receive any email? The prints cover letter is a pdf attached to an email and is easy to miss.
You get the cover sheet immediately upon submission of your form 1. If you didn't get it immediately something is very wrong
Dang - a rogue Outlook Rule grabbed it into a folder and it auto-archived. But I have it now and it will arrive on Business Day 10 after submission.

Thanks - glad I asked!
So, I’m waiting for an email telling me where to send my fingerprint cards, right? I submitted the eForm-1 on 4Aug, got my prints at the PD on 6Aug and it’s 15Aug. The website just indicates in processing. Nothing in email spam. Should I “Ask the Experts" or hang tight?
Did you check to see if the cover letter from eforms maybe went to a junk/spam folder? Ask the Experts, or call the NFA number at ATF eforms. Are you sure you submitted the $200 payment for the tax stamp?
That still sucks when you are expecting your eForm 1 to take two weeks. Logistically its better than a disapproval but probably takes longer. It's always hard to know with the ATF.
I agree. The thing that really irritated me is it was a pure US Postal Service problem. I payed for 2 day delivery and tracking, and it still took the Post Office 3 weeks to deliver it.
So, I’m waiting for an email telling me where to send my fingerprint cards, right? I submitted the eForm-1 on 4Aug, got my prints at the PD on 6Aug and it’s 15Aug. The website just indicates in processing. Nothing in email spam. Should I “Ask the Experts" or hang tight?
Unfortunately you’re now past the 10-day requirement to send them in. They have to ARRIVE, not ship, within 10 days of the application submission. Can’t answer why you didn’t get the email, but can tell you you’re going to have to start over unfortunately.
Unfortunately you’re now past the 10-day requirement to send them in. They have to ARRIVE, not ship, within 10 days of the application submission. Can’t answer why you didn’t get the email, but can tell you you’re going to have to start over unfortunately.
This is not accurate. The 10 day requirement has been broadened per a conversation I've had with an examiner about 6 months ago
This is not accurate. The 10 day requirement has been broadened per a conversation I've had with an examiner about 6 months ago
My prints arrived on the 11th business day after my Form 1 was submitted - USPS let me down on 2-day Priority Mail. It took a full day to go from the Bedford NH Post Office, to the Goffstown, Manchester and then the Nashua NH distribution centers, before heading to ATF in WV. I see an outgoing USPS blue drop box in the front in Google Maps pictures - next time I‘’ just drop my mail there.

Time will tell…
I used to track my fingerprints getting back to WV but it stressed me out to no end. The last 10 or so sets I've sent have all been with a few first class stamps and a hail Mary and I've never had an issue or rejection.
So this is interesting to those who are about to apply a Form 1 or those that currently have a pistol braced AR/AK. It is the first I am hearing about it but it may already be known to you guys.

If the Guns & Gadgets guy's insight is correct then come December the ATF will plow ahead with requiring registration of a pistol braced AR/AK as an SBR.

However he believes that there will be an "amnesty period" where the $200 tax will be waved if you include a photo of the braced pistol and he presents a document that he believes supports that notion. I would ask how does anyone know that prints and photos will not be waived as well based just on that line.

We will have to see what the term "amnesty" translates to administratively, because if they are going to ask for prints and photos for every braced pistol owner that complies they will be swamped, and while they may like to screw with people they, like every other federal employee, like to do it with the least amount of actual effort.

I personally find the term "amnesty" to be an abomination as applied here to a registration, but the fed boyz have no sense of irony.


A change in the rules on pistol braces has been a long time coming, and frankly if it means something to people it should have been directly addressed years ago. Instead many took advantage of a poorly written law coupled with a poorly written rule by the ATF. Yes it is absolutely legal to have a short barreled firearm with a pistol brace, call it a pistol, and shoulder that brace when firing. (at one point I don't think that was the case but it is now).
So people took advantage of the law/rule and did just that. I have no problem with doing this, I don't, but go for it if you want to. It's the ATF's own fault for making this too complicated and too restrictive.
What I don't like is the hypocrites who smile and wink and say "no no it's a pistol, I'm not using it like an SBR". You think this is cheeky but it's just a lie, and it motivates them to redefine the rule since you're not speaking out against the idea of limiting SBRs, you're just confused by the they will fix that. You are literally telling them you don't understand the intent of the rule, so naturally they will "help" by clarifying it.

And for those who will claim it's some kind of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience usually has some specific elements.
Open disobedience of the law.
Get arrested and use that as a platform to speak out
Do these things in large numbers
Do these things in a very public way, not at the range out behind some club where no one will notice.

So as you all trash me for having an opinion let's be clear:
I am against both pistol brace and SBR laws/regulations.
I don't own a pistol brace because I don't need a pistol brace, and unless that changes I'm not going to buy one.
I pay for my stamps on my SBRs NOT because I like the law, but because I don't want to go to jail. That might change if there was an organized civil disobedience event with 200+ people committed to being arrested, and going to jail, no bail, no pleading out. So before you trash my position, answer this, are you willing to go to jail over this and serve the sentence? Let's be clear, that's 10 years in the federal prison system.
My experience was they shove your stuff to the bottom of the pile.
Took 90 days to get my stamp.
They got my prints on day 11 (8/14/22) and the eForms sites say "In Processing" 5 weeks later. I might send an "Ask the Experts" email to see if the squeaky wheel gets some grease. Nothing to lose…
They got my prints on day 11 (8/14/22) and the eForms sites say "In Processing" 5 weeks later. I might send an "Ask the Experts" email to see if the squeaky wheel gets some grease. Nothing to lose…
Guaranteed they just confirm receipt of your form 1 cover letter and prints and say they’re waiting on the FBI to perform the background check. They’ll tell you nothing they can do until they hear back from the FBI, and that they’re receiving/processing unprecedented amounts of forms as quickly as they can. Infringement through stall tactics and bureaucracy. They need to abolish NFA altogether if they can’t perform processing and administration of their own process.
They got my prints on day 11 (8/14/22) and the eForms sites say "In Processing" 5 weeks later. I might send an "Ask the Experts" email to see if the squeaky wheel gets some grease. Nothing to lose…
Approval received today 9/29/2022, so 6-7 weeks after prints arrived.

Here’s my SIG556P upper meeting my SIG556 lower for the first time. It folds small - just 20.5 inches. 682F0C17-F29B-4F6A-B450-CCDD056877CA.jpeg 0B60D48A-C08B-4899-97D0-026AF4F07857.jpeg

I just threw on the Mepro M21 - the levers on the mount interfere with the charging handle operation unless it’s way forward so I gotta get a small/lighter optic. Maybe another Holosun.
Approval received today 9/29/2022, so 6-7 weeks after prints arrived.

Here’s my SIG556P upper meeting my SIG556 lower for the first time. It folds small - just 20.5 inches.View attachment 667687View attachment 667688

I just threw on the Mepro M21 - the levers on the mount interfere with the charging handle operation unless it’s way forward so I gotta get a small/lighter optic. Maybe another Holosun.
That looks great! I have an old Sig 556R that I would love to SBR but it would have to be a cut down, they look so good.
Ive been going round and round on a Form 1 to SBR an 80%. Submitted it back in December of 21, right when they revamped their website. I couldn't get out of "draft" status for anything. Any time I navigated eforms I would get an error "unable to save form, if problem reoccurs contact system administrator"

Thats all I could get. I asked the experts several times with no reply. I called, and called, and called, and every answer I got was we cant help you, not my job etc...

I emailed every and all offices that could possibly have anything to do with NFA and eforms, never once got a reply there either...

So....last week, a buddy was submitting an eform 1 and he got the same message! He cleared his error somehow, and we poked around on mine and whent line by line re-entering all the data on my application and it went through!!!!

Got the confirmation email that my application is "pending research" vs "submitted" and now im checking my email every day for the cover letter to send in my prints.

This happened on my first eform1, I submitted it, it was pending research, then got an email maybe a week later to send in my prints, then got approved a few weeks after that.

I'm told that 80% lowers get looked at more because people screw up the application in naming the manufacturer vs maker?

Ive been going round and round on a Form 1 to SBR an 80%. Submitted it back in December of 21, right when they revamped their website. I couldn't get out of "draft" status for anything. Any time I navigated eforms I would get an error "unable to save form, if problem reoccurs contact system administrator"

Thats all I could get. I asked the experts several times with no reply. I called, and called, and called, and every answer I got was we cant help you, not my job etc...

I emailed every and all offices that could possibly have anything to do with NFA and eforms, never once got a reply there either...

So....last week, a buddy was submitting an eform 1 and he got the same message! He cleared his error somehow, and we poked around on mine and whent line by line re-entering all the data on my application and it went through!!!!

Got the confirmation email that my application is "pending research" vs "submitted" and now im checking my email every day for the cover letter to send in my prints.

This happened on my first eform1, I submitted it, it was pending research, then got an email maybe a week later to send in my prints, then got approved a few weeks after that.

I'm told that 80% lowers get looked at more because people screw up the application in naming the manufacturer vs maker?

All of my NFA submissions have been for home built firearms. I was instructed to make note of that on the application. Submissions get thru pending research much quicker now.
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