ATF raids home of Clinton Airport's manager

The problem with MHT is that it has so few flights, so you are far more likely to have to change planes than if you are flying out of BOS.
BOS is actually a great airport. Much better than it was years ago… Sure it’s in the northeast which means it’s at the mercy of the most crowded air corridor in the country (if not the world), but it’s come a long long long way…
BOS is actually a great airport. Much better than it was years ago… Sure it’s in the northeast which means it’s at the mercy of the most crowded air corridor in the country (if not the world), but it’s come a long long long way…
It has good service, but the terminals are comparatively small and cramped. I changed planes in Salt Lake City earlier this month and that is a much nicer airport — far more room in the terminal, more seats at the gates, etc. Now that’s not surprising as they have much more available land, whereas Logan is in a cramped location and is much older. So, BOS is much better than it was and has a lot of direct flights, but it is still subpar IMO.
It has good service, but the terminals are comparatively small and cramped. I changed planes in Salt Lake City earlier this month and that is a much nicer airport — far more room in the terminal, more seats at the gates, etc. Now that’s not surprising as they have much more available land, whereas Logan is in a cramped location and is much older. So, BOS is much better than it was and has a lot of direct flights, but it is still subpar IMO.

The problem with BOS is the tier 1 airline terminals are "constipated." This means TSA bottlenecks. TSA lines for Delta etc are far worse than JetBlue etc. It sucks that Jetblues schedule and service has turned to shit post covid because it allowed me to get out of multiple problems at once. I'm 100% Delta now for better or worse.
The problem with BOS is the tier 1 airline terminals are "constipated." This means TSA bottlenecks. TSA lines for Delta etc are far worse than JetBlue etc. It sucks that Jetblues schedule and service has turned to shit post covid because it allowed me to get out of multiple problems at once. I'm 100% Delta now for better or worse.
JetBlue started it's downhill slide when they hired Russ Chew - and that has been a long time ago.
I don’t think he knew much of anything and I don’t think there was any conspiracy. I think this was just SOP. This is how they roll — break down the door at 0-dark-30 and hope that the subject in their warrant resists so that they can shoot him. Whether this was an airport manager in Little Rock or Joe Schmo in Podunk, Kansas, they want to go in hot so that they have a chance to kill someone.
The federal affidavit indicates this was BATFE looking for somebody, anybody, to make an example of in advance of the change to the "engaged in the business" rulemaking change, and Bryan Malinowski made himself a target by being blatantly "engaged in the business" as an unlicensed dealer.
Or is the claim that Bryan didn't purchase 92 guns from a single dealer in North Little Rock and then turn many of them around at a profit?

I find it much more likely that he was merely a target of opportunity -- at most character assassination, not Arkancide.
The federal affidavit indicates this was BATFE looking for somebody, anybody, to make an example of in advance of the change to the "engaged in the business" rulemaking change, and Bryan Malinowski made himself a target by being blatantly "engaged in the business" as an unlicensed dealer.
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Or is the claim that Bryan didn't purchase 92 guns from a single dealer in North Little Rock and then turn many of them around at a profit?

I find it much more likely that he was merely a target of opportunity -- at most character assassination, not Arkancide.
I think the assertion here is not that he was completely innocent but that none of what they claimed he did was worthy of summary execution.
I think the assertion here is not that he was completely innocent but that none of what they claimed he did was worthy of summary execution.
Question is, did they go in with the intent of killing him, or just with the understanding that was a possible, or even likely, outcome and didn't care?

So at a minimum, depraved indifference to human life.
Question is, did they go in with the intent of killing him, or just with the understanding that was a possible, or even likely, outcome and didn't care?

So at a minimum, depraved indifference to human life.
I believe the intent was to place him in a situation where they could produce a negative outcome - his death was a bonus.

So, while I don't thing the direct intent was to kill him I do believe it was the preferred outcome.
I believe the intent was to place him in a situation where they could produce a negative outcome - his death was a bonus.

So, while I don't thing the direct intent was to kill him I do believe it was the preferred outcome.
What’s makes you think this? We’re dealing with bureaucrats here at the end of the day who are probably most concerned with their pensions. Can I see a couple of them going cowboy? Absolutely. Can I see some kind of larger criminal conspiracy in place to “get someone” as per the Biden admin’s wishes to send a message? No way.
What’s makes you think this?
They made the choice to serve the warrant at his house in the early dawn hours when it was most dangerous. He worked in a gun free zone so they could have surveilled the home and grabbed him during his commute or at work.

They neglected to wear body cameras that would document their actions - if those actions were planned to be completely above board then the documentation would only support their case

They covered his cameras to hide who was entering the home - If they wanted a peaceful execution of a legal warrant wouldn't they want the person to know that there were multiple armed LEO on the porch?

We’re dealing with bureaucrats here at the end of the day who are probably most concerned with their pensions. Can I see them going cowboy? Absolutely. Can I see some kind of criminal conspiracy in place to “get someone” as per the Biden admin’s wishes to send a message? No way.
No conspiracy needed nor do we need to link it to Biden - the ATF wants to stay relevant and taking down a high volume, violent, illegal arms dealer in a firefight is a great way to show you are are needed.
What’s makes you think this? We’re dealing with bureaucrats here at the end of the day who are probably most concerned with their pensions. Can I see a couple of them going cowboy? Absolutely. Can I see some kind of larger criminal conspiracy in place to “get someone” as per the Biden admin’s wishes to send a message? No way.
Man, if you hadn’t read Unintended Consequence, or Bracken’s Enemies Foreign and Domestic, you should have seen the public testimony of the current Director of BATFE. If the public statements of the director show that much contempt towards gun owners, I can only imagine the vehement vitriol behind closed doors.

Yes, they are bureaucrats, moreover, they are bureaucrats in a department built on the very foundation since its inception, to undermine a key element of American brand of freedom. You think all the fan hate memes from gun owners, there isn’t equal amount of hatred back from these bureaucrats and their henchmen?
They made the choice to serve the warrant at his house in the early dawn hours when it was most dangerous. He worked in a gun free zone so they could have surveilled the home and grabbed him during his commute or at work.

They neglected to wear body cameras that would document their actions - if those actions were planned to be completely above board then the documentation would only support their case

They covered his cameras to hide who was entering the home - If they wanted a peaceful execution of a legal warrant wouldn't they want the person to know that there were multiple armed LEO on the porch?

No conspiracy needed nor do we need to link it to Biden - the ATF wants to stay relevant and taking down a high volume, violent, illegal arms dealer in a firefight is a great way to show you are are needed.
I tend to be a big believer in Hanlon's Razor, but there comes a point when no amount of incompetence can explain the behavior.
They made the choice to serve the warrant at his house in the early dawn hours when it was most dangerous. He worked in a gun free zone so they could have surveilled the home and grabbed him during his commute or at work.

They neglected to wear body cameras that would document their actions - if those actions were planned to be completely above board then the documentation would only support their case

They covered his cameras to hide who was entering the home - If they wanted a peaceful execution of a legal warrant wouldn't they want the person to know that there were multiple armed LEO on the porch?

No conspiracy needed nor do we need to link it to Biden - the ATF wants to stay relevant and taking down a high volume, violent, illegal arms dealer in a firefight is a great way to show you are are needed.
Or, conversely especially in an election year, give guys like Tom Cotton & Boozman a reason/opportunity to go full spotlight on the BATFE like they’re doing now. This wasn’t some goofball banger from Baltimore. This guy had friends. Was connected. They’ll ask questions and I can’t imagine any bureaucrat wants that - especially in an election year when things will most likely flip and guys like Cotton and Boozman could have budgetary control - never mind oversight.
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Or, conversely especially in an election year, give guys like Tom Cotton & Boozman a reason/opportunity to go full spotlight on the BATFE like they’re doing now. This wasn’t some goofball banger from Baltimore. This guy had friends. Was connected. They’ll ask questions and I can’t imagine any bureaucrat wants that - especially in an election year when things will most likely flip and guys like Cotton and Boozman could have budgetary control - never mind oversight.
I wish I could be as optimistic as you. Brian Terry, the Border Patrol agent who was killed in connection with Fast & Furious, more or less died in vain despite lots of postering and hot air. The machine always prioritizes its own survival over even one or two of its own cogs.
I believe the intent was to place him in a situation where they could produce a negative outcome - his death was a bonus.

So, while I don't thing the direct intent was to kill him I do believe it was the preferred outcome.

It's apparently obvious that when they send in guys with guns when a cup of coffee and a handshake could have sufficed. Particularly given they had zero indication to think that he'd react violently to a less confrontational interview.

This is basically the same kind of bullshit that happened to Randy Weaver, almost to the letter.
I wish I could be as optimistic as you. Brian Terry, the Border Patrol agent who was killed in connection with Fast & Furious, more or less died in vain despite lots of postering and hot air. The machine always prioritizes its own survival over even one or two of its own cogs.
In the case of BATFE it's best to assume they simply don't care about other agencies.

Or, conversely especially in an election year, give guys like Tom Cotton & Boozman a reason/opportunity to go full spotlight on the BATFE like they’re doing now. This wasn’t some goofball banger from Baltimore. This guy had friends. Was connected. They’ll ask questions and I can’t imagine any bureaucrat wants that - especially in an election year when things will most likely flip and guys like Cotton and Boozman could have budgetary control - never mind oversight.

Lol none of them have the balls to cut BATFEs budget, or even if those guys do- they still need a consensus with the other reps or senators in order to get the budget cut and that's going to be a tall order when the bottom 85% of senate/house is filled with authoritarian knob polisher types.

BATFE knows this and rides the " jingocon/LE fornication and mindless prostration to authority boogie board "to the bank every day.
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So much for the AG talking tough.

Think he got the "Shame about the kiddie porn that's about to be found on your computer ." Call?
AFRCOM's YT channel had a nice peese on how the ATF is specifically RESTRICTED from using body cams. LOL. They have like 2 lines of how to do it and 400 pages of what they CAN'T do. Including what other ossifers and agencies are beholden to if they go on a joint raid.

I have a de-ram where a Republican president gets into office and cleans house in these 3-letter agencies. It's a de-ram. Unlikely to happen. But it would be great to see the whole thing mildly dismantled and some life-long bureaucrats out on their asses.
AFRCOM's YT channel had a nice peese on how the ATF is specifically RESTRICTED from using body cams. LOL. They have like 2 lines of how to do it and 400 pages of what they CAN'T do. Including what other ossifers and agencies are beholden to if they go on a joint raid.

I have a de-ram where a Republican president gets into office and cleans house in these 3-letter agencies. It's a de-ram. Unlikely to happen. But it would be great to see the whole thing mildly dismantled and some life-long bureaucrats out on their asses.
Every court where the ATF presents evidence gathered during a raid, arrest or interrogation should throw out everything with prejudice for lack of video documentation.
And hold agents that disable or destroy a person's cameras responsible for civil rights violation under consciousness of guilt (they knew that they were either committingor about to commit a crime)
I also believe that any LEO testimony not completely and constantly documented on body cam should be tossed unless clear and objective reasons (that could not be cured with redaction) are presented for the lack of recording . Shutting off or purposely covering a body camera in order to speak to another officer should be clear and sufficient evidence of a civil rights violation.

Both Chevron and Qualified Immunity need to go.
Regarding taping over cameras, I think there may be tactical reasons for this. In the Las Vegas shooting, the shooter put wireless cameras in the hallways outside his room. He used those cameras to shoot through walls at officers moving down the hall towards his door. Reportedly, he had success putting suppressive fire through the walls, and was able to control that space. So I can see reasons for blocking cameras while people are exposed outside the door.

Body cameras are a different issue. No one in law enforcement should have a tactical gear loadout that does not include a body camera. It should be an automatic demotion or suspension if the camera is not worn and running during any operation that requires a tactical team. Note that I am not looking to demote or suspend officers, I just want to insure that body cameras become part of organizational culture.
Regarding taping over cameras, I think there may be tactical reasons for this. In the Las Vegas shooting, the shooter put wireless cameras in the hallways outside his room. He used those cameras to shoot through walls at officers moving down the hall towards his door. Reportedly, he had success putting suppressive fire through the walls, and was able to control that space. So I can see reasons for blocking cameras while people are exposed outside the door.
You gave clear and objective evidence for covering cameras in dangerous situations that CANNOT be avoided.

Now tell me why if they believed THIS guy might hunker down and fight from within his house and then determined the most advantageous location to the safe arrest was still determined to be his home?
If they say that they covered his cameras because they thought he would fight then then they clearly went in with forethought of him not making through the raid - in other words, they murdered him.
Regarding taping over cameras, I think there may be tactical reasons for this. In the Las Vegas shooting, the shooter put wireless cameras in the hallways outside his room. He used those cameras to shoot through walls at officers moving down the hall towards his door. Reportedly, he had success putting suppressive fire through the walls, and was able to control that space. So I can see reasons for blocking cameras while people are exposed outside the door.
A <> B. In LV they were dealing with an active shooter. In this case they're serving a warrant. Two very different situations. No need to disable cameras to serve a warrant.
Body cameras are a different issue. No one in law enforcement should have a tactical gear loadout that does not include a body camera. It should be an automatic demotion or suspension if the camera is not worn and running during any operation that requires a tactical team. Note that I am not looking to demote or suspend officers, I just want to insure that body cameras become part of organizational culture.
It's a shame more aren't like it.

If they were the same distance from me, I'd fly MHT to DAL instead of BOS to DFW.
I lived by tallahassee for a couple years and mht before i love small airports

Jax is by far my fav... direct flights but still smallish to be through sec in 20 min... with good restaraunt options

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