Attempting To Build SBR in Boston can it be done?


NES Member
Apr 23, 2018
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I was talk to a buddy at work about my plans to pick up a pre ban lower and applying for the tax stamp to make it into a 7.5 sbr and he told me that that would never happen being a resident of the city. Has anyone done so with out much of a hassle or should I be prepared for some jumping through all th hoops and ultimately getting turned away?
I was talk to a buddy at work about my plans to pick up a pre ban lower and applying for the tax stamp to make it into a 7.5 sbr and he told me that that would never happen being a resident of the city. Has anyone done so with out much of a hassle or should I be prepared for some jumping through all th hoops and ultimately getting turned away?

Boston residents have to deal with their own AWB.

Boston "Assault Weapons Ban" ... n00b content
Already planning on it, was looking at NH but the commute is a killer and everything around is over priced
If you have a job with flexible hours, you can easily hit an hour each way. I usually get to work at 6 then go home at 145pm, or I do OT until 6-630. Usually an hour each way no problem. Loving Nashua life
all of this is my opinion worth what you spent on it:

SBR in 5.56 is beyond dumb. SBR in 300 blk is also dumb unless one is running subsonic + suppressed. so overall AR SBR's are just stupid. the topic of filing paperwork to CLEO and ATF (presumably form 1) indicating an AR build at residence in boston...well let me just say I could certainly understand why one would not be inclined towards this.

if need an SBR build something in 9mm. a kriss vector, sig MPX or CZ scorpion all make damn nice 9mm SBR's. the up side to a vector is it's easy to acquire the parts, put through paperwork, then build and engrave all while avoiding AWB crap. in general it's easier to build up an SBR rather than convert a rifle to SBR.
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