Aussies used to be tough. Now, I think they're eating too much soy.

Yeah those "ghost gun" laws are really going to stop criminal organizations from creating them... Clowns.
Didn’t they have Covid camps that people were mandatorily sent too? AU is nothing like Paul Hogan portrayed back in the day.

Yes, Australia has been a test bed for what a government can get away with, and the successful programs spread once they have proof of concept. Australia curtailed free speech online before anyone else, and that nonsense is spreading everywhere. Of course disarming the population was step 1. They did that a long time ago.
Australia .
Someone posted a video here of a young girl being dragged away from her parents kicking and screaming and vaccinated by force.
I can't find the damn thing now , it must have gotten twilight zoned by youtube.
All I'll say about that is if it was my kid there would have been a wake of bodies behind me till they finally got me.
No wonder they want to take the guns.
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