AZ - Jose Guerena Shot 60 Times By SWAT Team

What happened is several things:

1. Police have gone from "Protect & Serve" to "Law Enforcement."

2. Militarization of the police - whether it's federal tax dollars or surplus military equipment, police departments across the country have been gearing up to the level of some military outfits. Give people toys, and they want to play with them.

3. The War on Drugs. Forty years, forty billion dollars. Absolute, complete, 100% failure.

4. Glamorization of the police - this is both internal and external. Externally, it's television and movies, internally it's things like that picture of the jackass hanging upside down from a rope while pointing his handgun at the camera. The shift from local Peace Officer to X-TREME TACTICOOL OPERATOR has been going on for years.


5. New media. Misdeeds by police and other civil servants have been going on for much longer than 20 years but it's only been over the last 10-15 years that new forms of media have shed light on them. Add in low-cost cameras and videorecorders and we've had much greater access to stories that weren't usually seen before.

I know it's a little far away, but I used to live in AZ. Please, do NOT get me started on the difference in laws… But you want to talk about MILITARY-style? Sherrif Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County has IIRC the LARGEST Police force in the US, and the MF-ers have a fricking TANK!

For parades:

Pretty at night:

Coming to a house near you:

And if Steven Segal is around...
More than 500 pages of officers' statements, evidence lists and witness interviews were released by the Pima County Sheriff's Department. Also released were audiotapes from the shooting scene, radio transmissions and other communications made by law enforcement personnel during the serving of search warrants on four homes on the southwest side.


Michael Storie, an attorney representing the five SWAT officers who shot at Guerena, said last week that all those officers were separated immediately after the shooting so they could be interviewed and provide objective statements of what happened. The audiotapes reveal that after about 45 minutes, all the SWAT officers are together. They can be heard talking about what happened, according to tape recordings made at the scene.

"That was um, like a movie, the way he jumped out," said the SWAT team leader.

"Well, he waited, he waited and once Hector came up ..." said another SWAT member just before being interrupted by the SWAT leader who said, "What did he say?" Hector is the name of one of the SWAT officers.

Two other voices say they "couldn't hear anything" and that they didn't know if Jose Guerena said anything before the shooting began.

"He yelled something, 'I got something for you' or something," the SWAT leader told them, according to the audiotapes.

"I just started boom, boom, boom, boom," said another voice on the tape.

"Yeah, we were all out of ammo when we got back," the SWAT leader said.

While outside, a SWAT member asked the team leader if they were going inside the house. The team leader can be heard on the tape saying no, and the team member said, "Why not? ... Might as well finish what I started.".....

Statements of Det. Farmer & Tzystuck and Sgt. Krygier:

Statement of Vanessa Guerena (part 1):

Statement of Vanessa Guerena (part 2):
Items found in Jose Guerena's house included: a Colt .38-caliber handgun, paperwork, tax returns, insurance papers, bank statements and a bank card, reports showed.

Ugh! Make. It. Stop!!!
Well this is certainly getting wrapped up nicely by the Sheriff. Surprised he didn't put a bow on the damned thing.

Items found in Jose Guerena's house included: a Colt .38-caliber handgun, paperwork, tax returns, insurance papers, bank statements and a bank card, reports showed.

I have all of those things in my house (plus more!). If you guys will excuse me I need to go reinforce my front door.
It took only one person in Tunisia to set himself on fire that changed the Arab world this year.

I wonder what our tipping point will be here in the US?

when lattes stop being served and ball sports are off of TV. yes, sports fans, hockey is included in this.

the sheep obviously don't care as there should be outrage over this "isolated incident" in AZ and there's not--and this is just one of many.
when lattes stop being served and ball sports are off of TV. yes, sports fans, hockey is included in this.

the sheep obviously don't care as there should be outrage over this "isolated incident" in AZ and there's not--and this is just one of many.

As long as the nightly news keeps spinning this stuff clean ain't nothing gonna happen. How many folks take what's on the tube as received gospel? They don't critically evaluate it or even fact-check it. It's just "that's what the news said". And yet they don't trust the weatherman...
their apathy is just too deeply rooted. they can't be arsed to care and are just fine living in their dream world believing the talking heads. the only reason they don't trust the weatherman is because their friends and neighbor don't either.
As long as the nightly news keeps spinning this stuff clean ain't nothing gonna happen. How many folks take what's on the tube as received gospel? They don't critically evaluate it or even fact-check it. It's just "that's what the news said". And yet they don't trust the weatherman...

this. and everyone on the intwebs is a kook who plays video games and draws boobs on white-boards. [wink]
This looks like a hit to me. Has anyone checked into the background of the victim? I wonder why there would be a price on his head.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

This guy is being touted as dressing up like police and performing home invasions, all because he had a hat marked "US Border Patrol". I think I know who the real people dressing like police and performing home invasions are.
The whole country can't be Mayberry, RFD, I know, but did anyone else here grow up in a community where the chief of police was a next door neighbor that sometimes had a barbeque and the officers were guys you went to school with?

Can you imagine this sort of disgusting abuse of power happening in a setting like that?

What HAPPENED over the past 20 years?!

It started in the late 40s. The "greatest generation a**h***s" decided they were more important than you. Fast forward to the 80s: Reagan and his pricks (one step smarter than the Bush retards) decided to short-sell this country. Those in control made a lot of money, those a**h***s who didn't (you and I), sucked it up, smiled and said "Thank you for not f**ing me too badly,.....sir". Call it what you will, call me what you will, but here's a dose:

Houses cost $20-$50k in the 50s. You a**h***s decided to jack-wagon the rest of us and now look. The same house in the early centruy that was $10k, is now $30k in your time (double price in 40 years), is now $300k in my era (10x the price in 60 years) That makes for good inflation, yeah? No, unions, greed, etc, have now hosed me and my family and the rest of this country's livelihood out of a living. Good for you folks, nicely done. Enjoy your Winnebago....once you die, then I'll rejoice.

Politics and pricks have elevated themselves to "heirs of the US". Rebublicans are now desolved into "we're loving our country and dont' understand why you don't drink the punch" when it comes to Title X (ladies, ironically, Republicans are your enemy, they don't give a shit about your rights, while Democrats will strip them away slowly in the name of "good faith"). Democrats play the "I'm working for you" as they strip your rights away.

Pretty simple....time for a RESET. No, I have no use for you older folk who claim one concept and cash in on another....please leave.

I'm almost 40, make about 70k per year, and can't afford your prices, thanks...and my family thanks you and your Reaganomics
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As long as the nightly news keeps spinning this stuff clean ain't nothing gonna happen. How many folks take what's on the tube as received gospel? They don't critically evaluate it or even fact-check it. It's just "that's what the news said". And yet they don't trust the weatherman...

my son...the masses at FOX/MSNBC/etc news have said "my turd will taste like sugar"..."and it did"...ooohm, oooohm. sound about right?
It started in the late 40s. The "greatest generation a**h***s" decided they were more important than you. Fast forward to the 80s: Reagan and his pricks (one step smarter than the Bush retards) decided to short-sell this country. Those in control made a lot of money, those a**h***s who didn't (you and I), sucked it up, smiled and said "Thank you for not f**ing me too badly,.....sir". Call it what you will, call me what you will, but here's a dose:

Houses cost $20-$50k in the 50s. You a**h***s decided to jack-wagon the rest of us and now look. The same house in the early centruy that was $10k, is now $30k in your time (double price in 40 years), is now $300k in my era (10x the price in 60 years) That makes for good inflation, yeah? No, unions, greed, etc, have now hosed me and my family and the rest of this country's livelihood out of a living. Good for you folks, nicely done. Enjoy your Winnebago....once you die, then I'll rejoice.

Politics and pricks have elevated themselves to "heirs of the US". Rebublicans are now desolved into "we're loving our country and dont' understand why you don't drink the punch" when it comes to Title X (ladies, ironically, Republicans are your enemy, they don't give a shit about your rights, while Democrats will strip them away slowly in the name of "good faith"). Democrats play the "I'm working for you" as they strip your rights away.

Pretty simple....time for a RESET. No, I have no use for you older folk who claim one concept and cash in on another....please leave.

I'm almost 40, make about 70k per year, and can't afford your prices, thanks...and my family thanks you and your Reaganomics

New Retirement Packages for the 40 year old and under has just been released.

It took only one person in Tunisia to set himself on fire that changed the Arab world this year.
Different mindset. In American, he would be viewed (and portrayed in the media) as just a sad, sick, suicidal individual.

Translated to Americanese: he set the wrong person on fire to have any effect over here.
Forty years.
That's just when we started calling it a "war on drugs", but it has been underway by the federal government for almost a century now.

The first drug law in America was the San Francisco "opium den" ban, in 1875. The feds followed in 1914 with the Harrison Act, which required licensing for sellers of opiates or cocaine. It soon morphed into a practical ban, and was followed by the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 (modeled after the National Firearms Act of 1934: a ban through taxation), which followed the same path into an effective ban.

No drug was actually banned by the federal government until the 1970 Controlled Substances Act, which introduced the "drug schedule" system we know today. And curiously, despite the experiment of 1919-1930, and the generally understood Constitutional standard that an amendment was required to authorize the federal government to undertake anything not specifically authorized by the Constitution, the CSA passed without a challenge, or even much serious opposition.

America was busy in 1970, and weary of a protracted war of foreign intervention. Only those "dirty smelly hippies" and "radical leftists" and "hard-core right wingers" seemed to be paying much attention to the domestic agenda, and they were all marginalized. Today, those same people's ideological heirs are called libertarians, or maligned as "tea-baggers" or "Ron Paul fruitcakes".

So, the "War On Drugs" was coined and passed by Nixon, but he couldn't have done it without Truman, Ike, JFK, and LBJ plunging us into two undeclared wars that never should have happened, but which turned the President into a supreme dictator with almost unlimited powers.
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