AZ - Jose Guerena Shot 60 Times By SWAT Team

I hadn't watched that video before - thanks for posting that.

The guy who jumps in near the end and gets off a couple of shots is clearly a case of negligent discharge.

This video is a perfect argument for why people ought to be stocking up on 30.06 AP. Problem is ( haven't seen any stories that give any detail on this) - the Marine who go shot could have simply been walking down the hall of his home - with the AR in his hand (cleaning it, showing it to a friend, etc) - when the police show up, bang on his door a few times, yell out some stuff that may or may not have been intelligible - then break in and gun the guy down in a fusillade of bullets.

I bet a lot of people who are just walking around their home in their underwear - are not on full red alert status (hence ready to shoot back).

That's what makes this an execution. It doesn't go down like the movies portray it. They come up, no warrant - surprise you - then they are in the house and shooting at you before you know what went down. Do one little thing stupid - and you die.

Way to go America!

Happy Memorial Day. R.I.P. another Marine.
calsdad, whats with the M1 garand talk with 30.06 AP? Thats not exactly a stellar rifle choice in a fire fight with a SWAT team in my opinion.
calsdad, whats with the M1 garand talk with 30.06 AP? Thats not exactly a stellar rifle choice in a fire fight with a SWAT team in my opinion.

M14. And shoot thru the door. With them all bunched up at the door like that half will be down after the first mag even shooting blind.

ETA: A few of therm probably in the back since their "special tactics" seem to include not facing a possible threat.

You could always setup one of these in the hallway: [rofl]

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calsdad, whats with the M1 garand talk with 30.06 AP? Thats not exactly a stellar rifle choice in a fire fight with a SWAT team in my opinion.

If you were a person who can put shots on target - and faced with a bunch of half panicked monkeys who don't know how to shoot but have itchy trigger fingers and are all lined up in front of the door - and wearing body armor - it might be.

"Turns cover into concealment - with holes in it"
Hundreds March At Memorial Day Protest...

Hundreds of people marched this Memorial Day to honor a fallen Tucson marine killed earlier this month. Jose Guerena wasn't killed overseas, but in Tucson by members of the Pima County SWAT team.


"We're here to honor a fallen marine and also to honor our fallen dead and the best way to do that is protect our constitution and what happened here on May 5, on Cinco de Mayo, should have never happened," said Stewart Rhodes from Oath Keepers.

"Its the flawed policy of sending an armed SWAT teams into a home in a dynamic military entry against a guy with no prior records, that's a seriously flawed policy. It's going to lead to more deaths," said Rhodes.


Members of Oath Keepers are planing to meet with the governor and other leaders of the state to try and help prevent what they call overuse of SWAT.

"Tomorrow we will present the governor, attorney general and the legislature with our petition which we have written we read a little today were hoping it will change here in Arizona and and it will change across the county," said Rhodes.....

.....Former Graham County Sheriff Richard Mack said, "It could have been done so easily, but to march a SWAT team into a home of a trained Marine is absolutely absurd and inexcusable."

Stewart Rhodes is the founder of Oath Keepers. He said, "That doesn't make tactical sense. If he's really a dangerous guy, why not stop him on the street on his way home."


But the attorney for the SWAT team, Mike Storie said they shouldn't hold their breath. Storie said, "I cannot fathom what apology is required at this point."

As for policy changes he said there's nothing wrong with sending the SWAT team in like they did. Storie said, "There is nothing wrong with policy. This policy has worked for years and it will continue to work for years. My advice would be if you hear lights and sirens going, and you hear the police pounding on your door, let them in."

This debate is far from over. It will actually be back in court Tuesday to discuss the possibility of unsealing the search warrant that was served on the day of the shooting......

I'm happy to see some portion of the mainstream media gets it.

It is hard to convey the seriousness of this without hyperbole. Abuse of government power (e.g., the patriot act) and a militarized police presence are the most important factors, right now, in undermining our liberty. Terrorism, foreign enemies, border control, fiscal solvency, and other concerns are secondary. A free society cannot withstand a police state, where men are slaughtered in their homes without rights, reason, or consequences. If we tolerate this, we are finished.
Storie said, "I cannot fathom what apology is required at this point."
Problem #1

"There is nothing wrong with policy. This policy has worked for years and it will continue to work for years. My advice would be if you hear lights and sirens going, and you hear the police pounding on your door, let them in."
Problem #2

Sounds like someone needs a new lawyer.
Sounds like someone needs a new lawyer.

Au contraire - this Storie clown sounds like an honest whore - he stays bought no matter what.

But the attorney for the SWAT team, Mike Storie said they shouldn't hold their breath. Storie said, "I cannot fathom what apology is required at this point."

As for policy changes he said there's nothing wrong with sending the SWAT team in like they did. Storie said, "There is nothing wrong with policy. This policy has worked for years and it will continue to work for years. My advice would be if you hear lights and sirens going, and you hear the police pounding on your door, let them in."

Yup, an honest whore.

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"I have to do what I think is right to protect the case to ensure that it has the opportunity to progress where we think it should go," he told me Friday, explaining his silence.

...meaning, Dicknut,, Blumpkin, is going to take some time to make up a fantastic lie that will make his 'tards look good and allow a dead marine to be convicted, thereby denying any rights to the Mrs, or the kids. That way, they don't have to actually own up to a screw up. Brilliant!

Wait, didn't he already lie about Guerena shooting first? Hmmm.

The SWAT team supervisor gave a statement to investigators immediately after the incident. “Yeah, I, I was scared,” said Pima County Sheriff's DepartmentSgt. Bob Krygier. “If you look at the house, you see the bullets are flying right through everything.” All of those bullets came from the officers - the safety on Guerena’s weapon was active. The reckless gunfire riddled nearby occupied homes with bullets. No incriminating evidence was found in the home aside from firearms and body armor that a former member of the armed services might have. Police also found a baseball cap with a Border Patrol logo. Guerena had intended to apply for a job at the agency.

I hope every house that got indirect fire sues Blumpkin and sends his ass packing.
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