Barrel threading/porting


NES Member
Nov 29, 2009
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I have a Remington 700 in .308 that I ordered a few years ago but opted out of the porting. Now I'm thinking about adding a break to it or having it ported. I'm not sure which is a better option or who anyone would recommend. Any thoughts as to whether or not it's worth and, if it is, who would be recommended to do it?
That's what I'm wondering. If I shoot from my bipod, the entire gun just bounces up and down on the bipod pads. The recoil isn't bad really, but that hopping is fairly substantial.
This is .300 winmag, but the difference between the recoil is so obvious in the before and after. He's even holding the bipod in the before video.

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Don't know if the company is still around but Kliengunther had an after market brake that would reduce recoil significantly. IIRC recoil from a 300 Win mag was reduced to 30'06 levels. The only thing bad about a brake is an increase in muzzle blast.
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