Bass Pro-On the wrong side of the AG already?

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I wonder how much bandwidth the AG's office burns reading this forum.

But think of this: it's their job. They actually get paid to surf NES. The rest of us have to actually fit in some work around surfing NES. [wink]
He ratted out the store from the understanding that I have of the situation, with no call to the store or store manager but instead a direct call to the AG.
This is the only reason why certain gun owners in this state will refuse to do business with this guy in the future. This whole thing should have been handled alot differently. Gun owners in this state have enough enemies without friends like this guy. I'll never step one foot into his store.[frown]

This is the only reason why certain gun owners in this state will refuse to do business with this guy in the future. This whole thing should have been handled alot differently. Gun owners in this state have enough enemies without friends like this guy. I'll never step one foot into his store.[frown]
Again, who is it?
Can I get a P mail from someone with the info on the dealer that contacted the AG, please? Thanks.
We did get in our numerous shipments of many firearms, S&Ws, Sig, Ruger, etc...with more than ten round magazines. We have a cage where they have been looked at and put in if they were shipped with more than ten round magazines. This is so they can't accidentally be sold to the customer.

If any went out that had standard capacity magazines, it wouldn't have been done deliberately. Now, remember that as hundreds of pistols are being shipped from a central warehouse, we check them into the log books, as well as check for magazine capacity. So, in theory, all pistols are of 10 or less rounds. But it's possible that one might have slipped through due to human error. We would hope that it would be brought to our attention so it could be rectified if is has happened.

Just wondering if Glock (or other manufacturers not on the list) or BPS warehouse sent you guns to specifically sell in Mass. If so it required some forethought as someone would have had to switch out the standard mags with neutered ones. I assume that Glock (or others) would not package a new gun in any other circumstance with neutered, 10-round mags and ALL their (because they don't sell to MA) new guns are packed with high caps. Just a thought. Not trying to jam anyone or BPS up. Just wondering how much went into the decision to sell them.
To the AG staff - How about introducting yourself? Perhaps there is room for constructive dialog with the people on this forum.
Just wondering if Glock (or other manufacturers not on the list) or BPS warehouse sent you guns to specifically sell in Mass. If so it required some forethought as someone would have had to switch out the standard mags with neutered ones. I assume that Glock (or others) would not package a new gun in any other circumstance with neutered, 10-round mags and ALL their (because they don't sell to MA) new guns are packed with high caps.
Not true, Derek. There are other states that require neutered magazines - New Jersey springs to mind. I think (not 100% sure on this) that California also requires 10 round mags, too.
Not true, Derek. There are other states that require neutered magazines - New Jersey springs to mind. I think (not 100% sure on this) that California also requires 10 round mags, too.
IIRC NY is 10 round max with a preban exemption.
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IIRC NY is 10 round max with no preban exemption.
YNDRC - NY has the same pre-ban exemption as MA.

HI is "no exemption" and CA is "must have personally posessed the magazine in CA before the CA ban".
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly

YDNRC - You Do Not Recall Correctly

DNRC - Dogbert's New Ruling Class
Perhaps someone should formulate a list of dealers who did not call the AG's office...Powers of deduction my dear Watson? Or perhaps many of you who have gotten this information from the dealer directly, can ask him to log on an explain himself?
log on an explain himself?

For the sake of his business, this would certainly be a good idea. Although, I don't think he could change most minds.

If he is reading this stuff (especially in the members area) he is probably just a bit worried about his upcoming sales figures.
Couldn't this "so-called Ma. gun dealers assc." all get together and file a law suit against the AG? There's power in numbers. Maybe a statewide boycott of all gunshops is in order until this gets resolved.[shocked]

Yeah right...dream on!
Mike, how large is this MA gun dealers assc? I imagine it's not a large group and probably doesn't include a lot of MA dealers.

ETA: There are dealers in this state who won't support it's own States Gun org. Why you wouldn't want to protect your customer base is beyond me. [thinking]
Mike, how large is this MA gun dealers assc? I imagine it's not a large group and probably doesn't include a lot of MA dealers.

ETA: There are dealers in this state who won't support it's own States Gun org. Why you wouldn't want to protect your customer base is beyond me. [thinking]

I saw this Ma. dealers assc. mentioned somewhere, I doubt whether it even exists. I've never heard of it before.
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