Be careful how you quote news stories, articles, or websites.


Retired Army Veteran
Sep 20, 2008
Western MA
Feedback: 13 / 0 / 0
C'mon, everyone!

Derek has had to edit several posts where the member posted a quote of an entire article or web page.

If you haven't read this thread, please do so:

The Armed Citizen is getting sued.

Please limit your quoting to a single introductory paragraph, with a link to the source so readers can see the entire article. If there are other cogent sentences within the article, a separate, limited, quote may be acceptable.

I known that this will cause some problems for those whose firewalls allow access to NES but limit access to other sites... sorry... you'll have to wait to read that article.

Let's do what we can to protect this site from the crazies who will use any tactic to take done a viewpoint that they oppose.
Please only list the first couple of lines and then a link the the page containing the full article.

I try to link, and attribute the source, but I will also claim "fair use" for discussion purposes.
Bear in mind copyright law applies to photographs as well. Do not post a photo unless you have permission from the copyright holder. The holder could be any entity such as the web site, newspaper, magazine, manufacturer or the photographer.
I try to link, and attribute the source, but I will also claim "fair use" for discussion purposes.

If sued you WILL(*) settle. Of course, you will "talk tough" until the reality of legal fee sets in, then you will cough up a settlement.

Sad but true.

* - Ok, sure, you can post about how you will spend tens of thousands in legal fees instead of settling for a couple of thousand in an extortion payoff, but I will believe it when I see it :)
If sued you WILL(*) settle. Of course, you will "talk tough" until the reality of legal fee sets in, then you will cough up a settlement.

Sad but true.

* - Ok, sure, you can post about how you will spend tens of thousands in legal fees instead of settling for a couple of thousand in an extortion payoff, but I will believe it when I see it :)

Also each of us has to keep in mind that Derek has more to lose in this than the person who posted the article. He also gets sued and the claim is that he (as owner of the forum) benefits most from the info posted here.

Don't ever do anything that will screw a friend. I consider Derek a friend and I hope that each of you posting here do as well! Be good to your friends and no matter how much you think this is BS, don't put a friend in a position where he has to spend thousands or more to defend what YOU DID!
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