If you’re shot, robbed or assaulted in Chicago, there’s a 50/50 chance there’ll be no police to respond to your 911 call – Wirepoints


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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In Chicago in 2023, more than 1,800 calls were made to 911 of a person being shot. Only about 800 – fewer than half – were responded to immediately by police officers. The other 1,000 callers were victims of 911 backlogs, where no police were available at the time of the call. Those victims had to wait half an hour, an hour, or even several hours for the 911 call backlog to end and for police to finally arrive.

It was the same for the 32,000 911 calls of an assault in progress, where police were only immediately available for 50% of those calls. And it was the same for 54% of the city’s 911 calls of 35,000 batteries in progress.

In all, there were 783,000 high-priority 911 calls in 2023. For 437,000 of those calls, or 56%, long periods of backlogs meant there were no police immediately available. Wirepoints obtained the 911 call and response data directly from the Chicago Police Department via FOIA.

The fact that it’s essentially a 50/50 chance as to whether officers show up promptly for a violent crime should be horrifying to the residents of Chicago. In part, sources tell us it’s an operational and logistics problem. It’s also a staffing problem – the number of beat cops in the city are down nearly 20% compared to 2019. Police are also forced to increasingly focus on consent decree compliance and bureaucratic paperwork, insiders tell us, which keeps officers off the street. But most of all it’s a problem of city leadership that’s made Chicago’s policing and criminal justice system dysfunctional. With violent crimes at its highest point since 2019, a lack of police response is but one of the many problems keeping Chicagoans unsafe.

This year, the bad trend continues. So far in 2024, 127,000 of the 256,000 high-priority 911 calls made in Chicago had no police available to immediately respond. That’s a “no police available” rate of 50%.

In all, there were 783,000 high-priority 911 calls in 2023. For 437,000 of those calls, or 56%, long periods of backlogs meant there were no police immediately available. Wirepoints obtained the 911 call and response data directly from the Chicago Police Department via FOIA.

That's only 90 shooting calls per hour. Why can't they respond to them all?
This is from 2020 but not much change

Here are some interesting statistics about the power structure in Chicago:

1. 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides from January thru July 2020. Almost every shooter and homicide were BLACK - 97.7%, but BLM and Chicago‘s Democratic Politicians blame “police and systemic racism.”
2. The Chicago mayor is black.
3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black.
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6 The Illinois Attorney General is black.
7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. The Cook County Board President is black.
9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
19. 40% of the City Council belong to the Black Caucus. Their average pay is $122,304 annually each, PLUS $122,000 per year in expenses. Their pension for life is 80% of last pay. Republican head count in the City Council is ZERO. William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931. For 89 years Democrats have controlled the Chicago Mayor’s Office. At the end of fiscal 2019 the Chicago deficit was $838,200,000
Sounds like a very good reason not to go to any major city, they're all pretty much the same.

This is not a new problem. I had an article taped to my locker 15 years ago about the thousands of 911 calls that went unanswered in Los Angeles. It has only gotten worse everywhere.
This is from 2020 but not much change

Here are some interesting statistics about the power structure in Chicago:

1. 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides from January thru July 2020. Almost every shooter and homicide were BLACK - 97.7%, but BLM and Chicago‘s Democratic Politicians blame “police and systemic racism.”
2. The Chicago mayor is black.
3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black.
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6 The Illinois Attorney General is black.
7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. The Cook County Board President is black.
9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
19. 40% of the City Council belong to the Black Caucus. Their average pay is $122,304 annually each, PLUS $122,000 per year in expenses. Their pension for life is 80% of last pay. Republican head count in the City Council is ZERO. William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931. For 89 years Democrats have controlled the Chicago Mayor’s Office. At the end of fiscal 2019 the Chicago deficit was $838,200,000
What really gets my ass is: WHY aren't the so-called "black leaders" who always come to the forefront in the media, admonishing their fellow blacks and straight out telling them to their face, to smarten the fvck up, and stop the criminality???
It always goes in the exact opposite direction by making excuses for and claiming victim status for the very people committing the 98% of the crime in their own areas.
Those in the "hoods" get pissed off when a store or chain of stores leave an area because they are being shoplifted out of business, but never have the honesty to look in the mirror and view the real cause of that exodus.

To live in a peaceful, cooperative society, it starts with the individual.
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In Chicago in 2023, more than 1,800 calls were made to 911 of a person being shot. Only about 800 – fewer than half – were responded to immediately by police officers. The other 1,000 callers were victims of 911 backlogs, where no police were available at the time of the call. Those victims had to wait half an hour, an hour, or even several hours for the 911 call backlog to end and for police to finally arrive.

It was the same for the 32,000 911 calls of an assault in progress, where police were only immediately available for 50% of those calls. And it was the same for 54% of the city’s 911 calls of 35,000 batteries in progress.

In all, there were 783,000 high-priority 911 calls in 2023. For 437,000 of those calls, or 56%, long periods of backlogs meant there were no police immediately available. Wirepoints obtained the 911 call and response data directly from the Chicago Police Department via FOIA.

The fact that it’s essentially a 50/50 chance as to whether officers show up promptly for a violent crime should be horrifying to the residents of Chicago. In part, sources tell us it’s an operational and logistics problem. It’s also a staffing problem – the number of beat cops in the city are down nearly 20% compared to 2019. Police are also forced to increasingly focus on consent decree compliance and bureaucratic paperwork, insiders tell us, which keeps officers off the street. But most of all it’s a problem of city leadership that’s made Chicago’s policing and criminal justice system dysfunctional. With violent crimes at its highest point since 2019, a lack of police response is but one of the many problems keeping Chicagoans unsafe.

This year, the bad trend continues. So far in 2024, 127,000 of the 256,000 high-priority 911 calls made in Chicago had no police available to immediately respond. That’s a “no police available” rate of 50%.

I noticed the post this morning, via Second City Cop.
Other crime-oriented sites to browse ... read 'em both .. and as John Kass says, don't be a Chumbolone !!!
.. CWB Chicago
.. Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

For those with an interest in Chicago, John Kass has an EXCELLENT post this morning, his analysis of Thu night's debate. Here.
Because 'fixing' the problem is not their goal. 'Keepin' their fellow black man down' *IS* their
goal so the bureaucracy and corruption can continue to roll on.
The same can be said of any large entity - Medical, Military-Industrial complex, Big Tech™, etc.

From the late great J.T. Gatto concerning Education :

School succeeds ... only by failing in its public mission; that’s the knuckle-ball
school critics always miss. Only a delicate blend of abject failures, midrange failures, and minor
failures mixed together with a topping of success guarantees the ongoing health of the school
enterprise. School is as good an illustration of the work of natural selection in institutional life as
we have. The only drawback is, the game is crooked. Like an undertaker who murders to boost
business or a glazier who breaks glass in the stillness of the night to stimulate trade, schools
create the problems they seem to exist to solve.
The same can be said of any large entity - Medical, Military-Industrial complex, Big Tech™, etc.

From the late great J.T. Gatto concerning Education :

School succeeds ... only by failing in its public mission; that’s the knuckle-ball
school critics always miss. Only a delicate blend of abject failures, midrange failures, and minor
failures mixed together with a topping of success guarantees the ongoing health of the school
enterprise. School is as good an illustration of the work of natural selection in institutional life as
we have. The only drawback is, the game is crooked. Like an undertaker who murders to boost
business or a glazier who breaks glass in the stillness of the night to stimulate trade, schools
create the problems they seem to exist to solve.
This isn't new some of the bdc's in America are like at 45 minute response times.
This is from 2020 but not much change

Here are some interesting statistics about the power structure in Chicago:

1. 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides from January thru July 2020. Almost every shooter and homicide were BLACK - 97.7%, but BLM and Chicago‘s Democratic Politicians blame “police and systemic racism.”
2. The Chicago mayor is black.
3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black.
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6 The Illinois Attorney General is black.
7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. The Cook County Board President is black.
9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
19. 40% of the City Council belong to the Black Caucus. Their average pay is $122,304 annually each, PLUS $122,000 per year in expenses. Their pension for life is 80% of last pay. Republican head count in the City Council is ZERO. William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931. For 89 years Democrats have controlled the Chicago Mayor’s Office. At the end of fiscal 2019 the Chicago deficit was $838,200,000
Woke democrats means failure
What really gets my ass is: WHY aren't the so-called "black leaders" who always come to the forefront in the media, admonishing their fellow blacks and straight out telling them to their face, to smarten the fvck up, and stop the criminality???
It always goes in the exact opposite direction by making excuses for and claiming victim status for the very people committing the 98% of the crime in their own areas.
Those in the "hoods" get pissed off when a store or chain of stores leave an area because they are being shoplifted out of business, but never have the honesty to look in the mirror and view the real cause of that exodus.

To live in a peaceful, cooperative society, it starts with the individual.
I don't get the "woke" thing, it implies that if you aren't "woke" you are asleep.

We need to change that lol

To me it's the exact opposite, they are living inn a dream world oblivious to what is actually going on around them.
I don’t have the numbers, but the shot tracker in Holyoke and Springfield is a complete f***ing joke. Holyoke used to not be so bad before the Latin Kings abandon it or forced out I don’t remember. Then it’s just gotten progressively worse. Springfield is always been a shit show, but I’ll tell you what I spent some time down there maybe 16-18 months ago. I’ll never work there again.

I told you guys before during Covid you could still go to some of the restaurants in Holyoke on high Street go for a little walk around that area. I recommend you do it during the day. The amount of f***ing needles is unbelievable.
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