Best all around multi-tool?

I have a Leatherman Wave , with a lot of miles on it. I got a MUT Leatherman for Christmas.

Leatherman invented the concept and everyone else has been playing " catch- up " ever since. Internet rumor has it that Tim Leatherman is a Democrat , but .... He still makes the best.
I have a multitaskAR, which is a great gun tool, though a little bulky for pocket carry. It's a good tool for carrying on a rig in a pouch, especially because it comes with the different driver bits, unlike most multi tools which only have one phillips and one flat head. It is expensive though.

For a less weapon oriented tool, any of the leatherman's recommended here are good.
I've been carrying a Leatherman Juice for the better part of 10 years, and a Wave for a couple years: quality kit, both of them.

Posted from my car phone.
Thanks, all. A lot to look at here. You know what would be pure awesome? A company that lets you build your own multi-tool so you can get every tool you want.
Gerber 600 blunt nose. I like how you can flick it with one hand and have the pliers / wire cutter ready to go. I think they do have a version that trades the serrated blade for a hacksaw.
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Gerber 600 blunt nose. I like how you can flick it with one hand and have the pliers / wire cutter ready to go. I think they do have a version that trades the serrated blade for a hacksaw.

This ^ It's actually a replaceable standard jigsaw blade. With dozens of different blades available, it's easy to carry a few spares for different purposes.

The 600 series can also be found with a standard needlenose and wire cutter.
I've had a bunch of multi-tools over the years. Although I really like the functionality of the Gerbers, 2 different Gerbers have snapped blades over time (of course I probably shouldn't have been cutting sheet rock with it lol). I have a Leatherman that I got from my cousin about 8 years ago for being in his wedding and that one is still going strong. I use my SOG pocket knife for cutting sheet rock now lol.
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