Best carbon cleaner??

May 25, 2008
SE Mass
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Im curious what everyone here is using to break up carbon deposits. I had a hell of a crusty crud on my AR bolt and thought id see what people are using out there to break that stuff up... any good ideas/???
Im curious what everyone here is using to break up carbon deposits. I had a hell of a crusty crud on my AR bolt and thought id see what people are using out there to break that stuff up... any good ideas/???

M Pro-7 works for me. Spray on and let soak.
I'll second the M pro7. I used to use Shooters Choice, but the odor is nasty. Unfortunately, I still have a lot of the Shooters Choice, but I only use it in good weather when I can clean guns outside. When it's gone, I won't buy anymore.
I use a variation of the technique listed at the link below. Instead of the pan and screen basket, I use a small plastic Rubbemaid storage container that the carrier just fits in cross-wise. Let the solvent do the cleaning; first thing is to remove the bolt carrier group, disassemble the bolt, and submerge all in the cleaning solvent. When the rest of the AR is clean, go back and wipe the BCG components clean, it won't take much effort.

I bought a one quart can (for durability) of Mineral Spirits and added two ounces of Break Free CLP and two ounces of Marvel Mystery Oil. The lubricants prevent the metal parts from drying out when the mineral spirits evaporate during the final cleaning and leave a thin film for storage. Keep reusing the solvent, pouring it back into the can after use. The carbon settles to the bottom and stays put when you gently pour it out for the next use. [wink]
Simple Green works well as does Ed's Red.

Best part about Ed's Red is you can make a gallon for cheap money and store it in a gallon gas jug with no odors. Just pour it in a 3 gallon solvent proof bucket with a snap top lid for soaking parts.

Ed's Red is as follows:

1 pint mineral spirits
1 pint acetone
1 pint kerosene
1 pint ATF transmission fluid

Flamable.. hell yes, nasty... yes again, does it work? Definitely and its no worse than some of the other chemicals we work with when dealing with gun cleaning solvents.

You can also use Ed's Red to loosen up caked up cosmolene on surplus rifle parts. It doesn't harm bluing and also acts as a rust preventative but I still coat some parts with Break Free after drying and cleaning.

$3.30ish a can, at autozone.

make sure you relubricate whatever the brake cleaner touches after your done cleaning.
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