Best precision dies for 6.5 cm

NH Phantom

NES Member
Nov 16, 2017
Hudson, NH
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Ok guys. I asked about rifles, scopes and reloading presses. Now I would like to know about precision reloading dies. Full length sizing dies,precision seating dies. Is arbor press seating the way to go. Do you measure neck tension? Any other recommendations?
What rifle are you shooting and discipline?
What are your expectations for said rifle?
What is your current reloading process?

What's best for me might not be the best for you. If you're asking if neck tension is important I feel that there are things we can probably work through to improve your current system. Just because one has the best equipment, without sound practice, doesn't mean they will get the best results.
I just picked up a MPA. 6.5 CM. Will be target shooting. Not competition shooting or hunting.
I was thinking on getting a single stage press because it seems like it would be easier than my Dillon 750 with auto drive. I would use the press for full length sizing and priming and an arbor press for seating. Maybe with a neck tension gauge.
I just picked up a MPA. 6.5 CM. Will be target shooting. Not competition shooting or hunting.
I was thinking on getting a single stage press because it seems like it would be easier than my Dillon 750 with auto drive. I would use the press for full length sizing and priming and an arbor press for seating. Maybe with a neck tension gauge.
By the sounds of it it seems like your just getting your feet wet on the precision side. This is great to see and will be a journey. MPA makes a great rifle and I know quite of few people shooting them in competition.

I would definitely recommend that you start with a single stage press. Everything you need to do to load the best ammo can be done with the single stage press. It might not be the fastest but will let you focus on the individual steps and consistency.

Skip the arbor press and NT gauge. These are not going to produce better ammo, instead spend that money on equipment that will actually help you produce better ammo.

What do you have for components at the moment?
Do you have a comparator set (bullet/bump gauge)?
By the sounds of it it seems like your just getting your feet wet on the precision side. This is great to see and will be a journey. MPA makes a great rifle and I know quite of few people shooting them in competition.

I would definitely recommend that you start with a single stage press. Everything you need to do to load the best ammo can be done with the single stage press. It might not be the fastest but will let you focus on the individual steps and consistency.

Skip the arbor press and NT gauge. These are not going to produce better ammo, instead spend that money on equipment that will actually help you produce better ammo.

What do you have for components at the moment?
Do you have a comparator set (bull
Yes I'm just getting started. I have a Dillon 750 with auto drive. I'm thinking on a single stage press like a forster. you were mentioning the short action customs dies
Can you tell me what I would need as far as bushings and what ever else I need for 6.5 creedmore?
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Do you have brass yet? Depending on what type of brass and projectile you use will determine which bushing I would go with so getting a good quality brass would be my first step. I am partial to Lapua but Alpha and Peterson are also very good. I like to buy all brass at the same time and get the same lot. Even manufacturers have lot to lot differences which can sometimes lead to inconsistency.

Brass of this pedigree sounds expensive but if treated right it will be the cheapest component you buy. Something like Lapua or Alpha should easily last at least 10-15 firings when treated correctly. If you figure a barrel life of roughly 3500 rounds for the 6.5 Creedmoor and not shooting competitions I would say something around 200-300 pieces would work perfectly. This lot of brass should be kept solely to that rifle and it will last you the entire barrel.

Brass such as Hornady, Winchester, etc is not going to be very consistent and will not last nearly as long as good stuff. Primer pockets will open up within 2-4 firings from my experience.

Once you have brass you plan on using you will need to get a dimension on the thickness of the brass as well as the neck diameter of a loaded round. From here you can calculate what size bushings you need to reach your desired goal.

I can bore or confuse you with a bunch of calculations right now but if it was me I would have brass and measuring tools in hand before ordering bushings. Once you have a couple hundred pieces of brass you will easily be able to make a few loads to test and get some hard numbers and still have plenty of time to order the correct bushing and mandrel before you need to do a resize.
LE Wilson sizing die.
21st century expander die and mandrel.
K+M Arbor press + LE Wilson for seating.

Ain't nobody got time for crimping, so no die needed

143gr ELDM or ELDX Bullet.
H4350 powder.
Peterson brass.
Large or small rifle primer won't matter. Magnum or regular won't matter either.
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My most accurate ammo was dry tumbled and never had the necks cleanes by brush. Wet tumbling is for pretty ammo, dirty necks for accuracy. YMMV. As far as dies goes, talk to folks who shoot lights out and get the latest from a bunch and go with the most popular at the moment. Your wallet will not be as light that way.
Thats all I got.
My most accurate ammo was dry tumbled and never had the necks cleanes by brush. Wet tumbling is for pretty ammo, dirty necks for accuracy. YMMV. As far as dies goes, talk to folks who shoot lights out and get the latest from a bunch and go with the most popular at the moment. Your wallet will not be as light that way.
Thats all I got.

Don’t get me started on cleaning primer pockets… 😂
Short Action Custom modular dies for 308 and 6.5 CM. Rock chucker single stage. Alpha brass, full length and annealing each time. Concentricity is usually within .001 to .002 but mostly .001. Bushing is depending on brass you use. I also decap prior to cleaning in Frankfort Arsenal wet tumbler with SS pins. Neck bump around .002 to .003. I'm not shooting PRS, but do shoot paper for pleasure and I love to hunt. No issues with sub moa.
I also have a MPA in 6.5 CM, Tac driver. 0.25 5 shot MOA. Mine likes Hornady 140gr ELDM with H4350. I had to take load development to 200yd before I could really see a difference on COL. All were too good at 100yd. Arbor press to seat is extreme F Class stuff, way over kill. Speciality $$$ reloading dies are another F class item. Redding dies will produce single digit SD ammo with the features you want at a resonable $. Mandrel vs bushing for neck. Micrometer seating dies with swappable seating stem for your bullet profile, needed for the Hornday A tips.
I also have a MPA in 6.5 CM, Tac driver. 0.25 5 shot MOA. Mine likes Hornady 140gr ELDM with H4350. I had to take load development to 200yd before I could really see a difference on COL. All were too good at 100yd. Arbor press to seat is extreme F Class stuff, way over kill. Speciality $$$ reloading dies are another F class item. Redding dies will produce single digit SD ammo with the features you want at a resonable $. Mandrel vs bushing for neck. Micrometer seating dies with swappable seating stem for your bullet profile, needed for the Hornday A tips.
OP asked for BEST. Not good enough.

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