Best Surf Fishing Reels

Jul 28, 2019
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This is the first year I've really been hardcore into surf fishing. After every outing I thoroughly wash/clean my reels with fresh water but I'm still having a heck of a time keeping them serviceable. One reel, a "Star", has already gone to Davy Jones Locker. I'm targeting pompano, whiting, flounder and like species. What surf fishing reels do y'all recommend that are good in the salt? Thanks a bunch!!!!
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Ive only owned shimano stuff but daiwa is good too.
I have a Diawa on a 7’ casting rod.

Bought it from Neponset Fishing and Darts in the late 80’s. Love it for bluefish from the boat or beach.

Sometime in the early 2000’s some parts had worn out. I found the parts from Diawas website. They were less than $10.00.

They sent the parts to me for free.

Still have the rod and reel combo.

Diawa reels are great. I also have Shimano. They are really nice too.

I haven’t bought a reel in a while but if I were in the market those two wouldn’t be a bad place to start.
Shimano. You mentioned surf fishing. I only surfcast because I don't have a boat or access to a boat. My research brought me to this reel: Shimao Ultegra Reel It's been a few years but my recollection is that the gearing is designed to give a surf caster a few more yards. And the takeup when you're reeling in lays the line back down nicely. Other reels might be on the market now.

Be sure to include the word reel if you just google Shimano Ultegra otherwise you could end up in their bicycle gears.
Shimano. You mentioned surf fishing. I only surfcast because I don't have a boat or access to a boat. My research brought me to this reel: Shimao Ultegra Reel It's been a few years but my recollection is that the gearing is designed to give a surf caster a few more yards. And the takeup when you're reeling in lays the line back down nicely. Other reels might be on the market now.

Be sure to include the word reel if you just google Shimano Ultegra otherwise you could end up in their bicycle gears.

Thats what I had when I fished the canal. I mated it with a CTS rod and braided line.
If you're in the surf like I am usually, Van Staal hands down. Work horse maintenance once a year and it's good to go.

I pair my VSX250 on my 1 peice 11' Lamiglas.
If money is no object Van Staal these are fully sealed and made to get dunked. Budget Diawa BG series.

Whatever you buy rinse completely and turn upside down after use. I also spray them down with Reel Magic. It’s probably just rebranded silicone spray but I feel it’s cheap insurance.
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Buy a used Penn 750 - I have 2 from the 1980s.... 100s and 100s of boat trips - Perfect for Blues and Bass!

American made - still works like new!

Buy a used Penn 750 - I have 2 from the 1980s.... 100s and 100s of boat trips - Perfect for Blues and Bass!

American made - still works like new!

Once they switched from the SS to the SSG series it was over. I use a pair of high speed 550SS for boat use after my last bait runner gave up the ghost. You have to be quick on the drag but you can't kill them.
I've also been using a black plate Penn 146 for most of my fish this year. Surf casting is a little tricky depending what I'm casting but live bait and chunks off the boat seems to work well
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I've had great luck using old gear. I've burned through quite a few newer Penn Spinfishers and Shimano Baitrunners. I rinse and remoil everything meticulously after use. These old greenies can handle anything
Love it! My first surf setup had one! I bought it at the Red Top for $29! ...paired with a Lamiglass rod.... The old 704 still runs...but the rod busted about 15 years ago.
100% you want a spinning reel for surf fishing.

+1 for Diawa. I use a Diawa BG5000 for the canal and would use the same for surf.

Shimano great as well.
Shimano Spheros for the win. Read the reviews from the people who take the reels apart and examine the insides over the ones who buy new reels based on the qualities listed on the side of the box.
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