Best thing you have learned in IDPA?

I already posted essentially the same thing when we appointed her as Mod, so this won't be anything new to her!
*listens to the sound of crickets chirping*

Board is pretty dead today. Did I miss something? Was today declared a state holiday? Did Four Seaons announce an inventory reduction sale? Is everyone dancing in the streets because they finally arrested Sorros, Brady, and Peters for the lying deceitful SOBs they really are?
Well, I was at the range... y'know, that's that place where we go to do the stuff we talk about here all day? and I suspect that Lynne is having connection problems. She was mentioning it in the tech support forum a few days ago.

Lynne thought she was joining the 21st century when she signed up for DSL from Verizon. Somehow Verizon's Dixie cups and strings can't stand the load of their Warp 768K speed <yawn> . . . I think they need to oil the string or re-wax the cup! [wink]

DSL - we can start calling it "Does Sometimes Link"! [roll]

[Hey Lynne, I'm not picking on you . . . but I am picking on your dis-service provider! There are tons of stories like yours about DSL with Verizon, and they are all ugly!]
I just spoke with Lynne and she's been offline due to being tied up. She's not sure that she'll have time tomorrow to get online, so we may not hear back from her until Sunday.
All right I am. Geed heavens...was that the best you two (Len and Darius) could do????? Geez - talk about whimps! :D Darius, dear, you couldn't duck low enough. [lol] [lol]

Now, Len found out last night, and I might as well let everyone else know too since it's not a major secret. I was rushed to the hospital on Thurs. night because I thought I was having a "Fred Sanford" big one. After 3 nitro pills on my own, the pains weren't getting any better and they were traveling down my left arm. I would have bet the house that it was a heart attack (good thing I didn't bet the house or I'd be homeless now), but it turns out it wasn't (might have been acid reflux, but they weren't sure). So, after spending the night and following day, hooked up to Nirto drip and morphine, they sent me home at 6PM on Friday. Due to the fact that I was still under the influence, after speaking to Len, I went directly to bed and basically slept until 8:30 this AM. Then, hubby and I went to the range to work. I was still tired and felt kinda ick, but, duty called. So, now I'm home (and the DSL is working, not great, but rather well thank you) and I'm tired (I didn't sleep in the hospital at all), but I'm in one piece and the ticker is working fine. :D
Thank goodness you are OK, Lynne. My thoughts are with you!

While you were under the weather, were your ears burning? If you poke around on this board, you may find a couple references to you.

Cross-X said:
Thank goodness you are OK, Lynne. My thoughts are with you!

While you were under the weather, were your ears burning? If you poke around on this board, you may find a couple references to you.


Yes, Darius dear, I noticed. [lol] I feel so loved! [lol] [lol] [lol]
Cross-X said:
By the way, Lynne, when you are looking for scapegoats, Ross should be your prime suspect!

Darius, have you been smoking those funny cigarettes again?

Baaaaah! Humbug.

Seriously, I have no idea what you're talking about here.
Cross-X said:
I deny it, whatever I did!

Yeah, yeah, yeah... you weren't there, that wasn't the girl, and the rest of the old joke, too. Face it, guy, we caught you with your hand in the cookie jar.

Just remember what they say about the lawyer who has himself for a client! [twisted]

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