Biden Magazine/Rifle NFA Tax Stamp Budget

it is practical to have a one non-binded, but, it may be a 10 rounder, for what it matters - i presume those will be tax free? but, who knows.
My recollection was that mags over ten rounds would need a stamp and evil rifles as well. Bolt/manual actions, pistols, and mags under 10 would not. I'm not going to Biden's website to confirm, lol.

I was mainly interested in if people would pick one or two platforms and try to maximize them or rather spread it out and supplement with 10 rounders. Might boil down to whether you are prioritizing recreational shooting or potential "unrest" shooting, although in the latter case it's probably moot anyway.
How about zero? Does zero work for them? Because it does for me. They won't get a red friggin' cent out of me for "tax stamps."
Zero might work for them but doesn't work for this game.
Ergo, your prize is 100% confiscation of your firearms.
I'm saying skip the NFA builds. Take that money and build more rifles or AR pistols.

OP put this post up assuming Joe & Hoe get their wish of all AR/AK and mags becoming NFA. So basically the idea is how do you prioritize what you keep (or register so its legal).
My recollection was that mags over ten rounds would need a stamp and evil rifles as well. Bolt/manual actions, pistols, and mags under 10 would not. I'm not going to Biden's website to confirm, lol.

I was mainly interested in if people would pick one or two platforms and try to maximize them or rather spread it out and supplement with 10 rounders. Might boil down to whether you are prioritizing recreational shooting or potential "unrest" shooting, although in the latter case it's probably moot anyway.
i would say for me it will depend upon the tax amount.
it also escapes me how in the practical reality they will enforce and control taxation of the magazines.
OP put this post up assuming Joe & Hoe get their wish of all AR/AK and mags becoming NFA. So basically the idea is how do you prioritize what you keep (or register so its legal).
Correct, a thought experiment/game.
It also requires NFA for the rifles themselves, that's why I'm wondering if you pick, like, 4 rifles, you're left with six stamps. Whereas pick maybe 2 ARs, you could do eight mags. Or one rifle, nine mags. Or go 10 rifles and stick to 10 rounders if that's your thing.
i would say for me it will depend upon the tax amount.
it also escapes me how in the practical reality they will enforce and control taxation of the magazines.
Considering how long my suppressor tax stamp took, even if they beefed up staff, I assume it would take a great deal of time to process stamps for the things people would readily apply for. I don't think an actual stamp price has been disclosed by Sleepy Joe, people have just run with the current $200. It's all BS regardless, but in theory it could be "no cost" other than your liberties and dignity, lol.

Then again it's the gov't we're talking about. Waste and inefficiency is a feature, not a bug.
I've seen people reload rifles mighty fast...add to the fact most bolt actions don't have a capacity of 10 to start with either.
huh. so, for a relatively reasonable 120 rounds tactical capacity one will have to carry 12 mags? instead of one binded pair in the rifle and other one in the strap?
12 mags hanging around - like an x-mass tree? :)
Not counting renting a space, appears my cost for FFL7+SOT would come to $550/year, a substantial savings based on not having to pay the $200 tax stamp for "inventory" items (until/unless they are transferred out of inventory). Of course this is all guessing what a Biden NFA change would actually do...

So maintaining the FFL would cost less than registering 3 standard capacity magazines, defers individually registering 80% lowers and other "parts", and would be grandfathered for mail-order uppers, etc.

Do you need a business address or zoning? Or can you do this out of your basement?
There's a half dozen FFLs in my town already doing it that way (one is listed on Brownell's transfer directory, the rest I know from the public list of all FFLs)

Being in New Hampshire and in a part of town zoned R-A, ordinance states "Any home business shall be permitted...". OTOH, I could rent a room in a Manchester mill building, have a place for a lockbox to store my bound book.

If you don't want to derail this thread, a more appropriate thread is here.
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I'm saying register nothing and buy more. Whats not clear about that?
I think his point is that your original answer is invalid and/or doesn't solve the issue.
In this game, you would have to register any 80% lowers so it's no advantage to you.

Again, this is within the confines of the rules of this game and not "real life."
just found a perfect picture that represents my joyful memories of carrying all that shit on my hump.
it was usually about of 600 rounds back then, plus rest of gear - dunno what domestic army does. but, you do feel about that, below.

huh. so, for a relatively reasonable 120 rounds tactical capacity one will have to carry 12 mags? instead of one binded pair in the rifle and other one in the strap?
12 mags hanging around - like an x-mass tree? :)
My bad, I misread your post. I thought you were saying that there was no point to 10 round magazines, not that it's pointless to make your entire kit based around them.
Yes, I kind of agree with you. I wouldn't go ten rifles and all ten round mags. If your stake in shooting was benchrest competitions or purely target shooting (or maybe varminting, or collecting) then maybe that route makes sense. Personally I'd want 1-2 standard capacity mags per firearm unless I had maybe a sentimental rifle I threw in that I knew would be purely for recreational shooting.
No worries, it's to be expected. I knew there'd be lots of "lol I'm not gonna do that" so that's why I tried to include disclaimers and this was purely a game.

It's NES--any, "hey guys, what do you think about these two specific guns?" threads inevitably end up with 50 posts about "never held or shot those two, but let me tell you about this other gun you didn't ask about"

OP: "I want to buy a Beretta 92 and I live in NH."
NES: "that's not on the list! Not Mass compliant!"
NES2: "of course the 92 is on the list, there's tons of pre-ban mags available. Go to deli ticket central."
OP: "yo I live in Pittsburg, NH."
Apparently if you service the ATF agent they are only charging $100 per mag. Seems fair
In that case I’ll spend $50 on river st in Fitchburg to take care of that. Spend $25 at Dairy Queen since I’m already there.then give $100 to the homeless guy picking up cans to follow me and reload my empty mags. The remaining 600 can go to ammo.
You guys aren't really going to pay to register magazines are you?
As OP said “just for fun” play along. It’s NES monopoly. A good fantasy or daydream breaks up the afternoon. BTW I don’t have any magazines except good housekeeping. I gotz clips fo’ muh bullitz
you gotta read that biden sh$t the whole talk was about, i do not have a link for it, but it is googlable.
Its been posted here i know what its about. And nfw id do it, it would cripple me financially to comply with registering my own legally bought property.
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