Bill To Make Buying Pepper Spray, Mace Easier In Mass. Stuck In Legislative Limbo

According to Senayor Moore's office, this is not its own bill, but is part of or somehow attached to the budget.
According to Senayor Moore's office, this is not its own bill, but is part of or somehow attached to the budget.

Again, this is the Senate's version of the pepper spray bill. The House version was passed a month ago. They now go back to a House committee, to come up with a compromised bill, which both houses will have to pass, in order for it to be sent to the little corporal, to sign.
Great, so we have to pass it to see what's in it again... [sad2]

I think I said those very words when they told me.

Again, this is the Senate's version of the pepper spray bill. The House version was passed a month ago. They now go back to a House committee, to come up with a compromised bill, which both houses will have to pass, in order for it to be sent to the little corporal, to sign.

No, I think she said it is a part of the budget bill. I asked that also.
Once again, we see that only the federal court system is capable of critically examining an issue of abouse of power by a MA apparatachik.
Not too surprising since, it seems, "this is how everything is done" in this state.

They are saying flat out that anyone with any sort of influence in this state is corrupt and I believe them.

So, how is an AG going to turn around and bite the tentacle that feeds it?
And this bill prohibits aliens from possessing OC. BTW, DeLeo's bill also prohibits aliens from possessing an FID or LTC. I guess these idiots just ignore the USDC too (Fletcher v. Haas) . . . after all the ruling was only 2 years ago, so if you are benevolent (I'm NOT) you could say that it'll be a few more years before they realize that this isn't legal any more. I wonder when they figured out that slavery and segregation wasn't legal any more?? [angry2]
And this bill prohibits aliens from possessing OC. BTW, DeLeo's bill also prohibits aliens from possessing an FID or LTC. I guess these idiots just ignore the USDC too (Fletcher v. Haas) . . . after all the ruling was only 2 years ago, so if you are benevolent (I'm NOT) you could say that it'll be a few more years before they realize that this isn't legal any more. I wonder when they figured out that slavery and segregation wasn't legal any more?? [angry2]

If nothing else, the court case will be entertaining to watch.
And this bill prohibits aliens from possessing OC. BTW, DeLeo's bill also prohibits aliens from possessing an FID or LTC. I guess these idiots just ignore the USDC too (Fletcher v. Haas) . . . after all the ruling was only 2 years ago, so if you are benevolent (I'm NOT) you could say that it'll be a few more years before they realize that this isn't legal any more. I wonder when they figured out that slavery and segregation wasn't legal any more?? [angry2]

I didn't even notice that. so resident aliens would totally be screwed!
Well, I just heard about another victim because of this stupid law.

An acquaintance of my wife told her that her daughter's roommate was raped right outside her apartment in Boston recently. In the freakin' hallway. It was late and everyone was asleep. The guy that buzzed them in thought the rapist was her boyfriend. [Trying to find an article to back it up.] At least he got a good description. But for F's sake it's time the people of this stupid state just give the big middle finger to the legislature and get some damn pepper spray.

And sue these politicians PERSONALLY. Drag Sonia Chang-Diaz, Linsky and that old loon from Cambridge into court and sue them for creating an environment that allowed crime to flourish. Hit these asshats in the wallet a few times and then they'll pay attention to us.

Better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6! [angry] [angry2]
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I wish they could break this out into its own bill, and just pass it already. I have a feeling it will get amended out of the budget bill between now and August.
Well, I just heard about another victim because of this stupid law.

An acquaintance of my wife told her that her daughter's roommate was raped right outside her apartment in Boston recently. In the freakin' hallway. It was late and everyone was asleep. The guy that buzzed them in thought the rapist was her boyfriend. [Trying to find an article to back it up.] At least he got a good description. But for F's sake it's time the people of this stupid state just give the big middle finger to the legislature and get some damn pepper spray.

And sue these politicians PERSONALLY. Drag Sonia Chang-Diaz, Linsky and that old loon from Cambridge into court and sue them for creating an environment that allowed crime to flourish. Hit these asshats in the wallet a few times and then they'll pay attention to us.
Better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6! [angry] [angry2]

Just buy the damned stuff and carry it anyways, until it's eventually legal.
Don't wanna risk some nitwit cop arresting you/charging you for it?
Instead, carry a small can of "Foaming Wasp Spray" which shoots up to 15-20 feet. It's nasty NASTY stuff, and absolutely 100% legal to own, possess, carry, etc etc.
You can walk into the State House carrying it. If questioned, just tell them "I have a WASP phobia".

(The guards would probably think you meant you have a fear of Dracut.) [wink]
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The Kenmore Army Navy store in downtown Boston now sells Saber pepper spray. [wink] I should have taken a picture for posterity.
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