First Handgun in MA - Skip Larger Sizes Due to 10rd Cap?

One thing I’ve also noticed is that my friends in states with magazine limitations are the ones that tell me that magazine size doesn’t matter. But the ones that live in states without limitations like to get all the capacity that they can. Not sure what that says about the situation.
@Boston4 Welcome to NES. I have some recommendations for your sanity.

  • Block everyone who recommended Glock. They are all children and tend to get irrational when anyone does not suffer from their delusion that glocks are great.
  • Block everyone who suggested HK. They will cost you way too much money in the long run. Buy HKs on your own if you like them, but HK fanbois are dangerous
  • Block anyone who recommends a S&W M&P of any flavor. If they are recommending on roster guns, they have no imagination
  • Block @Broc on principal. He is an agent of chaos, thinks he is funny, and once bought a Hi Point

Ah yes. Advice from someone who calls himself "CrackPot".
One thing I’ve also noticed is that my friends in states with magazine limitations are the ones that tell me that magazine size doesn’t matter. But the ones that live in states without limitations like to get all the capacity that they can. Not sure what that says about the situation.
When capacity restricted my choice of carry was a 1911 in 45ACP. Not being capacity restricted my preference is a 1911 DS in 9mm so 17rds. Not a hard decision. I would always prefer more rounds unless legally restricted. I still use low capacity pocket guns in certain situations so < 10rds or 380 or 9 or 38spc but that is about gun size and concealability. When carrying on my waste its about capacity.
One thing I’ve also noticed is that my friends in states with magazine limitations are the ones that tell me that magazine size doesn’t matter. But the ones that live in states without limitations like to get all the capacity that they can. Not sure what that says about the situation.

I was gonna shrug and say "meh", but you do have a point.

My G43s have Pierce+2 magazine adapters.
My G43X has Shield Arms 15 round mags.

My full size carry Glocks all have standard capacity mags, 17 rounds.
I do have mag extenders, 5 additional rounds, for 10 mags for USPSA competition.

CT was frustrating. I had some number of "grandfathered" standard capacity mags for my G17/G34 guns - but I was legally forbidden to load more than 10 rounds in them other than at the range or at home.
Rules in my house are simple:
If a handgun's in a holster, it's probably loaded. If it's not in a holster, it's not loaded.
Long guns are left unloaded, with the exception of the pump shotgun which has the action open and is stored in the safe.

You may want to be careful with this. I’m not saying I know any better than you, but I would be setting up an accident waiting to happen if this was my policy and I forgot to unload a gun after taking it out of the holster.
Rules in my house are simple:
If a handgun's in a holster, it's probably loaded. If it's not in a holster, it's not loaded.
Long guns are left unloaded, with the exception of the pump shotgun which has the action open and is stored in the safe.

Good thing this isn't Massachusetts, Connecticut or similar - reading above, I realize I have 8 loaded firearms in this house, some of which are "unsecured".
If I have a gun in a holster, it too is likely loaded. Out of a holster should be unloaded. I have at least 8 loaded guns under my roof and quite a few loaded at my shop. Oh, and if loaded, THERE IS ONE IN THE CHAMBER.
I talk to a lot of newer shooters at my club, and I could say quite a bit about first handguns. But I will start with the shortest piece of advice, which I have given before on this forum and in person. That advice is:

If you think the right choice for you might be an HK VP9, then just buy one.

Of course, this is a very nuanced topic, there are many other good choices, and some people will be better served by a smaller gun. But the VP9 works well for many people out of the box without any modifications. I believe that its adjustable grip is really best of breed, so just using the parts in the box, it fits a wide variety of hands. And while it is not cheap, I think the manufacturing quality is good, and almost justifies the cost.

Don't make me out to be an HK fanboy, and I am not knocking the many other reasonable choices. But a first gun is hard, because it is always a choice made without sufficient information. So for one sentence of useful advice, I'll stand with what I put above.
Easy solution. Just use standard capacity mags, but have a few empty 10 rounders hidden around the house. After shooting the bad guys breaking into your home, swap out the standard cap with empty 10 rounders before you call the police. Make sure the 10 rounders have been previously used with the same ammo in case forensics test the gsr.
My G43s have Pierce+2 magazine adapters.
My G43X has Shield Arms 15 round mags.

Exactly. In states with no capacity limitation We’re going to go out and buy extensions for 2 extra rounds. That says something.

The “magazine capacity doesn’t matter” guys are making the same argument the “penis size doesn’t matter” guys make. And it’s only the ones that are limited in those situations that make those arguments.
Easy solution. Just use standard capacity mags, but have a few empty 10 rounders hidden around the house. After shooting the bad guys breaking into your home, swap out the standard cap with empty 10 rounders before you call the police. Make sure the 10 rounders have been previously used with the same ammo in case forensics test the gsr.
NES is so smart, they post their plans in a public forum.
If I have a gun in a holster, it too is likely loaded. Out of a holster should be unloaded. I have at least 8 loaded guns under my roof and quite a few loaded at my shop. Oh, and if loaded, THERE IS ONE IN THE CHAMBER.

Sounds like you have a lot of holsters
One thing I’ve also noticed is that my friends in states with magazine limitations are the ones that tell me that magazine size doesn’t matter. But the ones that live in states without limitations like to get all the capacity that they can. Not sure what that says about the situation.

When I'm in NC I use a +2 extension on my glock 26 or a 12 round mag in my P365. I carry a 19 round extended mag as a spare for the glock or a 15 round mag for the P365. I eventually plan on getting a G43x with 15 round mags. I want all the rounds on-board I can reasonably get TBH but full capacity mags in MA are too much hassle for me. I use a 10 round mag with pinky rest extension in the G26 and the P365 in MA and carry at least one spare, if not two. I was carrying two 9 round extended mags for my EC9s but I HATE an external safety, so I'm selling that. I wanted a single stack for MA because carrying two spare mags is less bulky, but I'm afraid I will forget about the safety in a high stress situation.
As they say, try them out and get one that fits. Most all have 10 round mags available, and you're not really losing out on anything just because you had room for 13 instead of 10.
@Boston4 Welcome to NES. I have some recommendations for your sanity.

  • Block everyone who recommended Glock. They are all children and tend to get irrational when anyone does not suffer from their delusion that glocks are great.
  • Block everyone who suggested HK. They will cost you way too much money in the long run. Buy HKs on your own if you like them, but HK fanbois are dangerous
  • Block anyone who recommends a S&W M&P of any flavor. If they are recommending on roster guns, they have no imagination
  • Block @Broc on principal. He is an agent of chaos, thinks he is funny, and once bought a Hi Point
Basically just block everyone to preserve your sanity.

My G43s have Pierce+2 magazine adapters.
My G43X has Shield Arms 15 round mags.
A G43 with +2 Magguts is my most carried gun these days, tbh. About to try it in IDPA BUG for sh!ts and giggles.
You may want to be careful with this. I’m not saying I know any better than you, but I would be setting up an accident waiting to happen if this was my policy and I forgot to unload a gun after taking it out of the holster.

Do you leave the fridge door open after you take something out? Leave the light on as you're leaving the bathroom?

It's the same thing - association of actions. A then B.

When I take a gun out of its holster in my home, I clear it. Every time.
Hey op,Get a g23,and a .40 to 9mm barrel,that way u can shoot 9mm and .40 out of it.
To get around the 10rd mag cap problem in massachusset, I shoot my pistol with my right hand,and hold a spare mag with my left hand to made reload faster, accuracy is not good but at 10 yards it acceptable
The Hi Point was a joke.

But I will say if anyone can be a good shot with a Hi Point, they can be a great shot with anything else.

Aren't high points fixed barrel recoil operated? Should I theory be fairly accurate unless the rifling in the barrels was done by a monkey with an Dremel. So they probably are shit.
Do you leave the fridge door open after you take something out? Leave the light on as you're leaving the bathroom?

It's the same thing - association of actions. A then B.

When I take a gun out of its holster in my home, I clear it. Every time.

Ya sometimes I leave the light on and sometimes I turn it off. Actually I’ve forgotten to close the fridge door too. That’s my point. Association of actions can break down for unforeseen circumstances. I’m not trying to change what you do or tell you you’re wrong, I’m just saying you may be creating more room for failure due to the human factor than you realize.
When I take a gun out of its holster in my home, I clear it. Every time.
I don't. When I unholster my gun, I put it in my lockbox. I have one handgun in my safe that is inside a holster -- that gun is also loaded.

Every time I pick up a gun, I check its load condition. Even though I always put away my other guns in the safe unloaded, each time I pick up a gun I check its load condition. Each time I pick up one of my carry guns from my lockbox (which I know are loaded), I always check their load state. Every single time.
Aren't high points fixed barrel recoil operated? Should I theory be fairly accurate unless the rifling in the barrels was done by a monkey with an Dremel. So they probably are shit.
Yes, they are a fixed barrel and are accurate, the challenge is the ergonomics and the trigger.

Which is why I say if you can shoot them well, you can shoot anything else even better.
Because some .357's come with a 9mm cylinder like the Ruger Blackhawk or the extra sexy Taurus 692.

I encourage everyone on NES to buy the Taurus 692, it is that damn good.
Yes I like that option
So you have 3 times the fun
Since the LCR comes in 9 I would love to get that cylinder

Don't fall for this BS. Also, don't buy his mags.

OP, the simplest answer is:
- buy whatever you are comfortable holding and can aim naturally.

- Buy the most reliable gun. Forget about saving $100-200. That is stupid thinking, specially when you want something to potentially save your life one day. Unless your life is worth sh*t, then buy sh*t.

- Ignore mag capacity. Get what you can accurately shoot and are comfortable with. 17 rounds means sh*t when you can't hit a piece of paper 10 yards away.

- Ignore re-sale price. That is stupid thinking.

- Get a caliber you can afford to practice with. .45 is nice, but if you can't afford the ammo it is a waste.

- Don't get rApetiled.

- You are only allowed to buy a .40 during pride month.
This as to e a record of some sort, 82 posts deep before a legit response emerges, and from Broc of all people. Who’da thunk it???
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