Boston Common Rally Saturday 8/24 @ 0900/1000

What will they do when they have no one to send to foreign wars?
forced conscription like other countries do. there is less freedom in the world every day, only a handful of countries are left where citizens still respect their freedoms and do not allow politicians to usurp them.
You couldn't even force them to put their phones down.
Never mind their feels and the forty seven medications they are on just to cope with getting out of bed before noon.[rofl2]
Most are so out of shape, they would have to be bused to the chow hall.
The time has come where if you don't show up with guns and plenty of loaded mags, NOTHING will ever be accomplished.
The legislators in MA look at gun owners as cattle.

Until the bodies start being stacked, NOTHING WILL CHANGE IN MA.

What do you think the cops are going to do if 2000 people showed up with loaded AR15s??

Unless you "flex" on the tyrants, they'll grind you into the ground, one law at a time.....and most will sit back and take it up the ass and say "Thank You Sir, May I have Another?"
A rally of that size has a net negative impact on The Cause.
This....weak and disorganized. All those speakers and Jim from GOAL and this thing was barely on anyone's radar. There were better rallies for Deval's do nothing bill. least I bought a 10" AK pistol truck gun / hog swatter to celebrate my departure.
I love this video! I remember it from a while back. The Onion split my sides with this one. The lines that cracked me up were “An arrow-scroll delivered into the heart of the city clerk…” and “A record crowd of 2,000 came out to not see the ninjas…” 😂

For those who want in on this classic:

It would totally derail the thread, so I won't post it, but their O-SPAN coverage of Rep Ben Sinclair (R-OH) speaking in support of the the Ocular Penetration Restriction Act (2007) is a high point in American satire.

The Onion was unbeatable at that time.
The main mod on MAguns is a FAGGOT.

Do you mean he's a douchecanoe in general or prefers dudes over chicks? Because if it's the latter, who cares?

I rarely go to Reddit at all. What I do find on the "random crap we'll feed you" page is that it seems to be about 85% liberals anyhow.
Do you mean he's a douchecanoe in general or prefers dudes over chicks? Because if it's the latter, who cares?

I rarely go to Reddit at all. What I do find on the "random crap we'll feed you" page is that it seems to be about 85% liberals anyhow.
Former. Just bans you if you disagree, only gives 1 warning to the stupid rules set in place.
Do you mean he's a douchecanoe in general or prefers dudes over chicks? Because if it's the latter, who cares?

I rarely go to Reddit at all. What I do find on the "random crap we'll feed you" page is that it seems to be about 85% liberals anyhow.
The former. I asked about clubs and he removed my post because I had some reddit points but had deleted old posts and comments. They were all expired gundeals related or for sale posts. He took this as some sort of redflag? The way he interacts with people is pretty miserable.
90% of what is worth reading on Reddit can be read, condensed for your reading pleasure, on TheChive. LOL.

Plus, yeah, when I open it up, it's 5 pictures of puppies and one harshly rabbid Demoncrap picture. I don't care about puppies of Joltin Joe.
What do you think the cops are going to do if 2000 people showed up with loaded AR15s?
You ask 'What would happen (in Massachusetts) if 2000 people showed up with loaded AR15s' ?

The State Police Commander would probably order the Jackboots to shoot one (or four...Kent State-style) of the legal gun owners. And the remaining crowd of good, decent, honest men and women who are toting their legal AR's (and now standing in a small river of blood flowing from their fellow AR carriers) would realize 'Wow. F*+k, they're serious about killing us if necessary'...and would immediately surrender, lay down their weapons and (if allowed to by the Gestapo) then return to their suburban homes and businesses.

And the following Saturday they (we) would watch TV and the 'Heroes Parade' as it proceeds down Beacon Street... with Maura praising the Nazi troops for helping to keep the Commonwealth safe 'For the children' thousands of Liberals line the sidewalks and do the 'Yay!! Hooray!!' clappy-clap thing with their friends and neighbors (before heading to Starbucks for a Pumpkin Spice Latte and maybe a Raspberry Scone or two, etc etc etc).

'Far fetched' you might think? Go ahead. Try it. Grab your AR and a full mag and head out in protest towards Maura's 'Wolf's Lair'.

Let me know how that works out for you.

(Just sayin')
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The State Police Commander would probably order the Jackboots to shoot one
they can do it, if it is an 2000 strong disorganized mob, but would not do it to an organized militia that was trained and knows how to return fire.

that`s why we do not have any municipal militias anymore, only good gestapos to keep us all safe. may be it will change in the future, but, who knows.
for that people would have to get out of comfort zone thinking that their safety is somebody else`s paid job.
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