Boston globe Mill article

I'm sure there are plenty of vacant mill complexes in the state, probably not far from there, that are available and looking for commercial/industrial tenants. Imagine if everyone just moved out.
That would be comical.
I pay about 1/4 of the total monthly rent at the Mill and I've never heard from her.
OK. Listen up. The rent checks go to Marie, the office manager. She deposits them and pays the bills. The trustees never see the checks. They do not draw a salary. $$ not spent goes into the MRI account. The trustees have other sources of income and are in it for the long run. (if/ when the Mill gets sold). It's called equity. So forget any shit about "quotes" from the trustees. Jack.
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How much do they want for the building?

Some now Littleton officials are hoping a developer will make all the gun dealers disappear. The sprawling 19th-century industrial building has been up for sale since the longtime owner died in April, and control of the property passed to his widow and the daughters of his late business partner.
of course.. all's good.. no reason to contact you. skip a month and see how fast she calls... that'll indicate how much she values the rents from the building.

this isn't specific to her. I don't know her from Adam.. If that quote was true and sincere, her taking rents from those businesses she finds "mind-boggling" is a bit hypocritical. Or the almighty dollar supersedes her conscience.
I've known Willy's mom and dad since before she was born. I've known Willy since she was in diapers. Don't fall for that crap. Jack.
MA Democrats: you need to have a commercial address to be an FFL.

Also democrats: my god, there’s a building of FFLs?

The fact that there are morons who still vote for democrats is mind boggling. I’d vote for a f***ing broken sewer pipe before a democrat.
One of the great contradictions of rabid anti-2A DimocRATS toward gunowners. There are others. 🤔

Democrats literally created the scenario where a group of federally licensed dealers would be in a commercial space. Their “common sense” rules determined this.

Now they are outraged at their own creation?

Put that in your next article
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I always figured it would come to this…

It’s a simple solution crowd source the money to buy the building

What does it matter if there’s one gun dealer or 80 gun dealers in one location?

If somehow it causes of trouble for the mill, nes shoot in Littleton…
OK. Listen up. The rent checks go to Marie, the office manager. She deposits them and pays the bills. The trustees never see the checks. They do not draw a salary. $$ not spent goes into the MRI account. The trustees have other sources of income and are in it for the long run. (if/ when the Mill gets sold). It's called equity. So forget any shit about "quotes" from the trustees. Jack.
I think what people are curious about, is what say each trustee has in choosing a potential buyer. Whether it’s any of their business or not is a different story. People are just worried the trustees will choose to sell to someone who will end all leases.
They hit everything but the target.
I'm sure there are plenty of vacant mill complexes in the state, probably not far from there, that are available and looking for commercial/industrial tenants. Imagine if everyone just moved out.
Actually there aren’t. They’re all taken up by weed grow operations. The only real option for large industrial clients that need more space right now is to build.
Democrats literally created the scenario where a group of federally licensed dealers would be in a commercial space. Their “common sense” rules determined this.

Now they are outraged at their own creation?

Put that in your next article you Globe twats.
Should have read ‘put that in your pipe and smoke it, commies!’
What does it matter if there’s one gun dealer or 80 gun dealers in one location?
I like how the PoPo says they don't have the resources to check on the dealers ... when combined, all 80 do less business than 4seasons.

So, imagine replacing all 80 with ONE 4seasons.

Also, wtf does the PoPo do?
I think what people are curious about, is what say each trustee has in choosing a potential buyer. Whether it’s any of their business or not is a different story. People are just worried the trustees will choose to sell to someone who will end all leases.
You guys crack me up. When you sell a bldg you don't choose a potential buyer. See real estate 101. Jack.
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