Boston globe Mill article

I suspect Maura knows that much of what the Globe is advocating won't fly legally. They can't ban guns outright, let alone a blanket ban on all components/parts.
This - they know they are on the ropes in this fight and the only real power is perception and fear.
If they act against the mill then that creates 80 very well vetted plaintiffs for the inevitable lawsuit in federal court. Even the 1st will have difficulty reasoning a clear HTT argument for the AWB or restricting sales of guns legal to own.
I suspect Maura knows that much of what the Globe is advocating won't fly legally in the long run.
Fixed it for you. Short-term, they have a whole lot of screaming lefty Karens to satisfy... the very women who elect these foolish DimocRAT reps.
They could just pass a version of that AWB the US house passed. Yes, it will eventually be struck down in light of the Supreme Court ruling, but it might hold for a couple years.
Scary thought. I don't have that many years left above ground to wait for more unconstitutional laws to be overturned. :(
Not surprising. People went out their way to point out these work arounds and now the left is going to use them as a justification to codify Healy’s directive and more.

Hopefully, at some point we will see the Supreme Court ruling help us out, but I fear, at least in the short term, all this bad PR is going to have very real effects on lawful gun owners in MA.
Nah, the tyrant is a political animal, and very legally pretty astute. She knows that it would get slapped by the USSC, and with her being tied to it, it would not shine a positive light on her. I suspect you will hear nothing regarding this from her or from the hill, since they are MOSTLY backing her.
Nah, the tyrant is a political animal, and very legally pretty astute. She knows that it would get slapped by the USSC, and with her being tied to it, it would not shine a positive light on her. I suspect you will hear nothing regarding this from her or from the hill, since they are MOSTLY backing her.
Maybe. Or maybe she would profit from the "illegitimate" SCOTUS (the lefts wording, not mine) supporting gun owners rights.

You know, for the children....
Not telling anyone what to do, just saying its antagonistic, and intentionally so, so don't be surprised with the reaction. And don't be a hypocrite by saying it wasn't intended to be that way. I've said things that piss people off but I don't deny that it does that. Own your words, don't play dumb, and don't be surprised when they react as you intended.

Your naivete is in assuming you can get other people to "obey" that sort of thing, and getting all dealers to play that way is like herding cats.

They wanted the attention and to piss off the Libs, and it worked. Now you all get to deal with the repercussions.

Lol you really think that somehow is the genesis of the whole article? That magically if all 80 dealers were some derivative of "Soft pink muppet armaments, a transgender owned business" that somehow the glob wouldn't still be armflapping about "ZOMG 80 GUN DEALERS IN ONE BUILDING!!!!!!! ZOMG!!!!!" for a moonbat reporter thats a flavorful bone for them to gnaw on and that isn't just going away, regardless of what the businesses are named.

I don't think one business having an "offensive" name has much or anything to do with it. Does it help? no... I get it, the optics are crap, but that's NOT what really caused the issue here. They would still find something to yap about. Anti gun media is great at making shit up out of whole cloth.

Case in point- Bob's tactical, later came back as "Original Bob's" , etc. Back before they shut down EVERY YEAR there was some f***ing moonbat and an attendant local newspaper article or three bitching about Bobs because it was within 1000 feet of an elementary school down the road or some meaningless bullshit like that. The local media managed to manufacture this huge braying circus every year, practically like on cue about it, and it would occasionally get regurgitated every 1-3 years there was some range suicide

You should consider that while I'm concerned about my home state and firearms in general, my advice come from someone who isn't directly affected. The FFLs in the Mill could all be shut down and it won't directly affect me. I live in NH and I buy shit every day that Ma**h*** Firearms can't sell to you. My motivation is purely big picture. One shop that likes to stir things up ultimately means nothing to me.

Assuming gun owners and shops are going to act like the democratic party voters in lockstep behaviors is silly.

I do think, however, someone (preferably a ex-moonbat/ex-commie news media type that likes guns, because they know all the tricks, having played for the wrong team for X years) could make a good 10-15 minute long video or slide deck about how most scumbag leftist media people operate and conspire to misrepresent, and f*** over gun dealers and gun owners, but I also simultaneously think that most of the people who would ever see that messaging are people who already know better. the people you really need to reach would never actually consume the information. Like we have people still running their mouths to reporters when meanwhile, in the past 5 years there's been at least two HIGH PROFILE events where bulk/lcd type gun shops like MFS and Gun Parlor ran their mouths to the media and (possibly) didn't do anyone any favors in the process. The only media gun owners and shops should ever be using is their own curated outlets/known 2A friendly venues etc. All the rest of them, glob, herald, TV, whatever, need to be kicked out and not spoken to.

Also BTW, WRT "the ffls could all be shut down". That's pretty myopic. This isn't the first time someone has said something like that before and it wont be the
last. There have been other threats other than just boring moonbat newspaper hyperbole. "The Mill" as an idea is way larger than one particular building, not easily "deleted". I'll just leave it at that.
They could just pass a version of that AWB the US house passed. Yes, it will eventually be struck down in light of the Supreme Court ruling, but it might hold for a couple years.
The law:

  • Provides $750 million to states to implement extreme risk protection order (ERPO) programs — also known as “red flag laws” — to keep guns out of the hands of people who are a threat to others or themselves. States can also use the funding for other crisis intervention programs.
Red Flags will fall - they won't go away but will get turned into something with at least some level of due process
  • Closes the “boyfriend loophole” in the federal domestic violence law by including people convicted of a domestic violence crime against someone they have a dating relationship with, even if they don’t live with or have a child with them.
Eventually this might fall IF we can keep a bad case from moving before redflags and non-violent prohibitions get struck
It does however help in that it has a 5 year prohibition sunset
  • Requires additional gun sellers to register as Federally Licensed Firearm Dealers; they would then need to administer background checks before selling a gun.
I need to figure out what this one actual entails - they changed the definition of who needs to get an FFL but it looks like a distinction without a difference.
  • Requires enhanced background checks for people under 21 years. This would include a review of juvenile and mental health records, as well as checks of state and local databases in addition to the federal NCIS database.
This isn't as grand as they make it out to be and will very likely get trashed on review (discrimination based solely on age)
  • Creates new federal statutes against gun trafficking and straw purchasing, in which someone buys a gun for a person who is unable to legally purchase one on their own.
Making illegal more illegaller...
  • Provides $250 million for community-based violence prevention programs.
  • Increases funding for school- and community-based mental health services for children and families and for improved school security.
This is where the damage happens - money for propaganda against gun owners and, even worse, money to get children into the hands of those that will drug them up and destroy their lives.
She knows that it would get slapped by the USSC, and with her being tied to it, it would not shine a positive light on her.
The way things take so damn much time with the courts, I don't see any sort of slapdown coming before maybe her third term. :oops:
I suspect you will hear nothing regarding this from her or from the hill, since they are MOSTLY backing her.
The legislature has already promised us Holy Hell starting early in their next session. I see no reason at this point to disbelieve their promise. :(
This - they know they are on the ropes in this fight and the only real power is perception and fear.
If they act against the mill then that creates 80 very well vetted plaintiffs for the inevitable lawsuit in federal court. Even the 1st will have difficulty reasoning a clear HTT argument for the AWB or restricting sales of guns legal to own.
"80 very well vetted plaintiffs" - the pessimist side of me says that won't happen.
No dealers stood up when Maura delivered her copycat decree.
The way things take so damn much time with the courts, I don't see any sort of slapdown coming before maybe her third term. :oops:

The legislature has already promised us Holy Hell starting early in their next session. I see no reason at this point to disbelieve their promise. :(
The further they push the faster the case moves - right now it's hard to show harm since the laws are existing and we are living under them. Any expansion will open up the opportunity for an injunction against enforcing a new restriction.

Red Flags will fall - they won't go away but will get turned into something with at least some level of due process

Eventually this might fall IF we can keep a bad case from moving before redflags and non-violent prohibitions get struck
It does however help in that it has a 5 year prohibition sunset

Out of curiosity does anyone know what the distribution of state overlap is on this? EG.... I would bet in most states for a DV RO there is no "boyfriend loophole" they let those things get filed against all kinds of people even if someone isnt shacked up with someone else, etc.

I know in MA it wouldnt make a shit pot of difference but I know that MA isnt the only state with overzealous DV RO laws. (I think VA is another one, it might be one of those "must arrest" DV states where if the cops show up and someone mumbles that they committed a DV offense or an offense was committed against them, even if the other party doesnt want to press charges they have to arrest. )
"80 very well vetted plaintiffs" - the pessimist side of me says that won't happen.
No dealers stood up when Maura delivered her copycat decree.
We didn't have Bruen and we didn't have national exposure - a anti-gun zoning win in Mass would be a massive shock to all gun grabbers
Jack should suggest to the town council (or whatever those bozos are called) that if the mill is zoned out of business a good possible alternative for it would be a rehab into section 8 housing. A suggestion he could also make to the Globe. Watch the panties silently wad up then.

In order for the town to take the property they need to have a better use for it, this will be interesting.

40B isn't a bad idea, but it needs to be the biggest most obnoxious high-rise you can get on the property with a cell tower on top- remember, 40b blows all town bylaws.

Others have suggested a gofundme legal defense fund. Gofundme routinely pulls 2a funding, find a better platform.
Out of curiosity does anyone know what the distribution of state overlap is on this? EG.... I would bet in most states for a DV RO there is no "boyfriend loophole" they let those things get filed against all kinds of people even if someone isnt shacked up with someone else, etc.

I know in MA it wouldnt make a shit pot of difference but I know that MA isnt the only state with overzealous DV RO laws. (I think VA is another one, it might be one of those "must arrest" DV states where if the cops show up and someone mumbles that they committed a DV offense or an offense was committed against them, even if the other party doesnt want to press charges they have to arrest. )
In many states there is no timeline for the relationship either - have a short shagfest with crazy in your teens and then twenty years later they are still considered a domestic partner.

Since the Feds acknowledged an issue with lifetime prohibition by updating to enact a 5 year sunset, I expect we will see people caught up in the must arrest BS to fight to restore their rights when they took the ride simply because the guy is always wrong and they were too poor to put up $50k+ in defense.
That might also help create a threshold where it becomes violence instead of anything that makes a partner (read woman) feel like you could cause (her) harm.
If you smashed her in the face because she burned your eggs then maybe you should be prohibited for a while.
If you threw her shoes at her while telling her to GTFO after you caught her pleasuring some other guy on your bed on your dime while she thought you were working, not a lot of reason to do much unless you spouted off threats.
No dealers stood up when Maura delivered her copycat decree.

Several actually did, lol. Including retaining attorneys etc, several kept conducting lawful business as usual. But because every other MA gun owner governs and prostrates themselves based on deli ticket emporium advertising I easily understand how you could hold that belief. [rofl]

Lets put it this way if there is an opportunity to whack someone in court there will be no shortage of plaintiffs. EXTREMELY High quality ones, at that.
In many states there is no timeline for the relationship either - have a short shagfest with crazy in your teens and then twenty years later they are still considered a domestic partner.

Since the Feds acknowledged an issue with lifetime prohibition by updating to enact a 5 year sunset, I expect we will see people caught up in the must arrest BS to fight to restore their rights when they took the ride simply because the guy is always wrong and they were too poor to put up $50k+ in defense.
That might also help create a threshold where it becomes violence instead of anything that makes a partner (read woman) feel like you could cause (her) harm.
If you smashed her in the face because she burned your eggs then maybe you should be prohibited for a while.
If you threw her shoes at her while telling her to GTFO after you caught her pleasuring some other guy on your bed on your dime while she thought you were working, not a lot of reason to do much unless you spouted off threats.

Ironically the must arrest thing was cited by the NRA some years ago in opposition to Lautenberg BS because it could lead to someone in an otherwise "boring" situation end up being
prohibited for life.

There was a case in VA where a husband and wife were having some kind of an argument, and the argument turned into mild violence. she yanked on his pants pocket and tore fabric a
little, and then at some point or another threw a set of keys at him, causing no injury. The neighbors heard the yelling and called the polezei. By the time the cops had showed up they had calmed down and he was not willing to press charges against his wife but, both of them had what I like to call "mouth diarrhea" in front of the cops, and she got arrested because it came out that she threw the keys and tore the pocket. Her husband tried to get the cops to not arrest her but there was no chance of that happening because of the must arrest DV law in
place. So she gets arraigned an all that shit, and ultimately, latter on, she had to eat a misdemeanor DV assault plea and like a 200 dollar fine in court. I don't think she understood though, at the time, that this was federally disabling... . FOR LIFE.

If I was rich I would try to open up a nonprofit to try to discover and document all the people who have actually been "killed by the Lautenberg amendment." I'm sure they exist
somewhere. Probably mostly women, too.
"Ma**h*** FIREARMS" is a fine shop, nice guys there, but the name and signage could have been in better taste considering the local political climate. It shouldn't be a problem but it seems to attract more negative attention than it deserves.

F that.

I kinda see what you are saying, but that is bending the knee.
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