Boston globe Mill article

They don’t seem to care. They’re letting them build anywhere and everywhere.
Matters not. Littleton will be years working on their new sewer system which will have the leaching field under the high school football field. They call it their "Smart Sewer". Anyone who will want to convert the Mill to residential will have to pay megabucks to get on the system. Check it out. Jack.
I suspect Maura knows that much of what the Globe is advocating won't fly legally. They can't ban guns outright, let alone a blanket ban on all components/parts.

NY, CA, HI and other states are doing a great job of banning guns without banning them.

MA could follow their lead.
Astroturf armflap?

Holy shit, where do you come up with this shit!

Think of like the hens on the view talking about this, like clucking chickens and the flapping of wings while lots of noise is being made etc

A lot of noise and braying and flapping happens, feathers flying everywhere.

The moment someone asks "What are they so excited about?" "Huh?" "Actually nothing happened... they're just trying to get attention. "

The average dog makes more noise that is actually purpose driven (like a car going by or something) vs an average anti gunner, complaining about "violence caused by assault weapons" when the model of EV they just drove to the town meeting probably has more bodies stacked on it than any so called "assault weapon" ever produced. [rofl]
I'm sure she likes getting those rent checks in the mail.
Reminds me of Spags in Shrewsbury.
Dad and mom ran a very efficient, very well run store that was mind bogglingly profitable.
Then the kids took it over. They knew nothing about running a retail establishment, and learned nothing at dad's knee. They ran the business into the ground.

Sounds like dad did not school his wife and kids properly.
Comments from the deranged and dishonest leftist nutcases are hurting my brain. How can leftists be so whacked out stupid and illinformed??? o_O
That's why I was banned, I had a field day with those clowns by pointing out their nonsensical fears and opinions and pointing out what hypocrites they are. I love the Ma**h***s Firearms sign, stick it to them every chance you get.
Do you read the post first or just throw out some comments? Let's fix a few things.

Not telling anyone what to do, just saying its antagonistic, and intentionally so, so don't be surprised with the reaction. And don't be a hypocrite by saying it wasn't intended to be that way. I've said things that piss people off but I don't deny that it does that. Own your words, don't play dumb, and don't be surprised when they react as you intended.

Your naivete is in assuming you can get other people to "obey" that sort of thing, and getting all dealers to play that way is like herding cats.
Look at the quote, I specifically say I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm not asking anyone to "obey". What the heck are you talking about.

They wanted the attention and to piss off the Libs, and it worked. Now you all get to deal with the repercussions.

Lol you really think that somehow is the genesis of the whole article? That magically if all 80 dealers were some derivative of "Soft pink muppet armaments, a transgender owned business" that somehow the glob wouldn't still be armflapping about "ZOMG 80 GUN DEALERS IN ONE BUILDING!!!!!!! ZOMG!!!!!" for a moonbat reporter thats a flavorful bone for them to gnaw on and that isn't just going away, regardless of what the businesses are named.

I never said any such thing, it's obviously just one contributing factor, which highlights an "i'm going to piss off everyone and it shouldn't matter", sure it shouldn't matter, but it does and those doing it should know this and should own that what they are doing will get a negative response.

The next 2 paragraphs are just fluff.

I don't think one business having an "offensive" name has much or anything to do with it. Does it help? no... I get it, the optics are crap, but that's NOT what really caused the issue here. They would still find something to yap about. Anti gun media is great at making shit up out of whole cloth.

Case in point- Bob's tactical, later came back as "Original Bob's" , etc. Back before they shut down EVERY YEAR there was some f***ing moonbat and an attendant local newspaper article or three bitching about Bobs because it was within 1000 feet of an elementary school down the road or some meaningless bullshit like that. The local media managed to manufacture this huge braying circus every year, practically like on cue about it, and it would occasionally get regurgitated every 1-3 years there was some range suicide

You should consider that while I'm concerned about my home state and firearms in general, my advice come from someone who isn't directly affected. The FFLs in the Mill could all be shut down and it won't directly affect me. I live in NH and I buy shit every day that Ma**h*** Firearms can't sell to you. My motivation is purely big picture. One shop that likes to stir things up ultimately means nothing to me.

Assuming gun owners and shops are going to act like the democratic party voters in lockstep behaviors is silly.

Please point out where I made that assumption. you can't.

I do think, however, someone (preferably a ex-moonbat/ex-commie news media type that likes guns, because they know all the tricks, having played for the wrong team for X years) could make a good 10-15 minute long video or slide deck about how most scumbag leftist media people operate and conspire to misrepresent, and f*** over gun dealers and gun owners, but I also simultaneously think that most of the people who would ever see that messaging are people who already know better. the people you really need to reach would never actually consume the information. Like we have people still running their mouths to reporters when meanwhile, in the past 5 years there's been at least two HIGH PROFILE events where bulk/lcd type gun shops like MFS and Gun Parlor ran their mouths to the media and (possibly) didn't do anyone any favors in the process. The only media gun owners and shops should ever be using is their own curated outlets/known 2A friendly venues etc. All the rest of them, glob, herald, TV, whatever, need to be kicked out and not spoken to.

Also BTW, WRT "the ffls could all be shut down". That's pretty myopic. This isn't the first time someone has said something like that before and it wont be the
last. There have been other threats other than just boring moonbat newspaper hyperbole. "The Mill" as an idea is way larger than one particular building, not easily "deleted". I'll just leave it at that.

Now you're doing exactly what the Globe reporter did, you cut part of a comment out of a sentence and present it to mean something other than what was said. Look at the quote above, or at least the entire sentence "The FFLs in the Mill could all be shut down and it won't directly affect me." This along with the paragraph it comes from simple makes it plain that it has no DIRECT affect on me, I am neither one of the FFLs or a buyer.

You're a relatively intelligent individual but sometimes I think you really need to slow down and read more carefully and consider you responses more thoroughly.
Maybe a little, but I doubt most care. I’m confident the Globe reporters are jerking off to the butthurt in this thread. Sad how far reporting has gone down the tubes — you look at these clowns’ Twitter feeds and they are clearly just looking for confirmation of their beliefs, and writing stories designed to push a political “end” rather than fairly cover a topic.

If they wonder why it’s so hard to get a comment from “this side” of the debate, it’s because people aren’t going to talk to someone who can’t even pretend to be unbiased.
I don't know why being a lying scumbag is something to be proud of.
But then again I was raised by people with moral centers.
I'm sure their kids will turn out the same if that's what their daily example of how to live your life is
Not quite as good as skinflint (I’m assuming @drgrant coined that term?), but a solid new term!!

@drgrant did not coin the skinflint term, but he has brought it to a popularity that it has not seen since a time when a man would not be seen on the street without a fedora that matched his suit coat. Probably on his way to the Duesenberg dealer.

Not quite as good as skinflint (I’m assuming @drgrant coined that term?), but a solid new term!!

@drgrant did not coin the skinflint term, but he has brought it to a popularity that it has not seen since a time when a man would not be seen on the street without a fedora that matched his suit coat. Probably on his way to the Duesenberg dealer.


My favorites are pant shitting and arm flapping. I laugh every time he weaves those into a sentence. And Faggotry.
Not surprising. People went out their way to point out these work arounds and now the left is going to use them as a justification to codify Healy’s directive and more.

Hopefully, at some point we will see the Supreme Court ruling help us out, but I fear, at least in the short term, all this bad PR is going to have very real effects on lawful gun owners in MA.
Yeah reading that article they sure have a lot of the info on the “work arounds”. The average moonbat would have no idea on those
Yeah reading that article they sure have a lot of the info on the “work arounds”. The average moonbat would have no idea on those
Not a surprise really. Most gun guys are helpful and a little bit of a know it all. So someone come is looking at the guns and claims to just be getting into shooting, But wished he could get a Glock, but those are banned. The helpful gun guy flexes and helps the kid out by telling him how to get that Glock. And so the reporter now has what he needs.

It's unfortunate that being helpful and promoting your sport/hobby, gets used against you.
There is no gravity, the Earth sucks.
You're a relatively intelligent individual but sometimes I think you really need to slow down and read more carefully and consider you responses more thoroughly.

Yeah I'll concede I had a gut reaction that read too far into your post. I’ll try to do better next time or better yet, not respond at all. The rest? im keeping it to myself because it doesn’t add any value here for readers and it aint going to change anyones mind.
I pay about 1/4 of the total monthly rent at the Mill and I've never heard from her.
Without getting too much into your personal business, do you mean from the FFLs?
I know you hold a lot of the leases, and this seems to be working out well.
Wishing the Mill and all its tenants unfettered and continued public sales. [cheers]
I pay about 1/4 of the total monthly rent at the Mill and I've never heard from her.
of course.. all's good.. no reason to contact you. skip a month and see how fast she calls... that'll indicate how much she values the rents from the building.

this isn't specific to her. I don't know her from Adam.. If that quote was true and sincere, her taking rents from those businesses she finds "mind-boggling" is a bit hypocritical. Or the almighty dollar supersedes her conscience.
Matters not. Littleton will be years working on their new sewer system which will have the leaching field under the high school football field. They call it their "Smart Sewer". Anyone who will want to convert the Mill to residential will have to pay megabucks to get on the system. Check it out. Jack.
The town sucks ass. The water is full of PFAS too.
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