Boycott List

MidKnight I've talked with a few people on other forums that have had their pay-pal accounts deleted for using them to purchase firearms.
Token effort to stay on-thread: I believe Paypal won't support a true firearm purchase through GunsAmerica or AuctionArms.

Locking blades! My full-size SOG has locking blades. What a joy! I am careful to use the blade on my mini- SOG only with the handles shut to keep from closing the blade on my hand.

During my last milex @ wonderful LZ Parrot, Camp LeJeune; my comm bubba closed his brand new Leatherman blade on his thumb. Cut to the bone. I will say this: Leatherman blades are sharp.
Needed a new comm bubba.
Ray P said:
Yep, that Lucas. Even swapping out the VR & distribuor "inerds" for solid state hasn't saved me. Hadn't heard that last one about sporting after dark; cute!

I used to work on British cars. My uncle is a Jaguar fan and retired mechanic/machinist and have a friend that used to be a Triuph dealer.

Provin's in Pittsford, VT. He still deals in older bike parts, in case your interested.
Just made 2 PayPal payments today buying M1 parts, plus one Tuesday.

eBay owns PayPal, and they just don't want to get roped into someone else's illegal activity, so they take NO chances. I've heard of eBay sales that were legal nationally, but not where the buyer was.

They're NOT Anti-Gun, just afraid of lawsuits or prosecution as an accessory.

Just remember, your purchases may have been legal, but that doesn't mean everyone's is.

Please PM info on Provin's. Another potential source of parts is always a joy. As is, daughter wants to rebuild a Honda 200T this winter. More parts. At least I won't need new wrenches.
Ray P said:
Locking blades! My full-size SOG has locking blades. What a joy! I am careful to use the blade on my mini- SOG only with the handles shut to keep from closing the blade on my hand.

During my last milex @ wonderful LZ Parrot, Camp LeJeune; my comm bubba closed his brand new Leatherman blade on his thumb. Cut to the bone. I will say this: Leatherman blades are sharp.
Needed a new comm bubba.

My Super Leatherman has locking blades. My standard does not. and I agree about it being tough on the hands when you're trying to exert some force... this model has the open parts of the handles facing outward, where you put pressure on. Not a real good design.
Emerald square mall

Republic of Mass said:
Emerald Square Mall in N Attleboro is anti, per their security.

I spoted a vehicle w/ the keys hanging out of the trunk lock. I walked down to security and told them, and said I'de walk a Ninja back to the car to retrieve them. On the way up, I struck up a conversation, sorta busting the guys balls w/out him knowing.
"Wow, you guys dont cary guns? thats dangerous!"
"No its not, we dont allow guns in here"

My 229 .40 was about 18" away from him, it was hard to keep a strait face. I havent been back since.

I've open carried in there on three occcations 2 of which I saw security look at my piece and keep walking....Springfield 1911 full-size IWB extra mag on opposite hip

Never had a problem
mark056 said:
"Just one person's opinion!" l.


I thought that was a great post.


Thanks Mark.

I just tried to put some perspective on it. Always try to look at it from the other person's point of view.

Strong and believable rumor had it that one of my former DEC bosses was a philanderer (yup, I saw him in action one time) and the rumor goes that his wife paid him a call at work, apparently waving a gun around and threatening him with it (totally believable). The story is that after that incident they decided to lock the building doors (up to that point, essentially anyone could walk into whatever building they wanted to at the Mill) and wrote a "no weapons" policy. It's too bad she didn't blow his balls off!! He was a good-for-nothing pothead . . . I almost fell over from the stench of marijuana as he walked into the plant one morning, right by me in the hallway. Another supervisor was a drug dealer (I found out much later). Yup, the Board Shop was a very "happy place"!! [roll]

After the alleged incident (which happened before I joined DEC in 1980), I can understand why they created a CYA policy. But they didn't actively search people or seek out offenders. One FFL used to have S&W boxes (full) sitting in his office frequently. [His boss was a hunter and knew about it . . . the boss was also related to Mike Yacino. [lol] ]. I know that there were other guns in the facility at various times! We also had a strong gun owner community there (Notesfiles much like this forum) and some offices had targets hanging up.
I boycott Burger King. Was forced to eat there tonight and for the third time out of three times ever eating at a burger king I think I may have to go to the hospital for food poisoning. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me three times...........well...........I'll prob just end up eating at another one a few years from now when there is no other food place for miles and miles around and stupidly order and then get sick again and go to the hospital.

And as far as the whole blade/utility knife thing goes. Swiss army. My new multi multi function swiss army has a usb file storage card inside the knife so I can transport classified files to and from work......... that is..... if I was allowed to bring any type of knife into the lab....which I'm not. But if I did I'm sure I would keep all sorts of awesome secret information on it.... and not just lady pictures.

Just a little bit more useless information from Grifter to waste your time and possibly make you smile.
Grifter said:
Just a little bit more useless information from Grifter to waste your time and possibly make you smile.

It worked... I'm smiling.

Just out of curiousity, though... why can't you have a pocket knife with you in the lab? (I'm sure that it's a policy, but I was wondering what the reasoning is behind it.)
Wow, I would freak out. I use my pocket knife in my lab all the time. I mean, it's called a lab, but it's really a server room. But I still use it all the time.

When I was younger and working in a clean room, we couldn't have a knife in the lab either. But it was for sanatary reasons. Like you couldn't wear deordorant, or the girls coudln't wear hair and face stuff.
Because I could accidentally use my personal utility knife to do something and it could contaminate evidence. It's definately not for the protection of co workers, trust me the ballistics area is extremely lax with how they work. I would go there before using my own knife.

As far as deodorant we are allowed to wear it as long as it isn't highly scented. We aren;t allowed to wear cologne though which hurts my groove a little.
Re: Emerald square mall

GPK007 said:
I've open carried in there on three occcations 2 of which I saw security look at my piece and keep walking....Springfield 1911 full-size IWB extra mag on opposite hip

Never had a problem

Is open carry even legal in MA except for employment reasons?
Grifter said:
Because I could accidentally use my personal utility knife to do something and it could contaminate evidence.

OK. I was just wondering. I thought it might be something like that but couldn't see how.

Boy, you must be fun to watch CSI with... can you watch any of the CSI's without giggling?
Re: Emerald square mall

SiameseRat said:
GPK007 said:
I've open carried in there on three occcations 2 of which I saw security look at my piece and keep walking....Springfield 1911 full-size IWB extra mag on opposite hip

Never had a problem

Is open carry even legal in MA except for employment reasons?

Of COURSE it is. Isn't concealed carry illegal with a class B?
Re: Emerald square mall

Coyote33 said:
SiameseRat said:
GPK007 said:
I've open carried in there on three occcations 2 of which I saw security look at my piece and keep walking....Springfield 1911 full-size IWB extra mag on opposite hip

Never had a problem

Is open carry even legal in MA except for employment reasons?

Of COURSE it is. Isn't concealed carry illegal with a class B?

Yes, concealed carry is illegal with a class B. I was under the impression that with a class B you were only entitled to posess guns and carry them while locked in a container. I thought you had to have a class A in order to carry a gun on your person. And in that case it has to be concealed otherwise you are guilty of brandishing or otherwise offending the masses...
Who was kidding? GPK? Somehow I doubt it.

I dont recall seeing concealed in the working anywhere in MGL, it's carrying on one's person.

ok ill stop there
"(b) A Class B license shall entitle a holder thereof to purchase, rent, lease, borrow, possess and carry: (i) non-large capacity firearms and feeding devices and ammunition therefor, for all lawful purposes, subject to such restrictions relative to the possession, use or carrying of such firearm as the licensing authority deems proper; provided, however, that a Class B license shall not entitle the holder thereof to carry or possess a loaded firearm in a concealed manner in any public way or place;"

Open cary of neutered firearms ok on class B. Interesting.

IIRC, isnt a "non large capacity" a firearm that has NEVER had a large-capacity feeding device made for it? Ex a standard 1911, or 239.
But, a 229 with a restricted mag doesnt count, correct? Because large capacity mags are available for that model?
Sorry, been busy with a problem computer and playing Josephine the plumber so I'll have clean clothes to wear tomorrow at BR&P!

Carrying openly is NOT illegal per MGLs. HOWEVER, even Chief Ron Glidden has stated numerous times that if doing so causes anyone to dial 911, they MUST respond, investigate and admonish the carrier to conceal it (LTC-A only). If someone is a repeat offender, they notify the licensing authority and suggest that the person is "not suitable".

Scrivener can (maybe) talk about the poor fellow from Dedham (he's a member here, posted a few and disappeared) who lost his LTC because a breeze blew his jacket back and exposed his CCW as he was carrying 2 pizzas out of a restaurant in Dedham Square. The Dedham chief claimed he "wasn't suitable" due to that incident! It's been numerous years and untold amount of money in his attempt to get his LTC back!

Unless you have a LE badge beside the holster, I would NOT recommend doing it at all, except in your own store (or gunshop if an employee) or property.

Caveat emptor!
dwarven1 said:
Grifter said:
Because I could accidentally use my personal utility knife to do something and it could contaminate evidence.

OK. I was just wondering. I thought it might be something like that but couldn't see how.

Boy, you must be fun to watch CSI with... can you watch any of the CSI's without giggling?

I like CSI Las Vegas. The origional and the only one I can stand. CSI New York. tries to hard to be gritty and the crap fake new york accent picc me off. CSI Miami is all about eye candy.

Anyways, I like how they have a never ending budget on these shows. how the lab can run any test without having to fill out a books worth of paperwork to even turn the machine on. How everyone is good looking. Plus on all shows, everyone in the lab is from that area. I don't understand this. Normally you have to put your resume out there and jump at the first city that has an opening. These guys must just ALL be lucky.

Anyways as far as the show goes I know for a fact that they little little hints for people familiar with law enforcement of lab knowledge. So basically I figure it out before anyone I watch it with, hence why noone likes to watch it with me anymore because I blurt out what happened, i can't keep it inside. Unfortunately it makes me feel smart to yell it out. lol I don't get to yell at work.
The "CSI effect". It is destroying juries and whitnesses everywhere.

I had one crazy b**** come in after her house was robbed. "I need to get fingerprinted for comparison". I call the officer (at home) who was investigating. He said no prints were lifted from the scene, therefore he never told her about it. Explained this to her. She insists we still need to print her. Sure... and ma'am, I need to 10-15 hair samples from diff parts of your body, because thats how they did it on TV. Hold on while I get those results right back to ya... in 18 months......
The real problem with CSI:

The citizens start to think cops should apply every possible gee-whiz technology towards solving a piddly little property crime.
I copied this from a thread on The High Road about Paypal

I realize this statement is nothing new and it's often overlooked by fools like myself. I didn't head the warnings that others have been giving. I've continued to use paypal to sell "firearm related" stuff and I never had a problem, until now. I sold a Sig P229 to a guy who wanted to use paypal. After recieving the payment I tried to transfer funds to my bank account and that's when things went downhill. I recieved an email from paypal tonight stating that my account has been "limited" and my funds transfer cancelled. Turns out they hold all funds for 180 days for accounts that are limited, and if you are limited because of firearms, there is no appeal.

After some heated discussion with paypal management over the phone, they still refused to give me access to that money. I did manage to convince them to refund the money to the buyer. I don't know the status of his account but I'm fearful that he's "limited" as well. Anyway, just a warning to those knuckleheads who are like me. Don't use paypal. When asked for clarification about their policy the manager said "basically anything firearm related will get you shut down if we catch it. Our investigators even look at internet forums and follow-up on deals the find there.

The one exception with PayPal is eBay purchases. I do that all the time, and PayPal is an eBay company.

They're not anti-gun, they're just scared of prosecution and frivolous lawsuits. Nothing more than that.

And paying for a firearm through PayPal, well, that isn't a good idea.
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