My club holds events too. And sometimes the ranges are closed. They are closed a lot less now than they were in the past but since it's a 35 minute ride I check the calendar for the obvious and then if I am still suspicious I e-mail the R&P committee and they usually get back to me pretty quickly. I have never had an issue. We have a pretty good web guy too who does all those updates but since I hate wasting the trip I usually do a little extra follow up.
If the e-mail responses are factual and they seem to be maybe there is some history between the pres and the club member that we are not privy to...if those e-mails are real then that suggests some history or some serious instability on at least one
I saw the president at orientation and once in the club house. No history. If he contacted me and said that he didn't send those emails I would have been very receptive. He did not.