The following is posted per request of the president of Braintree Rifle & Pistol Club. The following info was explained in detail at the Annual Meeting on Sunday for those assembled (~325-350 were present) and the vote taken.
One thing to keep in mind is that BR&P runs as a fiscally sound professional org unlike every other gun club that I'm familiar with which are run like volunteer clubs without the vision towards future expenditures vs. income. I walked into our meeting thinking that 25% increase seemed high . . . until I heard the underlying numbers driving that decision. Eric also responded that the last dues increase to $100 (from $90 IIRC) was ~2004.
In addition to the above (and discussed at the meeting) they are investigating replacing the backstop in the "new" range and the numbers they are being given go from $100K to >$400K just for that project. It is not currently budgeted as they will continue investigating systems and eventually make a recommendation to the E-BOD and then the membership at a meeting prior to authorizing any work.
I was at the meeting, and I was undecided about the increase when I attended, leaning towards either a no or just not voting. After hearing the president speak, I voted yes on the increase. Better to start building a reserve now for when things get tighter in the future. I heard other club members voicing disgruntlement with the increase.
The two main complaints I heard were these:
1. Other clubs have fewer members than Braintree, so Braintree doesn't need to have dues that are as high.
I think there are two problems with this argument. First, I think one of the reasons that Braintree has such a high membership is due to the requirement that some towns had for club membership prior to LTC issuance. This has been struck down in court, so I would not be surprised if membership drops off somewhat due to that. Second, BRP is in the middle of a heavily suburbanized area. Many other clubs have more rural surroundings, and less danger from that avenue. Given what I heard about how the trap range is being used, which was shocking, this is a real problem.
2. I heard someone else complaining that things cost so much because contracts weren't being put out to bid and people were receiving kickbacks.
I have no way of knowing why this person thought this. I haven't attended many members meetings, but from the ones I have it seems that BRP officials are pretty careful about how money is spent. I am somewhat suspicious that these people may just not be familiar with how much things cost now. There has been a huge inflation in prices of all sorts of things in the past 10 - 15 - 20 years, and if someone is not aware of that, they may be in for a shock when they need to do major repairs to their own home.