Budget .22lr

The best bang for your buck (pun intended) is a ruger wrangler that you put a wolff spring kit into.
They shoot like a dream after that.

After that, a cheap bolt action rifle, that you put a spring kit into.
If OP has the money for a Mark IV then he should have the money for a 3 inch LCRx. 8 rds, no feeding or jamming issues, if u get a dud just pull trigger again. Can shoot any .22 LR or Short ammo available.
If OP has the money for a Mark IV then he should have the money for a 3 inch LCRx. 8 rds, no feeding or jamming issues, if u get a dud just pull trigger again. Can shoot any .22 LR or Short ammo available.
I put my money where my mouth is and will become an owner of a Ruger Mark IV for the first time soon. 75th Anniversary model no less, so @drgrant will be proud to see I didn't buy something with that dreaded "negative value" GunAIDS or whatever the fukk it is that causes you to become a poor boy.
I have one of the 22S-1. Same as the 22A however a steel frame instead of aluminum. They are also very accurate with the barrels being made on the same line as the Model 41. I've seen them run from $250 up to $400. The biggest problem with these pistols is getting magazines. Magazines are out there on the used market but expect to pay $$.

I still have the same but I also have a bunch of mags for it. It came with the target grips but they were too big for me so I switched it to standards (still have the targets). I also have a bunch of parts for it including about 2 dozen of the plastic tabs. Then there is also a second 7" barrel (original is the 5" bull) that I mounted a pistol scope to. They used to offer a short barrel to but I din't want it. The other thing is that they are stainless, not just straight steel. Why they coated them with the cheap paint job I don't know:

I came to say the same. I have the 'target' kit on my Sig 1911 and it kicks ass

View attachment 954772

Thats amazing.

Op- taurus tx22 target.
Can't really go wrong with Ruger MK IV. They went from being impossible to take down to being the easiest takedown of any 22 pistol I've seen.

I got the volquartsen trigger parts to get a better trigger.

About a decade or longer ago I had a Smith and Wesson 22A-1 which I really liked, and they used to have a lifetime guarantee on them, not sure
if that's still true. But I bet they are inexpensive now used.
Had one years ago. I don't remember how accurate it was, but I did love how simple the take-down was for cleaning. Push in the button and pop off the barrel. The slide might have been a little more hassle, but I can't recall now.

Steve and Brenda run @508Guns&Ammo. While I haven't personally bought anything from them, when I ask questions and am being generally speaking being an annoying tire kicker they still answer them.

Sharif of @KAG Arms is well known and also a good guy, even though he stopped answering my annoying questions, I'll still send him business in a heartbeat.

The P322 will have better options for if you want to go down a rabbit hole in the future in terms of mounting optics, and the extra two mags plus optic cut makes it the much better overall value.

The Walther P22 having second strike capability is useful when using bulk target ammo, but doesn't have an optic cut. Factor in you only get 1 magazine with the Walther and no optics cut.

Either gun would be a great fit for the very generic ".22 lr budget pistol" @lutstribe you asked for.

Who buy from is really just a matter of who is closer.

TX-22's are a great choice too but there are none for sale that are around at the $400 for a Competition model should go for, the $325 for a TORO RDO, or the $275-300 a regular TX-22 should be going for. Which is why KAG's now sold one for $250 was a smoking deal.
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Sharif of @KAG Arms is well known and also a good guy, even though he stopped answering my annoying questions
Yeah, we all find you annoying AF too, and we are not even selling you stuff! I bet Sherif has a special designation on his phone for ass pains.
He should limit questions to like 3 questions per month or something. Or just set up an auto reply message with a google search box.
On the 4th text set up an auto reply that just says... "We are done here... you have exceeded the number of questions a sane person should ask before making a purchase" with a link to Four Seasons website.

I am obviously kidding, but you know the guy has a full time job on top of running KAG Arms. I would be very respectful of his time or pay retail somewhere else that operates full time, so you can ask them endless questions.
Yeah, we all find you annoying AF too, and we are not even selling you stuff! I bet Sherif has a special designation on his phone for ass pains.
He should limit questions to like 3 questions per month or something. Or just set up an auto reply message with a google search box.
On the 4th text set up an auto reply that just says... "We are done here... you have exceeded the number of questions a sane person should ask before making a purchase" with a link to Four Seasons website.

I am obviously kidding, but you know the guy has a full time job on top of running KAG Arms. I would be very respectful of his time or pay retail somewhere else that operates full time, so you can ask them endless questions.

Ah. Sharif is Reptile's lingerie model?
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I like my G44, don't think it's hiccupped at all. Not hat I shoot it a ton. But no complaints at all.
I got up to about 5000 rounds through my G44. It always ran great. Never a problem. I shot it suppressed mostly with the accessory threaded barrel. (and a thread adaptor. Who doesn't make a .22 barrel in 1/2 x 28???)
If OP has the money for a Mark IV then he should have the money for a 3 inch LCRx. 8 rds, no feeding or jamming issues, if u get a dud just pull trigger again. Can shoot any .22 LR or Short ammo available.
This is why the LCR and other double action revolvers are the bests defensive .22s you can buy.

But I don't think that's what the OP is looking for.

One other warning. Rimfire cartridges require a harder wack to ignite reliably. So rimfire double action Rugers and Smiths all have stiffer main springs in them than their center fire cousins. That translates into a significantly stiffer DA trigger weight.
This is why the LCR and other double action revolvers are the bests defensive .22s you can buy.

But I don't think that's what the OP is looking for.

One other warning. Rimfire cartridges require a harder wack to ignite reliably. So rimfire double action Rugers and Smiths all have stiffer main springs in them than their center fire cousins. That translates into a significantly stiffer DA trigger weight.
The triggers are a bit heavy, but they're smooth and don't stack. All in all, the .22 LCRx is not bad and compared to the all aluminum S&W 317 (including an aluminum cylinder) is built for weekend plinking, but also is light enough to carry.

I would like to recommend Taurus revolvers, but I've never handled one of the new 942's and from all I hear Taurus goes extra heavy on the spring so the triggers in DA are very heavy. However, at $350 and you can get them in steel frame or aluminum.
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