C&R Purchases


NES Member
Oct 19, 2005
Watching the Hippos
Feedback: 98 / 0 / 0
Some of this has probably been covered before, so I apologize if I'm being redundant. I just haven't seen this specific question answered.

Does anyone have a list of dealers (distributors) that will ship C&R weapons to MA? I know that AIM won't and I understand why. There must be some that will, right?

Also, has anyone asked for a specific C&R or Mil-Surp forum?



If anyone posts the names of those who WILL ship here, that post will be DELETED IMMEDIATELY!

This forum is open to ANYONE to read it, if you think that only "good guys" come here to find out what's going on, you are sadly mistaken. I know for a fact that people have been burned before by what they posted on a public forum/eList.

The few brave souls who will ship here deserve our support, but posting their names makes them a prime target for the AG to stomp on them, thus shutting off that supply to MA FOREVER!

No-one to date has asked for a specific C&R or Mil-Surp forum here. I do think it sounds like a good idea! <Hint to Derek>
Garys said:
I see your point. Maybe someone could PM me. Then again, no one really knows me yet. Okay, never mind.


So come on out to Westfield next Sunday. Should be a few of us there. (You just have to convince us you don't work for the AG. Pointing out which is your elbow and which is your ass**** should do it.) [twisted] [twisted]
I don't know about Westfield, but I'll probably take in Lunenburg next Saturday.

If I can ever remember, I'll also show up at Ames for one of the meetings.

Garys said:
If I can ever remember, I'll also show up at Ames for one of the meetings.


Aim Surpless won't sell to MA

Sorry...not what you were saying. I lived in Ohio for several years. I'm upset because I used to be able to just drive over there and get stuff...

Too bad that we don't have someplace like that in MA.
Garys said:
If I can ever remember, I'll also show up at Ames for one of the meetings.


Gary, you might run into Bolt at Ames, but I've been to my last meeting at Ames. I've already advised them that I will not be renewing my membership next year.
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