Capital City 3 gun?

Nov 18, 2005
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
I was not able to shoot this match due to signing up for a match in Pa. No feed back or comments on this?
I went, it was a lot of fun. unfortunatly I DNF because of a shoulder injury (I wanted one more match before surgery and I am paying for it now) but from the stages I did shoot they were pretty straightforward, challanging stages with not a lot of goofy stuff happening. If I had a complaint it was that there was a bottle neck at stage 1 and 2 but that could be fixed with the addition of an atv for taping the 100 yd targets.
I went. It's my home club. And, I too didn't shoot beyond the 2nd stage. There was a bottle neck for the first two long range stages. After that things went very quickly with some fun and challenging close range stages. The match director and stage designer have hashed over a lot of input. A lot of things considered. A lot of work done to do Cap City's first 3 Gun. The next one in Maine be a lot swifter indeed. Step one is more ROs. I'll be attending the next class. :D
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