Carry at the MGH in Boston?




No no no. What I said before wasn't directed at K-Dub. I didn't realize the gender.

Now it looks like I got Way too carried away. I was thinking about one of my x-gf's. She used to call my member her "pee pee". So I put that comment in there.


Sorry K-Dub!! My butthole comments were not directed at you but rather an x-gf of mine who enjoyed talking about my pee pee and her butthole.

I'm laughing my arse off at all this. [rofl] I didn't misunderstand you.....we're cool. I knew you were speaking in the hypothetical.

P.S. A little T.M.I. about what your ex-girlfriend called your schlong though....I don't think anyone else wanted to know about that either.
I'm laughing my arse off at all this. [rofl] I didn't misunderstand you.....we're cool. I knew you were speaking in the hypothetical.

P.S. A little T.M.I. about what your ex-girlfriend called your schlong though....I don't think anyone else wanted to know about that either.
It was a form of endearment for her.
Of course there may be some leg humpers on the board who now wish to meet your ex, but getting back on topic, I would say that if there's a chance it would become un-concealed, or even print, then don't.

There is more than one doctor who carries everyday to work. Concealed means concealed.
I don't think a hospital is a school. I'd carry. It's really up to you since no one really knows. The only way you'll get "caught" is if the gun falls out of its holster (very unlikely) or if you needed to use it (in which case, who gives a shit?).
I don't think MGH is a school. Employees at MGH do not get access to any Harvard facilities (gym, library, etc). They probably have a policy against guns, meaning they could make you leave if they found it. It's unlikely that they would find it, but that would just be too much of a hassle for me.

If you carry, I would make sure you can keep it concealed at all times, even during the exam. Considering the doc might want to listen to your lungs, that would be difficult to do unless it's in a pocket or ankle holster.

If it were me, I wouldn't carry. Or if I did, I would take off the holster and put it into a bag or something while you're waiting for the doctor.
LMAO, you guys are wicked funny. [rofl]

So I decided not to carry today, I locked it up in my car.

All this has reminded me of when I used to work security at a hospital. We got a frantic call of a man with a gun inside an xray room. We arrived and when we got on scene the guy was in the room gettin his xrays taken, when they were done we went in and the guy freaked out asking why we were there. It turned out he was a state trooper. The xray girl told him that they called us because he had a gun on him, it had been seen when he had to take it off to get an xray, he put it on the floor under his jacket. The xray techs wanted us to take the gun away from him, he freaked out when the tech said that. I told him to produce his police ID, he did and told them I wasnt going to take his gun away, nor would he let us. They wanted us to call the local police and everything so we did, they never came, I ended up canceling them as we just talked to him and told him that guns were not allowed on the property and that he would need to have it locked up next time he came.
All this has reminded me of when I used to work security at a hospital. We got a frantic call of a man with a gun inside an xray room. We arrived and when we got on scene the guy was in the room gettin his xrays taken, when they were done we went in and the guy freaked out asking why we were there. It turned out he was a state trooper. The xray girl told him that they called us because he had a gun on him, it had been seen when he had to take it off to get an xray, he put it on the floor under his jacket. The xray techs wanted us to take the gun away from him, he freaked out when the tech said that. I told him to produce his police ID, he did and told them I wasnt going to take his gun away, nor would he let us. They wanted us to call the local police and everything so we did, they never came, I ended up canceling them as we just talked to him and told him that guns were not allowed on the property and that he would need to have it locked up next time he came.

The police don't have "more" of a right to carry a firearm than we do.
Well back in an earlier life I was married to a nurse that was in charge of an ER in one of the major hospitals and she worked nights. She had a license to carry and did so every night that she worked. Most everyone there knew that she carried but there was never any problem. Security knew as well and never caused any problems.

I can also vouch for those high roller rooms in the hospitals. I was admitted to one back a few years ago and they are QUITE nice. They are actually more lof a suite than a single room. Some even have butlers to take care of whatever needs to be done outside of medical things. You have a separate elevator to access them too.
I worked at the MGH almost 20 years ago so some of my experiences may be outdated, but their policy is pretty clear. As a private business they are allowed to not allow firearms in the building. Like the Fleet Center/Garden.

MGH Policy is as such:
"Firearms: “MGH employees, professional staff, patients and visitors are prohibited from
bringing a firearm onto the MGH campus and satellite facilities.”"

Link to the policy:

You wouldn't be doing anything illegal, however, I would assume once a staff member saw you had a firearm they would call security. What happens then is unknown. I assume you will be asked to leave, but that is just an assumption. They could call the BPD.

I have personally seen BPD respond to MGH. Also, BPD and the State Police will respond if necessary. In 2003 when the lady killed a Dr. and herself BPD and State Police responded.

My biggest issue would be what happens if they decide to send you in for a chest X-ray or a Cat scan. You will not be able to keep the Firearm in your control thus opening yourself up to issues.

With this information if it were me, I would store the weapon according to the law in my vehicle before entering the Hospital.
I ended up canceling them as we just talked to him and told him that guns were not allowed on the property and that he would need to have it locked up next time he came.

. . . which may well violate department policy and you can guess which "rule" wins in this case! [And something I fully agree with!]

Anyway if this was in MA, no business "rule" can force a LEO to disarm. NU tried to do that some years ago when <allegedly> an officer's gun went off while attending college (night school) there. The story that I heard (this was probably 25-30 yrs ago) was that a stairwell railing caught in his trigger guard as he was walking up the stairs. It was a head-scratcher to me (no way I can imagine this happening), so I'm only reporting what I was told. [Back in those days I was personal friends with the head of campus police, a number of VPs and speaking terms with the college president. Not sure who told me the story.] NU was sadly advised that MGLs does not allow them to mandate disarmament of officers at any time.

Only case where I can see a hospital "mandate" being acceptable (and enforceable) would be if the person was a patient who was about to undergo general anesthesia. When they come out of it they tend to be confused (my Wife was after her back surgery last Spring/Summer, she didn't know what day it was or where she was) until the anesthesia wears off. My oral surgeon in Brockton raised this question/issue before I had two dental implants in January. I opted for local (Novocaine) and thus it was no issue that I was armed while in the chair. For the record, he's a hunter and pro-2A guy so we talk guns whenever I'm in his office. For the same reason, they don't allow patients who undergo general anesthesia to drive themselves home after the surgery either.
I've had a chest x-ray while armed. They only had me take off my shirt and gun was well concealed such that it wouldn't come up on the film. [wink]

I've never had a CT-scan but have brought my Wife to get them. When they strip down, they leave their things in a locked locker, that suffices for legality of storage of a firearm. Not sure that I'd do that, but it would be legal. Certainly it is a reasonable solution for a state trooper, who should always be armed.
I've had a chest x-ray while armed. They only had me take off my shirt and gun was well concealed such that it wouldn't come up on the film. [wink]

How much lube did you use to get it in there? How much to get it out?
Did it bleed at all?
How much lube did you use to get it in there? How much to get it out?
Did it bleed at all?

-3 for being a wiseass!

You obviously never heard of pockets or ankle holsters. It must be nice to have anal vision! [thinking]
Yes. It is one of these floors I am talking about.
Special floors, special treatment.
Not all of them are paying cash.
Some are family member of those who work at the hospital, people in position of power of influence as well as just plain rich people.

Often times it's not the patient who requests the room. Sometimes it's simply the hospital staff who recognizes them and will assign them there. Which would be fine but it just means that famous or recognizable people may get better treatment for the heck of it.

If you're paying for it, fine. If someone recognizes you from a movie and decides you should be be there (for no extra charge) then its a little unsettling to me. There are others just as sick or more and aren't famous.

I work at an institution which in next door to MGH and has some affiliation. Certainly this occurs as described. It bothers me a little that when even a minor celebrity shows up there is a greeting party that welcomes him/her, escorts them to a waiting elevator that is locked off to the public. They then are seen by the doctor with no wait at all. I think this has to do more with celebrity worship and ensuring that this "VIP" only has good things to say about the hospital.
Who even knows how the billing is done.
Nobody should be surprised by this though. This happens in all aspects of society: presidential inaugurations, resteraunts,etc.
Healthcare is a business like all others and shouldn't be seen as deserving of a higher standard. Nor should Doctors be seen as infallible and above the law. The stories I could tell about this.
Based on whose opinion? Yours? Are you an attorney? Does the Suffolk County DA agree with you on this?

I'm not saying that it is and I'm not saying that it isn't. I frankly don't know. It is certainly a teaching hospital and some instruction of medical students occurs at that location. are we supposed to know where we can and can't carry? All I know is that we can't carry in federal buildings and schools and bars. Is that the list?

and how is one supposed to know in cases like this that it qualifies as a school (if it does). Unless it's name is clear, there's no obvious way to know...are we really supposed to research ownership etc every time we go to a new place?? I wouldn't have expected a problem here just because "teaching may occur" here. By that logic, we can't carry in hair salons either since an apprentice can be considered a student? and hell, if an apprentice is a student, we can't carry in locations where an electricial apprentice might be working that day (ok, i know this is a little too far but...)
I carry in a bar quite regularly. Although I don't drink I do have friends that I meet there.
Since when is a bar off limits to CCW?

ok, so when I say "all I know", I should say, I repeatedly see/hear that bars were off limits (or establishments where primary business is booze). I've found posts on NES that debate the argument too.

ok, so is there a definitive list of places we can and can't carry?
ok, so when I say "all I know", I should say, I repeatedly see/hear that bars were off limits (or establishments where primary business is booze). I've found posts on NES that debate the argument too.

ok, so is there a definitive list of places we can and can't carry?

Not that I'm aware of. There is federal law. I'm also aware of MGL Chapter 269 Section 10J:

(j) Whoever, not being a law enforcement officer, and notwithstanding any license obtained by him under the provisions of chapter one hundred and forty, carries on his person a firearm as hereinafter defined, loaded or unloaded or other dangerous weapon in any building or on the grounds of any elementary or secondary school, college or university without the written authorization of the board or officer in charge of such elementary or secondary school, college or university shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. For the purpose of this paragraph, “firearm” shall mean any pistol, revolver, rifle or smoothbore arm from which a shot, bullet or pellet can be discharged by whatever means.

Any officer in charge of an elementary or secondary school, college or university or any faculty member or administrative officer of an elementary or secondary school, college or university failing to report violations of this paragraph shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars.

As for a "definitive list", never seen one. But if you don't believe me about bars, call up Cross-X, Keith Langer, or Jesse Cohen.

ok, so when I say "all I know", I should say, I repeatedly see/hear that bars were off limits (or establishments where primary business is booze). I've found posts on NES that debate the argument too.
Point one out that gives a reference to Mass General Law then. There is no such law in MA. End of story. Other states have such laws. MA does not.
"point one out"? I'm not making an assertion or an argument. And didn't mean to take this thread off topic. I'll look elsewhere on the original question
"point one out"? I'm not making an assertion or an argument. And didn't mean to take this thread off topic. I'll look elsewhere on the original question

You said there were threads here that say that carry in bars is illegal. I haven't seen such a thread, so I asked you to point one out to me.
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