All a cartridge does is propel a certain diameter bullet, a certain speed.
To think that some new cartridge is going to be "the answer" to someone's shooting "problems" is stupid.
6.6 Creedmoor somehow "clicked" with the gun buying public. It propels great 6.5 bullets at a certain speed. Nothing more. Pretty much the same thing the 6.5-08 and 6.5 Swede have been doing since forever.
But Hornady did a great job pushing the 6.5cm and rifle companies jumped in and produced rifles.
Take Winchester for example, they are sh*t. The 350 legend could be a great self defense round and some companies are stepping up, but Winchester stopped producing bullets for their own damn cartridge. Winchester support of their own round is SH*T. Like moat of their factory ammo.
Or look at the 357 Maximum. Remington and Ruger did a sh*t job. Ruger developed the revolver to shoot a certain bullet weight, Remington f*cked that up and that cause erosion on revolvers because they used a lighter bullet (at least that is what the internet says). DW created the 360 DW, which is similar to 357 Max, but didn't push it. Both 357 Max and 360DW are so much better than 357 mag. The decline of ling range handgun shooting probably had something to do with this as well. 357 mag was a well established round.
With the 6.5 either the planets aligned, or Hornady put together a plan to get sh*t done and it worked. It is also a great round that can do what 223 and 308 do, without significant recoil over 223 and less recoil than 308 and finally there is the "cool" factor because it can "reach far". People like the "cool stuff".
Like I said earlier, it is like the Truck/Jeep that can go up a mountain, yet 99% of sales never leave pavement.
Anyway, I am happy companies are innovating again. Seems we went through a period of 20 years or so with pure sh*t. 25-35 years ago you had companies like Ruger, SW, MR, DW all competing to release bigger revolvers, more powerful cartridges and so on. Then it all died and everyone settled for plastic guns and 357 revolvers. The only ones releasing new cool stuff are the guys at MR. CZ destroyed their rifle division. Ruger has been surviving on their 10/22 and .22 handgun sales. SW just releases sh*t; they machine a rail, call it something new and charge $1300 for it. It is sad.