Chicopee Area?

Club Membership. Fairview sportsmans in Granby

I am not a member here however I've used the outdoor rifle range with a peer who is. 60 bucks a year is not bad at all.

Home / Navigate. Ludlow Fish and Game in Ludlow
LFG has indoor pistol range which is convenient for the cold dark days of winter, fees are reasonable. outdoor shotgun games but nowhere to shoot rifles if not the town PD.

Springfield Sportsman's Club
Springfield Sportsman's club in Monson. pistol pits, 25,50& 100 yard range & a 200-400yd range

Norwottuck Fish and Game | Amherst MA

Norwottuck is secluded and cheap. not a bad ride from parts of chicopee but that depends where in the city you are.

I'm sure you'll get some other suggestions. have fun, stay safe!
Indoor pistol ranges are awesome, Westfield had a pretty basic setup but still made a huge difference. Having a rifle range out to 300+ yard range would be best
Yeah just weighing different options. I know monson and maybe norwottuck are probably the only ones with that big of a range.
I heard they were always full (hard to get in)?
I'm letting my membership there lapse. Renewals went out in December and I got an email a couple weeks back they had not received mine in. While I have been a member for over a decade I have gotten tired with the lack of changes I have wished to see. I liked that they brought rifle from 300-400/415 ish and cleaned up the pistol pits(wider, better access in with your vehicle) but I would like to see some more infrastructure in the way of plate rails and target holders out for use. They recently (couple years now) put up an electronic gate for the pistol, 22lr and 100 yd ranges which, while convenient, IMO utilized funds that could have been used elsewhere to build shooting infrastructure but many people constantly complained about having to get out of their vehicle to lock and unlock the gate. SSC does not have much in the way of any type of target holders etc.
Last meeting I went to I was told they're at around 1900 members. I have been muzzle swept too many times by folks who do not have the attention to detail of the basic rules of firearm safety. Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction; keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot; keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
The club was not as large when I initially joined. In large people do not pick up their trash either and leave shit strewn about the ranges. This is not only a here problem, but has only gotten worse over the past 5 few years or so.

they've also got preserve area for hunting and you can purchase birds there to hunt. It is a good club, I'm not trying to knock it OP. I relegated myself to only going on weekdays as it mitigated much of the safety concerns I mentioned.
There's also apparently a shooting gallery on Tribly Avenue within city limits!

too soon?

Sure seems to be. No the first one in this area. Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t be the last.


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