I like that one.M1911 said:Can't we disagree without getting disagreeable?
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This can be an emotional subject. We all need to make an effort to be respectful to the other members in the forum. And no M1911 this wasnt written because of you.
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I like that one.M1911 said:Can't we disagree without getting disagreeable?
Why are you hung up on this "no means of retreating" excrement?Lugnut said:In this case I don't think he nor his family were in immediate threat of serious bodily harm or death with no means of retreating, so he wasn't justified in shooting.
adweisbe said:I don't think the Chief should be able to take his license away if he was aquitted (proper term?) by a jury...
Jose said:If that had been my house, I probably would have pulled the M1 out and a sackfull of loaded clips and started voting from the rooftops.
Definitely - but it's not a given the appellate law would fall down on the side of the gun owners.Cross-X said:This, if the Marine appeals the revocation, could possibly make for some very good appellate law in MA.
Cross-X said:This, if the Marine appeals the revocation, could possibly make for some very good appellate law in MA.
Lugnut said:I don't think you can blame the Chief for this one. I'd say Cotnoir was lucky he was acquitted- he shot a 12 guage shotgun out his window and hit two kids.... while he was drinking. Maybe some of those kids needed some disipline but come on... shooting at them? Even I have a problem with that.
Lugnut said:Can you share your reasoning on this?
Adam_MA said:Has anyone here actually seen the house, or a layout of the rooms?
Having the ability to "simply move away from the windows" may NOT have been an option. What if the place had large picture windows, and every room in their apartment was along the front of the building?
Without ALL the facts, NO ONE has the right to pass judgment. The jury had ALL THE FACTS, and they found him INNOCENT!
To move a jury in Masafreakingchusetts to find ANYONE innocent on a weapons charge, says a hell of a lot in my book. I'm gonna go with the jury on this one, and if they found him INNOCENT then so do I, and the chief can go pound sand!
It honestly does not matter to me if my chosen course of action would meet your approval.Lugnut said:You want to talk about excrement??? That move would just be brilliant.
You're probably right.Lugnut said:It's clear you don't know MA laws
You are definitely wrong.Lugnut said:and probably your own
Lugnut said:No one here was on the Jury (or in that situation) and has all the facts.
However, again not knowing ALL the facts, and based on what I've read so far I don't think he was justified in his shooting out the window. I don't think at that time he or his family's life was in serious danger of death or serious bodily harm...We all know that when ever we shoot a firearm at or near a person(s) we have to assume that someone can be KILLED or INJURED- he did that and I don't think it was justified... again only based on the public information I've read so far.
Wrt the chief revoking his license? Unfortunately a conviction isn't necessary for a chief to revoke a license under MA law- no one can argue this.
senorFrog said:It seems that laws are respected more than rights.
"Well the MGL says........so we just have to live with it....regardless if it's wrong..."
greycar said:Dan Cotnoir Defense Fund
Racicot Funeral Home
256 Broadway
Lawrence, MA 01841
Ka-ching ! I'm in for $50 in this morning's mail. I hope he fights this.
Coyote33 said:Geez, you'd think if there were any attorneys who were committed to RKBA! on here, they'd call the attorney listed here and offer some advice or to help defend this guy. This could be THE case to crack things open for RKBA!.
senorFrog said:How can you dismiss all contrary viewpoints because the poster was not on the jury and therefore does not know all the facts? Then in the next paragraph you convict him based on the facts as you know them.
Wrt the chief revoking his license? Unfortunately a conviction isn't necessary for a chief to revoke a license under MA law- no one can argue this.
senorFrog said:I think most folks are upset and expressing displeasure because it seems unfair to punish someone who has been found guilty of no crime.
Would you be upset if your chief suspended your LTC becuase of something you posted here? Technically he could do it. He could also do it because of the color of your skin, ethnic background, sexual orientation, maybe you have a bigger house then he does, etc. Doesn't make it right and you along with most of us would be upset about it.
It seems that laws are respected more than rights.
Adam_MA said:Has anyone here actually seen the house, or a layout of the rooms?
Having the ability to "simply move away from the windows" may NOT have been an option. What if the place had large picture windows, and every room in their apartment was along the front of the building?
Lugnut said:See my comments above.... no one on this forum agrees with this blatant abuse of power, if you take the time to read some of my other threads on this forum (not just this one) you will see a consistent theme.
Lugnut said:I don't think you can blame the Chief for this one. I'd say Cotnoir was lucky he was acquitted- he shot a 12 guage shotgun out his window and hit two kids.... while he was drinking. Maybe some of those kids needed some disipline but come on... shooting at them? Even I have a problem with that.
Lugnut said:Wrt the chief revoking his license? Unfortunately a conviction isn't necessary for a chief to revoke a license under MA law- no one can argue this. Maybe we can use this case to help redirect our energies and frustrations and work harder at changing the existing laws than arguing so vehemently against ourselves.
Lugnut said:BTW- I truly wish Contoir the best going forward. I'm sure it's been a very, very difficult time for him and his family. It would be good to get his perspective on the real facts... not just what was written in the articles.
Martlet said:You certainly seemed to.
Lugnut said:I guess there is a big gap between what I see as a chief's "blatant abuse of power" and what/why he did what he did in this case. Contoir was acquited- that doesn't mean he didn't do what was reported! Laws aside- I don't think it was wise to shoot into/near that crowd... sorry i just don't.