Clark Custom Cartridge Company

Dec 29, 2012
New Hampshire
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Clark Custom Cartridge Company; anyone heard anything, done business with them, shot the ammo?

7.62X54R 150GR BALLISTIC TIP AMMO 2550FT-LBS [762X54-NBT-20CT] - $25.00 : Clark Custom Cartridge Company

I ask because I'm looking for more 7.62x54r hunting cartridges (I want to go coyote hunting with my M91/30 next season in MA, check the hunting section of the forum). I know of the Sellier and Bellot and PPU soft-points, but I never found any ballistic tips in 7.62x54r. Until I saw these guys.

So, any info?
x54r for coyotes?
what's next howitzer as a rodent control?
folks in russia take brown bear and european wild boar with x54r

I like my M91/30, it shoots great, I know the rifle, and I want to finally use it for something besides paper targets.

Also, coyote season is much longer than deer, and they arn't pushovers. If we had wild boar in New England, I'd try the boar. But we don't. And I don't want to waste time waiting for a moose tag. And bear is greasy.
I like my M91/30, it shoots great, I know the rifle, and I want to finally use it for something besides paper targets.

Also, coyote season is much longer than deer, and they arn't pushovers. If we had wild boar in New England, I'd try the boar. But we don't. And I don't want to waste time waiting for a moose tag. And bear is greasy.

I believe there is wild boar in NH that got loose from a farm many years ago.
I believe there is wild boar in NH that got loose from a farm many years ago.

When I looked up boar in NH, it seems that they are very scarce and you need to get permission of the people who own the boar. Coyote are plentiful and the state of Mass has no bag limit on coyote. Maybe in the future I'd go to a private hunting preserve or somewhere that has boar, but I don't have that kind of money now.

Feral Swine in New Hampshire

Can feral swine be hunted in New Hampshire?
Feral swine have no legal game status in New Hampshire, but are considered escaped private property and may only be hunted with permission of the property owner. Since 1949, feral swine have been defined in the state as animals “Running at Large” under RSA 467:3. In southwestern New Hampshire, where the vast majority of the state's feral boar exist, they are considered the property of Blue Mountain Forest Association, a privately owned preserve located in Croydon, N.H. Permission is required to hunt free-ranging wild boar that escape from this property. If permission is granted (which it typically is), you will need to have a current regular N.H. hunting license, and you must hunt within legal hunting hours. Note that feral wild boar are limited in number and are difficult to locate without local knowledge.
Can you even use 7.62 on Coyote in Mass?


MassWildlife - Hunting of Fox, Coyote, and Bobcat

7. HUNTING IMPLEMENTS: It is lawful to hunt fox, coyote, and bobcat with rifles, shotguns, handguns, or archery, provided that:
(a) on wildlife management areas stocked with pheasant or quail, during the pheasant and quail season, only shotguns and archery may be used;
(b) during the hours from ½ hour after sunset to ½ hour before sunrise, handguns are restricted to those chambered not larger than .38 caliber, and rifles to those chambered not larger than .22 long rifle;
(c) coyote may be hunted with shotgun cartridges loaded with shot not larger than FF, provided that when coyote are hunted during the shotgun deer season, they may additionally be hunted with those shotgun cartridges that are lawful for the hunting of deer (i.e., including buckshot and slugs);
(d) fox and bobcat may be hunted with shotgun cartridges loaded with shot not larger than #1 birdshot.
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